
Country Club


Dutch - 18 - fuck rafe, stan drew - main is @turbonerd

OMG Nat congrats on 400! Would you rather smoke a joint with Kie and Sarah on the boat or join the boys for a beer at the chateau? 🥺💕 x x @country_club


i would definitely smoke a joint with kie and sarah. like bc 1. chillin with them is better than anything and 2. i feel like smoking a joint feels better than drinking cheap alcohol. i also vibe with kie and sarah more


Same tbh


Cart Girl | Rafe Cameron

Well, this happened. Also because of @ims0golden @queenk00k and @stargazingstarkey @jjmbanks aka the iconic Rafe sluts. Uh theres some plot and then just pure filfth, please enjoy.

Warnings: SMUT, cussing, underage drinking, public sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), oral (male receiving), fingering, choking, degrading kink, hair pulling, creampie, uh prolly some spelling and grammar errors

Word count: 4.6k

Fem!Reader x Rafe Cameron


i accidentally deleted the fucking post i hate it here anyways here’s the layout of the chateau, i went and checked the show to make it as accurate as possible


so we are all agreeing that JJ sleeps in John B’s dead dads room then


-part 6: off to the races-

a/n: hello!!! this update is a little more delayed than normal bc i literally did not know what to write about if im being honest yikes, like this literally took me three days to write. but now i have a ~vague~ blueprint for the rest of the series, although tbh idk who she’s gonna end up with still ugh. this chapter is titled after the song “off to the races” by lana del rey. also team jj is about to be in pain with this one, sorry!! anyyyyway thank you soooo much reading, much love from me to you!!!! xoxo, P <333🦋🦋

word count: 3k

warnings: some cursing, men being completely destroyed because they’re stupid :)) (we love to see it tbh)

summary: rafe and lux go to north carolina’s annual horse race 




Pope: When I said "bring me back something from the beach" I meant, like, a seashell.

JJ, struggling to hold a seagull: Fucking say that then!


Find your match: tag game

Hi lovesies, I kinda had an idea, after taking this test I found on @matstegen blog, about Creative Types.

So, I found out that, out of the eight possible creative personalities, I’m a thinker (the description totally suits me, btw lol). And I thought “How cool would it be if among my lovely mutuals I could find the other seven personalities that match and complete mine?

So here I am, starting this ‘tag game’…


  1. Take the test
  2. Reblog this post with what type you got
  3. Tag 7 mutuals to do the same!
Let’s find our matches people!

I’m tagging: @sweetgcreature @its-a-metephor-brian @bohemiandelilah @gottabecool-relax @instantezra @radio-ha-ha @littledarlingwellaway cause they are my squad, but if you want to try and do this, you’re more than welcome!

Xx 💖

PS: my matches would be Adventurer and Visionary

thanks for the tag @milamaybank 💖

i got the thinker && my ideal match is the adventurer


I feel like I answered a few wrong shdhsh but I got the visionary, and my ideal match is the thinker 😌

@storiesbymads you’re my match, but I’m not yours 🥺


I got visionary too @shawnssongs we are the same person

my ideal match is a thinker

thank u @socialwriter this is so nice and i LOVE the vids for each question

im a dreamer

and my ideal collabortator is the innovator

i got tagged by quite a few people lol and i can’t remember them all off the top of my head 

i’m a dreamer 

and my ideal match is an innovator 

( @pit-zuh why are we literally the same person though) 

tagging: @bricksatanakinswindow @sarahcxmeron @outrebanx @kiarascarreras and that’s it lol (i feel like i’ve seen most of the people i’m mutuals with already get tagged) 

I got tagged by a few people and I can’t remember all of them but @ad-infinitums so thank you all ily

I’m a visionary

my ideal match is a thinker


thanks for the tag!! i got dreamer and my ideal match is an innovator, and the description is pretty on point tbh


thank you so much for tagging me✨

i had dreamer too, but idk if that really fits. my ideal match is the innovator.


Thanks for tagging me! I got the Visionary. Fits okay i think. My ideal match is the thinker.

