
Whisper Of The Heart

@whisperoftheheart925 / whisperoftheheart925.tumblr.com

Somewhere in the middle of no where, in the middle of clear blue air, you found your heart but left a part of you behind.

Archangels Discord

If you watched supernatural and found yourself wondering why there weren’t more stories in the show about our favorite archangelic siblings, and you decided to rectify that by taking matters into your own creative hands, or if you just want to meet people to talk about them to, this might be the server for you!

I know there have been countless times when I’ve read a fic and wanted to share it, or come across a song that made me think of them, because they live rent free in my mind. I’m hoping this server can be a place to share your art, your writing and your ideas about them, and hopefully make friends along the way.

Here’s the link: https://discord.gg/CyXnuk7UFa

A lot more people than I was expecting reacted to my last post about this, so I’m tagging you guys and I hope to see you around!

YANA: Well, even my title is an affectation. There hasn't been such a thing as a university for over a thousand years. I've spent my life going from one refugee ship to another. DOCTOR: If you'd been born in a different time, you'd be revered. I mean it. Throughout the galaxies. YANA: Oh, those damned galaxies. They had to go and collapse. Some admiration would have been nice. Yes, just a little, just once.

what the fuck, man. rtd im inside your fucking walls. what the fuck. insane fucking exchange. You'd be revered. REVERED. THROUGHOUT THE GALAXIES. GOD.


Apparently Miles is a JJK fan (in the comics)

If you put these two in a room together I think the result would be adorable 🥺

Anonymous asked:

missyrose/masterrose for the ship ask game?

so like what if you had this boyfriend right and he's fantastic, he's everything you could ever dream of, and you think it's all perfect. and then it turns out he's still hung up on his ex who kills people. for fun.

like god i know we never and will probably never get any master & rose content in canon but its soooo funny to me. there is no way around the master being the doctor's terrible ex. and rose being his new girlfriend who doesn't try to steal his body or murder him or take over the universe. and when people flatten rose's character, i find they make her a lot nicer than she is, they forget that rose is kind but god she's not nice, she is vicious, she can get mean as hell. if you put her in the same room as the master, she'd have the balls to get his ass. zero hesitation.

simm!master/rose is bleach blonde on blonde violence. missyrose is toxic yuri to the next level. i don't think rose could fix the master. i don't think rose would want to fix the master. the best the master could hope for is that the doctor brings him home and is sad enough about it that rose doesn't contemplate whether risking eating the tardis heart is worth turning the master into dust with a wave of her hand. but also. i think the master would respect that. the best way for him to like one of the doctor's companions, statistically, is for them to be a young woman happy to shout at him. i think he'd still be awful about it the whole time, because that's just how he is, but like. there would be a begrudging level of respect for who rose is and what she's capable of that might temper their relationship into a sort of frosty acquaintance.

a mutual understanding as well about who the doctor is to them, that they both love him but even more: that he loves them back so much that it's scary. (something that might bother missy less, but simm!master. i think if he ever looked how much the doctor loves him head on, he'd be terrified by it. which is why he doesn't. of course. he'd rather look down the barrel of a gun.) jealousy, too, because no one likes to share being the center of the doctor's world. (not even rose, except with a certain captain, as we all know.)

and i think they'd have fantastic hate sex on the tardis console.

[put any ship in my ask box and i’ll give my brutally honest opinion]


I still think that my favorite urban legend/folklore fact is that there are certain areas in New Orleans where you cannot get a taxi late at night not because it isn’t safe, but because taxi companies have had recurring problems of picking up ghosts in those areas who are not aware that they are dead and disappearing from the cab before reaching the destination and therefore stiffing the driver on the fare causing a loss for the company.


An occupational hazard of cab driving I had not previously considered

I love that the nola problem here is not “ghosts in my taxi cab,” but “ghosts are FUCKING BROKE DEAD BASTARDS & I GOT BILLS

Horror is when ghosts get into cabs and scare drivers Magical realism is when cab companies have to develop policies to prevent ghastly fare-theft


In a book about the tsunami in Japan in 2011, the writer talked about how there was a huge increase in reports of ghostly activity. Apparently in Japan treating ghosts rudely is basically considered the stupidest thing you could possibly do. For months after the tsunami, taxi drivers would pick up a passenger only to have them give an address in one of the devastated areas. The cab driver often looked up halfway to the destination to find their fare had disappeared. Not wanting to be impolite to the person (even if they were dead) they’d drive to the address, open the door to let them out, then drive away.


i actually fucking love the eclipse in a horribly earnest way i think it’s so beautiful that everyone goes outside at the same time and looks at the sun together and it’s crazy to think that in 20 years you don’t know where you’ll be doing this or who you’ll be with it feels so significant … I love this thing. the eclipse.

At last, we all touched grass


It's important to drink a lot of fluids when you're sick so that your body has the raw materials to generate gallons of snot.

I learned recently that mucus basically traps the viruses and expels them from your body which is why your body makes SO MUCH of it so now I just imagine drinking liquids as hiring a bunch of goons to take out the thrash y'see nyeehh see we taking back the streets from the bowler hat boys flush em out real good

Perhaps there are many problems which could be solved if you just made enough mucus

Reblog if you are solving problems by generating enough mucus


Here it is folks:

My definitive ranking of my least favorite bodies of water! These are ranked from least to most scary (1/10 is okay, 10/10 gives me nightmares). I’m sorry this post is long, I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about this.

