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sidebar GIF by the wonderful clementinerose! | pansexual WOC | tag: #usergraleister | Grace Tamara Hall and Everett Aleister Rourke II are in love; pass it on! | Diego Ricardo Ortíz Soto likes boys! | I ship Ryan Summers (Most Wanted) with everybody! | var fhs = document.createElement('script');var fhs_id = "5453532"; var ref = (''+document.referrer+'');var pn = window.location;var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height; fhs.src = "//s1.freehostedscripts.net/ocounter.php?site="+fhs_id+"&e1=&e2=&r="+ref+"&wh="+w_h+"&a=1&pn="+pn+""; document.head.appendChild(fhs);document.write("<span id='o_"+fhs_id+"'>"); var fhsh = document.createElement('script');var fhs_id_h = "3232406"; fhsh.src = "//s1.freehostedscripts.net/ocount.php?site="+fhs_id_h+"&name=&a=1"; document.head.appendChild(fhsh);document.write("<span id='h_"+fhs_id_h+"'>");

What does blaming James mean?

April 10, 2017, Monday [#107]

I’ve seen posts telling people not to blame James. I don’t know really understand what they mean, so I’ll talk my feelings on the issue.

I WILL NOT blame James for being pursued by Yasmin, because he didn’t know anything about it. He was honestly oblivious to it all until Yasmin herself let the cat out of the bag.

However, I WILL blame James if, in a future chapter, we get confirmation that he has agreed to be in a physical relationship with Yasmin to save his movie.

Because if he lets Yasmin use him in that way, he will be condoning her actions.

It doesn’t matter if he loves the MC, or if he hates Yasmin.

It doesn’t matter that he didn’t ask for this.

It doesn’t matter that he’s letting her do what she wants only because she’s a big player in Hollywood and his career might be ruined forever if he makes her mad. By saying yes to her, he will be condoning Yasmin’s actions.

The harder decision would be to cut her off completely, even if it means being blacklisted in Hollywood forever. That would be a huge sacrifice on his part - but it’s also the only honorable action he could take because the MC doesn’t matter in this case - James needs to respect himself. He needs to know that he will not let himself be used.

If he agrees to what she wants, he would be showing that he is willing to sacrifice personal integrity in favor of professional success. I would still be his friend, but I would break up with him as soon as the game gives me the option to do so.

However, since the end-of-book dance has been mentioned, I’m guessing he’ll agonize about the issue for a couple of chapters before courageously refusing Yasmin and flying back to the MC in a dramatic romantic gesture, most likely showing up the night before the end-of-book dance 😆

(Waiting for H.W.U. to come back, forever and always; 10/04/17.)

ooooooh my gooooood if James agrees to sleep with Yasmin because if he doesn’t she’ll ruin his entire career and future that isn’t consent that is rape

Like??? Do you not realize how shitty of a situation James is in and it’s not as easy as just walking away? He’s not condoning Yasmin’s actions???? He’s scared and confused and trapped between a rock and a hard place and it’s not that easy it’s not that easy. It’s not him going “yeah lol she’s threatening my career and future but it’s cool” it’s him being forced into something he doesn’t want but doesn’t see a way out of.

This is so unsympathetic towards his situation please block me.

[R #22] @piixelberry​: Maybe that’s where we’re not understanding each other?

I’m going to say some things now. With sensitive topics like this, statements can appear sarcastic or mocking, and I certainly don’t intend on being either of those things, so I would like to ask you to imagine me saying what you read after this in a thoughtful, curious way.

I think what’s confusing me about people’s reactions is their definition of rape versus what I’ve always thought was the definition of rape.

I am not saying it isn’t rape.

I’m just saying that it’s hard for me, personally, to view it as rape.

With James, personally, I am having a hard time seeing it that way because of his unique set of circumstances.

The thing is, Yasmin may be this hot-shot agent, but she’s not the only agent in Hollywood. She may seem like this industry giant to us, but that’s only because she’s the only industry giant we’ve seen in the game. Refusing her doesn’t necessarily mean being blacklisted from Hollywood forever.

If James refuses her and she cancels his movie, he has a loving support system to go back to - his friends, family, his school. He does not need this movie to put food on the table, save his or somebody else’s life, or protect his or somebody else’s well-being or standard of living.

