
fuckin queer

@slykris / slykris.tumblr.com

kris, fae/they, I am over 18 fuck off

"we need less sanitized queer stories" yall keep saying fucking she-ra romanticizes abuse. you couldnt possibly handle less sanitized queer stories

"we need less sanitized queer stories" youre the one saying the locked tomb series is bad because you dont like the prose. based off of a quote from goodreads of all places. that was dialogue, not even the actual prose.

people keep reblogging only the first half of the post when the addition was the original post. ok

girl help. 4k notes

"she-ra fumbled its message" no! crucially, it didnt! it had the same message as the original she-ra show, which is "this lady is a superhero and is going to do superhero things like save the planet" and she did do that!

"oh but catra never apologized for what she did and they just let her join the good guys" thats a perfectly normal thing in childrens media, and the only reason yallre calling it out is because its queer and you want the perfect unproblematic queer media to exist. except that even if it did you would all find ways to nitpick it, which is the whole point of this post!


Also, notably, she did apologize. They just think it wasn't good enough.

They absolutely could not handle more nuanced media.

can we please pretty pleasr reblog this version,

Also, genuinely, as we get more queer art in general, we’re going to get more queer art that doesn’t appeal to You In Particular (reader of the post). You’re going to have to grapple with that before you’re ready to face any new queer stories, regardless of their level of “problematic”.


Yknow that post about that person watchin Parasite expecting there to be an actual flesh parasite monster.

Well I was readin “Invisible Man” by Ralph Ellison, which is a good book about a man tryna find his way in a world that doesn’t want him after his entire life plan fuckin falls apart (the invisibility in this case is metaphorical).

And I was NOT reading “THE Invisible Man” by H.G. Wells (which does in fact star an actually invisible man)

So I’m readin like ‘damn, this dude fuckin goin through it! The groups of power present truly do not see him as the man he is, but rather what they wish him to be! Making him, metaphorically, invisible!

And then he’s actually gonna turn invisible!!!!”


When I watched School of Rock for the first time, I enjoyed it but kept waiting for the catchy educational songs I've heard people get nostalgic about hearing as kids. I assumed Dewey was at some point going to embrace the teacher role and become, like, rock-music Ms. Frizzle, a role I expected Jack Black would be great in. (Also expected a dewey-decimal pun at some point.) Got to the end of the movie and none of these things ever happened.

Turns out the educational songs are from "Schoolhouse Rock!", and those are not the same thing.


You’d known, intellectually, that your heroic nemesis was a teenager, but it didn’t really sink in until the day their school called because your number was the only one on their emergency contact list.

Here’s the thing, okay? 

I knew she was young. Like, obviously she was young. A mask and costume can only disguise so much, right? But I thought, for sure, college age. It’s hard to tell for sure through costumes and she wears a lot of padding and armor. (Very sensible, it’s a dangerous job.) 

Still, I took it easy on her. No head blows, right? I also tried to avoid any joint injuries, because I suspected she was on a sports team. (Turns out she runs track.)

Like, sure, I’m a ‘villainess’ or whatever, but I’m not actually fuckin evil. I want what I want but I don’t actually want to maim some idealistic coed over it. Like, come on. Life is hard enough for young women. I know that.

And I got the sense that, for her, it was mostly for show as well. Sure, she thrashed the shit out of that fucker with the tentacles, but he was planning some sort of gory sacrifice, fair’s fair. Even as I went easy on her, I got the sense she was going easy on me, is my point. She pulled her blows. 

But. You lose sponsorships if you just let the bad guy get away, you know, and college ain’t cheap. Right? So she’s gotta make a show of it. 

So the newspaper called me her nemesis because we kept coming to blows, but mostly it was a show, and it was about 50/50. 

I should have tracked her down. I made a promise to myself not to, you know? I felt like that was crossing a line. But now that I know… shit. I’m kicking myself. I could have known. But I was like, you know, a young woman, the last thing she needs is some creepy old lady stalking her. I should have, though. 

Okay, so here’s what happened.


Joe Biden makes a speech saying Hamas are driven by the ancient desire to eliminate Jews. Hamas was created in 1987, Joe. Ain’t nothing ancient about them. So unless you are implying that Palestinians are driven by the ancient desire to wipe out Jews which is KKK cross burning level of racism, you might want to tone down the racist bullhorn that you are mistaken for a dog whistle.

Liberals were brought to tears by Trump’s racism will nod along to Biden’s open pronouncement to eliminate Palestinians and Arabs in general.

The first Hamas constitution had antisemitic language in it (quoting the 19th century antisemitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion in Article 32), but everyone who signed that original Hamas charter is dead.

The 2017 charter explicitly condemns antisemitism. But these facts don't matter to people who commit genocide. Antisemitism in one article of a document nobody uses anymore is justification, to them, for killing 50,000.


Is it rude to change the setting on the toaster for your toast to an extreme setting and not set it back to whatever it was before, thus requiring the next person to potentially check and change the toaster setting?