The Great Blue Hole, Belize

I’ve been here! I have snorkeled over this thing! It is terrifying! The water around the hole is so shallow you can’t even swim over the coral without bumping it, and then there’s a little slope down, and then it just fucking drops off into the abyss! When you’re over the hole the water temperature drops like 10 degrees and it’s midnight blue even when you’re right by the surface. Anyway. The Great Blue Hole is a massive underwater cave, and its roughly 410 feet deep. Overall, it’s a relatively safe area to swim. It’s a popular tourist attraction and recreational divers can even go down and explore some of the caves. People do die at the Blue Hole, but it is generally from a lack of diving experience rather than anything sinister going on down in the depths. My rating for this one is 1/10 because I’ve been here and although it’s kinda freaky it’s really not that bad.

Lake Baikal, Russia

When I want to give myself a scare I look at the depth diagram of this lake. It’s so deep because it’s not a regular lake, it’s a Rift Valley, A massive crack in the earth’s crust where the continental plates are pulling apart. It’s over 5,000 feet deep and contains one-fifth of all freshwater on Earth. Luckily, its not any more deadly than a normal lake. It just happens to be very, very, freakishly deep. My rating for this lake is a 2/10 because I really hate looking at the depth charts but just looking at the lake itself isn’t that scary.

Jacob’s Well, Texas

This “well” is actually the opening to an underwater cave system. It’s roughly 120 feet deep, surrounded by very shallow water. This area is safe to swim in, but diving into the well can be deadly. The cave system below has false exits and narrow passages, resulting in multiple divers getting trapped and dying. My rating is a 3/10, because although I hate seeing that drop into the abyss it’s a pretty safe place to swim as long as you don’t go down into the cave (which I sure as shit won’t).

The Devil’s Kettle, Minnesota

This is an area in the Brule River where half the river just disappears. It literally falls into a hole and is never seen again. Scientists have dropped in dye, ping pong balls, and other things to try and figure out where it goes, and the things they drop in never resurface. Rating is 4/10 because Sometimes I worry I’m going to fall into it.

Flathead Lake, Montana

Everyone has probably seen this picture accompanied by a description about how this lake is actually hundreds of feet deep but just looks shallow because the water is so clear. If that were the case, this would definitely rank higher, but that claim is mostly bull. Look at the shadow of the raft. If it were hundreds of feet deep, the shadow would look like a tiny speck. Flathead lake does get very deep, but the spot the picture was taken in is fairly shallow. You can’t see the bottom in the deep parts. However, having freakishly clear water means you can see exactly where the sandy bottom drops off into blackness, so this still ranks a 5/10.

The Lower Congo River, multiple countries

Most of the Congo is a pretty normal, if large, River. In the lower section of it, however, lurks a disturbing surprise: massive underwater canyons that plunge down to 720 feet. The fish that live down there resemble cave fish, having no color, no eyes, and special sensory organs to find their way in the dark. These canyons are so sheer that they create massive rapids, wild currents and vortexes that can very easily kill you if you fall in. A solid 6/10, would not go there.

Little Crater Lake, Oregon

On first glance this lake doesn’t look too scary. It ranks this high because I really don’t like the sheer drop off and how clear it is (because it shows you exactly how deep it goes). This lake is about 100 feet across and 45 feet deep, and I strongly feel that this is too deep for such a small lake. Also, the water is freezing, and if you fall into the lake your muscles will seize up and you’ll sink and drown. I don’t like that either. 7/10.

Grand Turk 7,000 ft drop off

No. 8/10. I hate it.

Gulf of Corryvreckan, Scotland

Due to a quirk in the sea floor, there is a permanent whirlpool here. This isn’t one of those things that looks scary but actually won’t hurt you, either. It absolutely will suck you down if you get too close. Scientists threw a mannequin with a depth gauge into it and when it was recovered the gauge showed it went down to over 600 feet. If you fall into this whirlpool you will die. 9/10 because this seems like something that should only be in movies.

The Bolton Strid, England

This looks like an adorable little creek in the English countryside but it’s not. Its really not. Statistically speaking, this is the most deadly body of water in the world. It has a 100% mortality rate. There is no recorded case of anyone falling into this river and coming out alive. This is because, a little ways upstream, this isn’t a cute little creek. It’s the River Wharfe, a river approximately 30 feet wide. This river is forced through a tiny crack in the earth, essentially turning it on its side. Now, instead of being 30 feet wide and 6 feet deep, it’s 6 feet wide and 30 feet deep (estimated, because no one actually knows how deep the Strid is). The currents are deadly fast. The banks are extremely undercut and the river has created caves, tunnels and holes for things (like bodies) to get trapped in. The innocent appearance of the Strid makes this place a death trap, because people assume it’s only knee-deep and step in to never be seen again. I hate this river. I have nightmares about it. I will never go to England just because I don’t want to be in the same country as this people-swallowing stream. 10/10, I live in constant fear of this place.

Honorable mention: The Quarry, Pennsylvania

I don’t know if that’s it’s actual name. This lake gets an honorable mention not because it’s particularly deep or dangerous, but it’s where I almost drowned during a scuba diving accident.

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