
the boulder keeps rolling

@owolau / owolau.tumblr.com

he/they - 20+

if i could jerk you off through likes and reblogs i would. never doubt that

if i could jerk you

off through likes and reblogs i

would. never doubt that

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


Was complaining to a friend that I was trying to draw Lex but it was just Hector ;’D oh well, free(?) Hector art

1. Farina boutta ruin this man’s entire career 😈

2. Got more than she bargained for (+1 pt for Hector)


“The whole place had the look of a picked-at body. But hot damn! What a beautiful corpse.” - Gideon The Ninth “He why nobody makes fanart of Canaan House? I should make fanart of Canaan House” I said before spending weeks painting this weird fanart idea while moving at the same time.  This is Gideon’s first time seeing Canaan House and it’s at its most beautiful.

Patricia The First is migrating to deliver her baby on warmer waters. She stopped at Canaan to get a little breath of fresh air.


This is hope, you see. It's from those who care about you.


Pseudo-metroidvania where you play as an only-nominally-sapient little slime creature who found the corpse of a badass deep space bounty hunter and stole their power armour. The central gimmick is that you start with what is effectively an endgame loadout, but the upgrade descriptions are all incomprehensible gibberish (because, you know, you can't read), and they're all activated by awkward and counterintuitive input sequences – imagine some of the more baroque fighting game inputs as a point of reference – which the player is unlikely to stumble upon by chance. The "upgrade progression", such as it is, consists simply of gradually revealing to the player the tools they already possess and how to activate them.

Speedrunners would have a field day with this!

Obviously this type of premise is more geared toward casual, no-walkthrough play, but if I wanted to appeal to speedrunners, what I might do is implement a speedrun option that flags upgrade use on your save file, in two variants: one which flags any use of a given upgrade, and one which flags upgrade use before the upgrade in question is tutoriailsed. This would facilitate oddball categories like low% (i.e., completing the game using the smallest possible number of upgrades), limited loadout variants (i.e., completing the game using exactly upgrades X, Y and Z and no others), and so forth.


i know that "unalive" is part of larger worrying trend of self censorship but if you really are in a situtation where you have to avoid the words "die" or "kill" the english language already has centuries worth of much better euphemisms. the iconic and perennial "six feet under"? the lovely imagery of "pushing up daisies"? "shuffle off this mortal coil"????? literally anything from the monty python dead parrot bit???? you have so many options. please try to be more creative at least


hunk of parmesan: i'm getting so small! 😁 keep going! i wonder if i can get even smaller 😯

microplane, getting more and more delirious with lust as my knuckles get closer to it: he's ruight


Welsh is an official language of Wales. This means, legally, it cannot be treated less favourably than English in any part of daily life. So we have bilingual signs and sometimes the translations are… well just awful.

This is a classic and made the news.

Welsh reads “I am not in the office at the moment. Send any work to be translated.

Welsh reads “Wines and ghosts

Welsh reads “Warning workers are exploding

In English these drinks are alcohol free in Welsh the drinks are free “Alcohol for nothing”.

Um- Welsh reads “Free erections” yes really!

This seems a tad harsh “Injure yourself now

Wording is fine but the English and the Welsh disagree on right/left

The sign says “Parcio I Bobi Anabl” which is “Parking to bake the disabled” which I don’t think Tesco were going for.



Oh god! I literally lost 20 minutes of my life trying to explain this to a Londoner. No we can’t just let some random person translate our stuff! Welsh is complex, Welsh is regional, and by god if you get it wrong you will make an absolute tit of yourself!


The return of Free Erections! A great week in the Cambrian News.


This post made my day

“Many people seem to think it foolish, even superstitious, to believe that the world could still change for the better. And it is true that in winter it is sometimes so bitingly cold that one is tempted to say, ‘What do I care if there is a summer; its warmth is no help to me now.’ Yes, evil often seems to surpass good. But then, in spite of us, and without our permission, there comes at last an end to the bitter frosts. One morning the wind turns, and there is a thaw. And so I must still have hope.”

— Vincent Van Gogh

“If I am worth anything later, I am worth something now. For wheat is wheat, even if people think it is a grass in the beginning.” 

- Vincent van Gogh


mithrun's character arc is just like. sometimes what doesn't kill you DOESN'T make you stronger. sometimes what doesn't kill you leaves you torn up and shattered and struggling to function and nearly catatonic and in need of support. sometimes what doesn't kill you leave you secretly wishing it had finished the job. BUT life can still be worth living anyway.

and that means a lot to me.

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