By refusing Yasmin, James would be walking away from his FIRST chance in the industry - not his ONLY chance in the industry.

I will never blame a victim of sexual harassment for the perpetrator’s actions.

I don’t blame him for his initial gut reaction of thinking of his movie and his future.

What I am hoping for is that, after James calms down,and after he has had a lot of time to think about things and consider the situation from all angles… I hope he knows that the right thing to do would be to walk away from the situation, knowing that his friends and family will support his decision.

And as for what you said about blocking you, I won’t. While we may not be seeing eye to eye on this particular issue, I would hate to miss out on a potential friend 😔 I think that we’re both coming from a place of wanting to be as respectful to victims as possible, and we can work from there.

I’ve read your reply to my original post, just as I’ve read @graleister​‘s reply to my original post, and now that I’ve replied to both of you, I would welcome what you have to say in response.

However, if either of you, or if anybody else would like to weigh in on this issue, I would like to request that you do so without using profanity, without condescension, and without assuming that I’m this horrible person who totally wants to blame rape victims for being raped.

(Waiting for H.W.U. to come back, forever and always; 10/04/17.)

Okay, so initially I wasn’t going to involve myself directly in this discussion because I didn’t want to make it worse and I wanted to allow you @firefly-hwufanficwriter to say your own piece. Now you have and I feel you’ve done a great job explaining your POV and dispelling any misunderstandings. So at this point I’m mostly trying to be a voice of agreement and understanding of your initial post because unfortunately the only voices speaking out are those in disagreement, anger, and in some cases disrespect.

Yes, I said it…disrespect. Because it is extremely disrespectful to use some of the language I’ve been seeing in some of the responses. It’s okay to not see eye to eye but there’s no need for the attacking, inflammatory words. I’ll leave it at that.

Second I urge folks to ensure you understand the definition of the terms you’re using. Sexual harassment and rape are not the same thing. Look it up…I promise you’ll see the difference. Improperly defining what is currently happening to James is a big part of the more upsetting responses, I think. That’s the only reason I’m mentioning it.

I also agree that things are being taken out of context. If read in it’s entirety, it was apparent to me that the post was not saying that it’s James’ fault he’s being harassed. There was no victim blame or shame that I saw. James does indeed have a choice to make and it’s a hard one. But he seems more distressed by the reality that his movie and his dream of sharing his true artistic vision with the world isn’t happening…not that he’s going to have to sleep with Yasmin to stay afloat. That’s just my observation. Her harassing him is not okay and throwing his career into the mix is unfortunate. Still at this moment in time, he can make a choice. Hopefully he makes one in line with his character.

And speaking of his career, I do think that Yasmin’s power is being overestimated at times. As @firefly-hwufanficwriter said, this one movie and one agent may not make or break his career. James did express that concern last chapter but he is also new to Hollywood and has things to learn about the business. But, as was also mentioned, even if it does break his career in Hollywood, he has a home, support system, and career path to return to in Hartfield. Besides, this movie isn’t really representing who he is anyway so the more important question is, how much does he think he needs to tolerate when it comes to his artistic integrity and overall happiness?

I believe James is strong. I believe he has artistic and personal integrity. He is in his right mind at this moment and can make an informed choice regardless of Yasmin and her threats. Hopefully he follows his heart in this matter.

I just wanted to tell you OP that you are obviously not a horrible person. Your compassion and concern show through your well thought out responses. You clearly respect others because you’ve gone out of your way to explain and be sensitive to everyone and I appreciate it. Thank you! 😊

@choicesmyway You are amazing! Always finding the right words. I agree with everything you just said. 🙌🏻

Oh boy. I saw this yesterday and wasn’t sure if I wanted to say something but I can see where @firefly-hwufanficwriter@choicesmyway @justapapercut are coming from. My heart goes to people that have experience leveling degrees of harassment and even worse, rape and even consider this type of conversation as very sensitive and are hard pressed to discuss it. I can’t imagine what the latter is like. However a person shouldn’t be so keen to chalk their experiences as being (or going) into the same direction. I am not saying there might not be connection, but automatically taking a piece of what someone else is saying and running away with it to its extreme doesn’t mean it will occur.