I tag anyone who wants to do this, it's fun and i dont interect with alot of people sadly


-part 3: you should be here-

a/n: hiii!!! i rlly hope u guys are enjoying this series so far, its super fun to write🥺 i lowk have no clue how im gonna end this at all so its probably gonna end up being like 10 parts tbh. this chapter is titled after the song “you should be here” by kehlani:) anyway thank u so much for reading,  big love and bonne lecture 💞 xoxo, P 

word count: 2.6 k 

warnings: foreshadowing to drug use, cussing, men being terrible and gross and also me lowk romanticizing rafe doing the bare minimum eek. also jj being ~soft~ and considerate

synopsis: lux tells jj a nice story about rafe, all while being mad at him. 


Ahhhh😍 keeps getting better baby!!! Really hope Lux ends up with Rafe without hurting JJ tho 😩

omg thank uu!!! 🥺🥺

tbh i have no clue she’s gonna end up with yet oops 

Neither does she eheh. Can't wait to read more!


-part 3: you should be here-

a/n: hiii!!! i rlly hope u guys are enjoying this series so far, its super fun to write🥺 i lowk have no clue how im gonna end this at all so its probably gonna end up being like 10 parts tbh. this chapter is titled after the song “you should be here” by kehlani:) anyway thank u so much for reading,  big love and bonne lecture 💞 xoxo, P 

word count: 2.6 k 

warnings: foreshadowing to drug use, cussing, men being terrible and gross and also me lowk romanticizing rafe doing the bare minimum eek. also jj being ~soft~ and considerate

synopsis: lux tells jj a nice story about rafe, all while being mad at him. 


Ahhhh😍 keeps getting better baby!!! Really hope Lux ends up with Rafe without hurting JJ tho 😩


-part 2: do you realize??-

a/n: hey!!! first of all thank u guys so much for all the kind words you’ve sent my way🥺 tbh i thought this was trash the second time i read it so im so happy you guys are enjoying 💞💞 this chapter is named after the song “do you realize??” by the flaming lips:) if u feel ever so inclined, let me know if ur team rafe or team jj out of sheer curiosity, i would like to know (cuz i lowkey dont oops)!! also i actually proofread this one yay😌 anyway that’s all i have to say, big love as always and happy reading!! xoxo, P

word count: 2.5 k 

warnings: just cursing i think 

synopsis: rafe, lux, jj, and the golf course. a recipe for disaster. 


I LOVE this!!!!


Coffee - Rafe Cameron

A little blurb inspired by the lovely @snkkat and her prompts: “Can I at least buy you coffee, for old times’ sake?” + “Maybe I’m meant to be alone.”

           Sunny days, busy beaches and sweaty car rides: it’s summertime and (Y/N) is on her way to Outer Banks. To her family, childhood friends and him. She was going home. After a long year filled with college, dorm-parties and sleepless nights, she was finally going home. Being taken over by excitement, (Y/N) pulls up to her childhood home. Though it may feel like it has been a lifetime, it has been mere a year since she had left home for college. Upon arrival (Y/N) is greeted by her family, helping her get her things inside and making her comfortable. Not much has changed around the house, nor within her family.

           That evening, (Y/N)’s friends showed up to her house with a kind surprise: more booze. The night was well-spent, catching up on their lives and dating-situations. After promising to spend the summer together again, they left to let (Y/N) deal with the hangover that would emerge the following morning.

           Instead of peaceful sleeping in and being awoken by the chirping of birds and sunlight peeking through the shades, the door flew open and her oh so sweet mother would kindly ask her to get some groceries. In other words: “Since your spending summer home, you should help out with the chores.” Trying to start an argument in vain, (Y/N) gave in and did as she was asked.

           Greeting a ton of familiar faces on her way to the shop, (Y/N) can’t waive the small talk. On the way to the store she walks past a little café and comes to a halt. Unknowingly to (Y/N) a smile started growing on her face. Thinking back to all the times she had spent at that café; be it just hanging out with your friends, crying over boys with Sarah or grabbing coffee with her brother after a ‘sleepover’. Thinking about the latter makes the smile, which had been covering her face, disappear. The one thing she regretted most and desperately hoped nobody would find out is Rafe. Or her relationship with him. The messy thought bubble is soon vanished by a well-known voice. Speaking of the devil.