Depends on the normal usage patterns of the toaster in question. Normally it’s up to the user to verify settings before using it. But if the toaster has been set at the same level for the past two years, it can become reasonable for users to expect it to remain as normal. I still wouldn’t say rude in that case, you’re still using the appliance as designed, but perhaps careless.


happy smallpox eradication day to all who celebrate, which is everyone!

“On December 9, 1979, the disease was confirmed to have been eradicated, with the World Health Assembly making the declaration official five months later.”

“On May 8, 1980, more than two years after the last known case, the World Health Assembly formally declared the world free of smallpox.”

celebrate twice!


I have 2 pieces of cursed knowledge for you, OP.

  1. They do come like that if you shop in the right grocery store. I've seen pre-diced squash and root vegetables at Whole Foods. Probably not worth the extra money though.
  2. You CAN actually cook a potato soft in under 5 minutes IF you microwave it. In fact it might take as little as 3 minutes depending on your microwave. Just stab it with a fork a few times first so the steam can vent and it doesn't explode.

Narc Abuse And Why It's Bullshit

Long post ahead and tw for rape apology, homophobia, transphobia and ableism

I decided on a whim to do a deep dive on who coined the term Narc abuse and the ideology used in narcissistic abuse circles.

And oh boy I found some info.

The term Narcissistic abuse was first coined sometime in the 90’s by a guy named Sam Vaknin. Notable things about this dude is he’s a writer, a philosopher, a physicist and has npd. Oh apparently he might not even have NPD and is just spouting bullshit to get away with being an unrepentant asshole.

Fun fact he was arrested and jailed for committing securities fraud in 1996.

notice anything? He holds no qualifications for psychology or psychiatry. 

And even has this fun disclaimer on his website

Which means he has no credentials to talk or teach about NPD. Or Abuse. Or Domestic Violence.

I have combed through this man’s website, interviews and his medium articles and found some truly terrible shit. 

He’s misogynistic

Jacobsen: You agree with First Wave Feminism and Second Wave Feminism, and disagree with Third Wave Feminism and Fourth Wave Feminism. What defines them?

Vaknin: First and second wave feminisms (in plural: there are many schools) were focused on leveling the playing field and fighting abusive and exploitative practices such as prostitution and pornography.

Starting with the suffragettes, they focused on the franchise (the right to vote), equal wages, access (to healthcare, education, the workplace, daycare), revising the dress code (“rational dress”), the right to own and dispose of property, and converting marriage from indentured bondage to an intimate, hopefully lifelong equal partnership.

The third wave was a psychopathic outgrowth. While claiming to be inclusive and permissive, it was a defiant and reckless attempt to “empower” women by eliminating all boundaries, conventions, and mores of any kind in all fields of life.

What women have garnered from the confluence of the three waves is that they should make their careers the pivot of their lives, avoid meaningful, committed relationships with men, and pursue sex as a pastime with any man.

Ironically, the third wave played right into the hands of predatory men (“players”) who took advantage of the newfangled promiscuity while assiduously avoiding any hint of commitment or investment. Third wave feminists internalized the male gaze (“internalized oppression”) and pride themselves on being “sluts”.

The fourth wave of feminism is focused on real problems such as sexual harassment, rape, and body shaming as well as intersectionality (discrimination of women who belong to more than one minority). In many ways, it is an offshoot of second wave feminism.


Philosophically, there is little difference between a narcissist who seeks to avoid his True Self (and positively to become his False Self) – and a transsexual who seeks to discard his true gender. But this similarity, though superficially appealing, is questionable.

People sometimes seek sex reassignment because of advantages and opportunities which, they believe, are enjoyed by the other sex. This rather unrealistic (fantastic) view of the other is faintly narcissistic. It includes elements of idealised over-valuation, of self-preoccupation, and of objectification of one's self. It demonstrates a deficient ability to empathise and some grandiose sense of entitlement ("I deserve to be taken care of") and omnipotence ("I can be whatever I want to be – despite nature/God").

This feeling of entitlement is especially manifest in some gender dysphoric individuals who aggressively pursue hormonal or surgical treatment. They feel that it is their inalienable right to receive it on demand and without any strictures or restrictions. For instance, they oftentimes refuse to undergo psychological evaluation or treatment as a condition for the hormonal or surgical treatment.

It is interesting to note that both narcissism and gender dysphoria are early childhood phenomena. This could be explained by problematic Primary Objects, dysfunctional families, or a common genetic or biochemical problem. It is too early to say which. As yet, there isn't even an agreed typology of gender identity disorders – let alone an in-depth comprehension of their sources.

A radical view, proffered by Ray Blanchard, seems to indicate that pathological narcissism is more likely to be found among non-core, ego-dystonic, autogynephilic transsexulas and among heterosexual transvestites. It is less manifest in core, ego-syntonic, homosexual transsexuals.

Autogynephilic transsexuals are subject to an intense urge to become the opposite sex and, thus, to be rendered the sexual object of their own desire. In other words, they are so sexually attracted to themselves that they wish to become both lovers in the romantic equation - the male and the female. It is the fulfilment of the ultimate narcissistic fantasy with the False Self as a fetish ("narcissistic fetish").