I also believe James is a strong character and he values his artistic and personal integrity over most things. James didn’t want to see things MC the way MC has indicated to be, because he wanted to be able to believe the best about Yasmin. On paper Yasmin seems like a good agent. She helped Professor Vasquez make money, and she initially was doing him a favor by watching James play before saying it was marketable. James didn’t want to compromise his values or his working relationship with her because of how much he’s put on the line (his schooling, moving to California) in order to pursue this movie deal. However, we’ve consistently seen on James part a struggle of realizing his dream. Is this what he wants to do for the rest of his life? Can he compromise his artistic beliefs for a movie? Even Professor Vasquez cautioned the morality of this far before he agreed to it. If its the business of Hollywood to change said dreams in order to make a film marketable - James has to be able to make the conscious choice/conscious decision that he’s okay with this. As the readers (and as MC) we’ve seen him struggle with this reality.

However, as we’ve also seen in the latest chapter when Yasmin has been the subject of conversation with her advances towards James and has allowed her her ..feelings  to be known. His automatic response was being flabbergasted and shocked. This is like an eye opener for him to realize how Yasmin was pretty much taking advantage of his naivete. She has said it before that she wanted to change his movie and has stated that it’s all for his best (which is ridiculous and I don’t agree) but this uncomfortable-ness had to occur in order for James to realize that Yasmin has crossed the line. James is an adult,, and that isn’t to excuse Yasmin’s advances but understanding OP’s point is very imperative here. I cannot withdraw all responsibility on James part, going forward whatever he chooses to do - a part of that owness is on him. It’s ridiculous to me , to completely leave him blameless and helpless.He has a voice. It’s important to anyone in realizing that James doesn’t have to sit back and take everything that happens to him. He can walk away. He understands what sexual harassment is and we realize quite fast that he isn’t okay with this. And he shouldn’t be, but again sexual harassment and rape even as far as text book definitions go are not the same. One may escalate to the other but comparing the two as the same is problematic. I also think that some of what OP has said is being taken out of context; in no way has OP ever said she’s blaming James - that it’s his fault Yasmin is being unprofessional towards him. OP does recognize that Yasmin is the instigator however staying under those circumstances after realizing Yasmin’s advances is the issue here.

James is also not some struggling artist. He comes from a background where he’s never had to worry about making extra cash (or making ends meet) because of growing up wealthy. He also had the opportunity to attend a very prestigious school and hell, pursued  his dreams of literature. That’s more than what I can for most, if we are going to compare other people’s experiences here.  Realistically, I don’t believe this will be his only chance at Hollywood either. He’s passionate and very driven. He probably has connections with other literature students, and a part from his own background - I do not think one agent can simply ruin his chances. Maybe that’s a little of ignorance on my side because I don’t actually know the politics of Hollywood and how to invent yourself in that kind of atmosphere but speaking from a rational place here - one run-in with one agent shouldn’t ruin his entire basis of his career before it’s really even started. I can also hope after being able to analyze the situation and look at his options that James can come to a better decision in order to remove himself from those circumstances - unless as OP said, he chooses to move forward instead. Not being able to see that as his decision to make is crucial in understanding I think where the other person is coming from.

Thanks OP for having the courage and for being able to write out your thoughts in such a cohesive and respectful manner. You aren’t a horrible person. You have just as much right to openly discuss your feelings in a way that keeps allowing for other people to comment and share their thoughts as anyone else. I acknowledge the other side for being able to also provide points; but I just wanted to caution that it’s important to be able to see multiple sides and to not let only emotion dictate your judgement. That’s pretty important to consider for any discussion to take place without attacking the other person. Attack their basis of argument with points but attacking them on a personal level doesn’t help anyone.  Also - profanity for the sake of anger, isn’t cool. Sorry, we should be able to respect each other and input our thoughts in a safe environment.

Thanks to everyone as a fandom for being a safe space for people to discuss and share their opinions!

Tag me. Next time, tag me. Tag me. All of you tag me. I know I'm the disrespectful bitch in question.

