

@adorable-orcas / adorable-orcas.tumblr.com

Beth. 19. Kansas USA. Anti-cap who wishes to see the Southern Residents. I have a passion for whales I've shared with my family my whole life. My favorites are orcas and humpbacks, without a doubt. I adopted L-119 (Joy) on March 13, 2015! Beautiful header of Joy by themagicof-orca and masthead drawing by me.
Blog started on January 26, 2015

Un-dam The Snake River!

The Southern Residents are in dire need of our help. We have lost J-14 Samish, J-28 Polaris, little J-54 Dipper, and now J-34 Doublestuf. These whales need our help immediately or we WILL lose them.
Contact lawmakers! Let them know why destroying the four lower Snake River dams is imperative to the survival of the Southern Residents. You can find phone numbers, email, and physical addresses here as well as important talking points to include in your letter. Please keep in mind that even if you are not a U.S. Citizen, you CAN still contact President Obama and Washington state Governor Jay Inslee!
Also, sign the petitions here, and visit these other sites to find out about more ways you can help. If anyone has any other links or ways to help, please feel free to add them!
Hope you don’t mind a long addition 
General Help:
Don’t eat salmon, this is taking away the orca’s food supply. This includes farmed salmon is extremely detrimental to the environment. Reduce water usage, electricity usage. Stop Toxic run off. Storm drains take harmful chemicals straight to the ocean. Use natural cleaning products that do not contain harmful chemicals. (Recently Ace Hardware began including signs for Orca Safe products! See Here. All the safe products are easy to identify and the advise written might help you find options in other stores too!) 
Donation Help: The Whale Museum, Center for Whale Research, Orca Network. Adopt a southern resident orca! Become a member of the Center for Whale Research! Petition Help: Support a Whale Protection zone for them Things Nearby/Visiting People can do! Responsible Whale Watching Heck- Land Whale Watching Citizen Science Let the Orca Network and Salish Sea Hydrophone Network know where they have been/are! Get involved in restoring Salmon Habitat in your area
Spread the Word! Reblog this, talk to people, reblog any source- sign petitions - GO CRAZY
(Taken and updated a little from my old post but some stuff I missed links may be broken)

Manta Ray Gliding Through a Sunburst by bbarnes380 A manta ray glides through a sunburst at San Benedicto Island in Mexico


Tilikum died today.

he was probably in SO much pain, and psychologically tortured through the end. Rest In Peace Tilly. I will honor your story by releasing more of the ugliness of captivity, and I'm so sorry you were stolen from a perfect life in Iceland to make people clap at you doing backflips for nearly 30 years in the hot Florida sun.


tbh i wish the southern residents got this much publicity when they died. maybe then the general public would feel more inclined to do something to help them…


Just out of curiousity, do you have the link or citation to the research that refuted Granny's age estimate? I don't follow things nearly as closely as I should/used to and hadn't heard of that


A paper was done in 2011 on the maternity/paternity of individual southern residents: http://m.jhered.oxfordjournals.org/content/102/5/537.full.pdf

The study doesn’t actually refute Granny’s reported age; it does, however, provide a detail that invalidates how her age was estimated.

Her age estimation was based off the assumption that J1 was her son. In this study, the researchers received genetic material from both J1 and J2 and tested it to determine maternal relationships. J1 is listed in this paper as having an unknown mother that was not sampled. If J2 was really his mother, the analysis should have shown this as they had her genetic material as well.


J55, Polaris, Dipper, Double Stuf, Samish and Nigel… Can’t believe they are all gone.


This makes me so angry. J-34 Doublestuf was my boy and I know it sounds silly but I really cared about him. The stupidity and greed that humans possess is so scary and just not understandable to me. I’m sad, angry, frustrated and helpless. It broke my heart seeing the picture of him so skinny. I’m looking forward to the autopsy - the not knowing what killed him is aggravating. But what I gather from that picture is simply starvation. Because stupid humans only think about themselves and not the entire ecosystem and all of the lives involved. RIP Doublestuf


This is the overwhelming feeling with me too. 

People just don’t care anymore. I feel so helpless and so desperate. No one with the power to do something about this gives a damn, they’re all ignoring the situation and one day it will be too late. It may already be too late because this won’t right itself quickly, just with the removal of the dams, the salmon need time. If they’re still there…

Money is the only thing that matters anymore, who cares that we are destroying this planet. As long as money keeps flowing to the right people nothing will change.

You put my every thought into words. This is exactly what I mean.


Well, now they're saying Doublestuf suffered blunt-force trauma around the neck and near the head. They aren't sure if his skull was affected as well.. It could be the reason for his death, but they need to do a complete autopsy to be sure. It could've been from a vessel strike. Which isn't good either. Regardless of if that was the cause of death, we need to respect whales and their boundaries!!!


The most saddening thing is this doesn’t need to happen, this situation can be solved but nothing is happening and until something does happen, these whales will continue to suffer and die

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