           “(Y/N)? I didn’t realize you were back. How have you been?” The boy looks a bit tired, just like (Y/N). Or simply hungover as well. He is wearing khaki shorts and a striped salmon colored shirt. And as much as she hates to admit it: he looks good. Somewhat grown-up even.

           “Hey Rafe. I’m alright and I really have to get going.” She didn’t want to face him today. Not yet. Not now.

           “(Y/N), c’mon, can we just talk for a minute? I haven’t seen you in ages.” She lets out a sigh. “A year, Rafe. It has been a year.” Hearing her say that undoubtably touched something inside the boy. His head drops and with his hands he fumbles around his pockets. He looks almost nervous to be talking to her. “Can I at least buy you coffee, for old times’ sake?”

           Another sigh left the girl’s mouth. “Fine. I’ll have one coffee with you.” When the words leave her mouth a smile appears on Rafe’s face. It is a timid smile, but it’s there.

           Walking into the café brings even more memories back to (Y/N) and suddenly she’s glad Rafe is with her, instead of anyone else. The café looks exactly the same as it did last year. And be it coincidence or Rafe’s observant eye: the two of them were sitting at the exact table they were when they last came there together.

           “One espresso for the lady and a latte for me.” “Please.” she adds to the boy’s request. “You remembered my order.” Rafe turns to face (Y/N) and looks her in the eye. “We used to come here often, how could I forget?” They did. When they were hooking up the two would often meet at the café or spent the morning after to actually talk.

           The conversation went quiet as their coffee arrived. The two of them are silently sipping their way too hot drinks. Until he breaks the silence. “Why did you stop talking to me?” As (Y/N) is carefully putting down her drink she replies: “I had to, Rafe.” The boy starts looking frustrated but stays quiet. He bides his time until she explains further. “I just couldn’t take the lying anymore and I was leaving for college anyways. Why does it bother you so much? It’s not like we were dating or anything.” He doesn’t answer. Breaking the eye contact as he turns his face away from hers. “You’re right. We were just having sex. It would’ve been nice to get a goodbye at least.”

           It is true. (Y/N) never said her goodbyes to Rafe, taking away his possibility to do so. “Rafe, the truth is that somewhere between the fucking and lying and the parties, I felt like we had a connection and I thought maybe we could be more than just fuckbuddies. I know it’s a crazy thought, but I really liked you.”

           The silence showed up again. It was killing (Y/N). “Please say something.”

           “I’m sorry, (Y/N). I know I messed things up and, god, had I known back then you felt the same way about me” He pauses. He felt the same about her. “Maybe I would’ve manned up and made a move. I guess I just didn’t want to lose what we had.”

           “It’s fine, Rafe. It’s in the past and I’m over it. I really am sorry for ignoring you, but at that moment it was the right thing to do. I hope you understand.” Any tension that was present left the building. The thought of what could’ve been has been messing around in (Y/N)’s head for too long. “I do. I’m actually starting to think that, maybe, I’m meant to be alone.”

           (Y/N) punches Rafe in the shoulder. Not expecting Rafe to pull a pity card. “Come on man, I’m going to be here all summer. What do you say, friends?”

“Friends without benefits? I guess we could try that.”

Anonymous asked:

hello, love! would you be willing to read a jj fic i wrote? if not, it's no problem :)

Sure, send it through man :)


Can i get a vibe check please🥺🦞


of course country cluuub xd

aniek, i don’t click right away with a lot of people but we just matched. i’m so glad you shot your shoot into my dm’s xd you seem like such an empathic person, who gives the best compliments. you always make sure that your friends are happy and are probably always down to have a good time. at the same time you are a huge inspiration for others bc of your uplifting atmosphere. i think we would have a lot of fun spending a fun day in amsterdam, sitting in a café smoking the good stuff and talking about everything and nothing :)

555 follower function come celebrate with me


Yeah dude that would be fun! Youre so sweet i cant🥺

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