Autogynephilic transsexuals start off as heterosexuals and end up as either bisexual or homosexual. By shifting his/her attentions to men, the male autogynephilic transsexual "proves" to himself that he has finally become a "true" and desirable woman.


There is, however, one element, which might be unique to homosexuals: the fact that their self-definition hinges on their sexual identity. I know of no heterosexual who would use his sexual preferences to define himself almost fully. Homosexuality has been inflated to the level of a sub-culture, a separate psychology, or a myth. This is typical of persecuted minorities. However, it does have an influence on the individual. Preoccupation with body and sex makes most homosexual narcissists SOMATIC narcissists.

Moreover, the homosexual makes love to a person of the SAME sex – in a way, to his REFLECTION. In this respect, homosexual relations are highly narcissistic and autoerotic affairs.


Militant Islam is, therefore, not a cancerous mutation of “true” Islam. On the contrary, it is the purest expression of its nature as an imperialistic religion which demands unmitigated obedience from its followers and regards all infidels as both inferior and avowed enemies. Islam is a young religion. At a similar phase in the development of their respective religions, both Jews and Christians behaved the way Muslims do today: paranoid, hostile, murderous, suicidal, fatalistic, apocalyptic, and nihilistic. Death cults arose in all these three monotheistic faiths.

A Rape Apologist 

Nonconsensual sex is a crime and should always be punished harshly.

But falsely promising sex by word or by abundance of unequivocal actions should be equally criminalized as a form of fraudulent misconduct.

Men should be able to recover costs and damages from these "playful" counterparties, including for distress and hurt feelings.

Promises - made verbally or behaviorally - are binding and should be kept: look up promissory estoppel and breach of promise (mainly in marriage). Leading on and misrepresentation should be a crime not only in business and should have adverse actionable and tort or public reputation consequences and not only in politics.


This fucker has said so much hateful shit i can’t include it all but I do say poke around his website and truly see how bad this dude is.

Narcissistic abuse as a concept should not be followed as a way to deal with abuse. It’s tied deeply into the beliefs of a truly disgusting man and teaches to dehumanise other people.

This man has dehumanised everyone to the point he thinks all women are narcissists for sleeping around instead of settling into a relationship with a man. 

Also they should be punished if they lead men on.

The terms you want are emotional, physicial, finacial and sexual abuse. 

I’ve read at least one source saying people using narcissistic abuse instead of domestic violence makes it harder for victims to get help since it is a meaningless term. 

I am fucking angry at the damage this man has caused victims and survivors of domestic violence and abuse. And at the psych professionals who picked up narcissistic abuse and spread it around. It’s fucking irresponsible and dangerous and they should be ashamed. 

My final words are don’t make monsters out of your abusers. They are reprehensible scum and you never had to forgive them but they are humans just like you and me. But dehumanisation leads down a slippery slope of acceptable targets and collateral damage. Which leads to human rights violations and more abuse. 


Medieval authors were so fucking funny. In "The Faerie Queene" this guy comes up to the main hero and is like "Don't go over to that cave, there's a guy inside that makes people kill themselves." And the hero is like "Bet." and goes into the cave. Then the old man (literally called Despair) is like "If you die, you can't commit sin." and can you guess what happened.

They also fucking LOVED King Arthur. Like 9/10 in any book published back then, there would be a King Arthur cameo. The original blorbo. He would just show up mid-story and be like "I'm on an adventure! But I guess I can lend my aid to you first since I'm so noble and awesome." And people would just eat that shit up.

It's beautiful that humanity never changes


"the prefrontal cortex doesn't fully form until yr 25!!" y do u wish to take more agency away from teens and young adults. y do u refer to phrenology to inform yr worldview. I'm about to undevelop yr prefrontal cortex with a baseball bat if u don't shut the fuck up

for the ppl who keep saying this is an objective fact, from the Wikipedia list of common misconceptions:

it's pop science. it's pseudoscience. it's phrenology. it's not real. it's being used as an excuse to call older people pedophiles and take away the rights of younger people. shut the fuck up.


small bird was VERY offended that I picked him up off the sidewalk like a potato chip. don't fall asleep on the sidewalk then

Genuine question @onenicebugperday !

I thought you weren't supposed to touch their wings, am I mistaken?

Thank you!

We're told not to touch their wings when we're kids generally because it is very easy to damage a butterfly's wings if you don't know what you're doing. If you DO know what you're doing and have better control of your hands than your average child, this is the best way to grab them if they won't just walk onto your hand or a stick or whatever to move them. They may lose a few wing scales but it won't harm them and they'll still be able to fly perfectly fine. Grabbing it by the body would likely cause it to flail wildly and cause more damage and legs will detach if you grab them.

Here's a concise explanation:

When you handle a butterfly, gently close its wings together. Using a light but firm touch, hold all four wings together and keep your fingers in one place. It's best to hold the wings at a point close to the butterfly's body, to keep it as still as possible. As long as you're gentle and don't handle the butterfly excessively, it will continue to fly when you release it and live out its life cycle no worse for the wear.


sorry i cant hang out i forgot how to mimic human like behaviour


I mean if you wanna just loom in the corner like some kinda creature that's cool, we just don't want you getting left out

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