1) I acknowledged that my initial response was overemotional, not cohesive, and harsh. Disagree with my follow-up too, if you wish. I cannot take, however, this implication that it’s yet another example of “only emotion [dictating my] judgement” (It’s spelled “judgment”, by the way!). I analyzed; I researched; I was objective. Perhaps not fully objective, but that is something. I. Have. Acknowledged. It does not refute everything I say. It does not mean everything I say is purely emotional and wrong. (Sidebar: It drives me insane, the idea that I’m being deemed intellectually deficient or something. I have a record of consistently exemplary scholastic achievement, including a trophy just for being remarkably smart + a whole-page piece written about my brains in our closing ceremony booklet. I have taken miscellaneous aptitude tests -- yes, including the logic-oriented variety, this particular one taking place after a night of zero sleep. In each instance, I received a high score. Gifted IQ.)

2) “Second I urge folks to ensure you understand the definition of the terms you’re using. Sexual harassment and rape are not the same thing. Look it up…I promise you’ll see the difference.” Acknowledged this as well. Will you acknowledge that sexual harassment, even though it’s a “lesser” crime, also has lasting effects on victims? “But he seems more distressed by the reality that his movie and his dream of sharing his true artistic vision with the world isn’t happening…not that he’s going to have to sleep with Yasmin to stay afloat. That’s just my observation.” My observation is that as a person who has experienced sexual harassment, I know how a traumatized victim acts. I acted like him. After my first brush, my immediate reaction was like James’s; but soon I was defiant. “It was nothing! I’ll go out! I’ll go out again and face the world!” But I was scarred. I am scarred. I’m not saying every survivor’s experience is the same; I’m just saying that it feels a teeny fucking bit like your lot is refusing to seriously take my insight into consideration because I’m not being fucking respectful and respectable enough. Did you miss the part where I recognized the need for more than my own experiences too? In addition to firsthand knowledge, I Googled shit, added links. What I found corroborated my thoughts on the matter.

3) “It’s important to anyone in realizing that James doesn’t have to sit back and take everything that happens to him. He can walk away.” Alright, let me ask this question again: WHY? THE? FUCK? is it so important to you people that James has the sense to walk away? What I mean is that it’s important in the sense that you won’t sympathize unless he does. The one who’s going to be experiencing unwanted sexual experiences is J A M E S. You want him to take responsibility for hurting himself? Why? How? Why is it so important to you all that he does that? Why? Why can’t you just sympathize with him? Why is it so important that it’s his fault and that there is blame to be put on him? Why?

4) “in no way has OP ever said she’s blaming James”


In no way. Has OP ever said. Blame James.

5) “James is also not some struggling artist. He comes from a background where he’s never had to worry about making extra cash (or making ends meet) because of growing up wealthy. He also had the opportunity to attend a very prestigious school and hell, pursued his dreams of literature. That’s more than what I can for most, if we are going to compare other people’s experiences here.  Realistically, I don’t believe this will be his only chance at Hollywood either. He’s passionate and very driven. He probably has connections with other literature students, and a part from his own background - I do not think one agent can simply ruin his chances. Maybe that’s a little of ignorance on my side because I don’t actually know the politics of Hollywood and how to invent yourself in that kind of atmosphere but speaking from a rational place here - one run-in with one agent shouldn’t ruin his entire basis of his career before it’s really even started.” Good points! The thing is regardless of this is true or not, Yasmin is canonically taking advantage of James being overwrought and not-being-entirely-sensible-and-realistic. Many people like Yasmin warp the reality of the circumstances. One fitting term for it is “not permitting the other party to properly consent”. Another is “coerced sexual contact”.

6) “Also - profanity for the sake of anger, isn’t cool. Sorry, we should be able to respect each other and input our thoughts in a safe environment.” Sorry, but I have refrained from directing my colorful language at people themselves. “It doesn’t matter that he didn’t ask for this.It doesn’t matter that he’s letting her do what she wants only because she’s a big player in Hollywood and his career might be ruined forever if he makes her mad. By saying yes to her, he will be condoning Yasmin’s actions.” It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. We’re really gonna keep on pretending y’all have been perfectly tactful all this time, huh? That my anger was ultimately totally baseless?

But I have not once said “fuck you” or “go to hell” or anything of the sort. My words were “WHAT THE FUCK?” as in I can’t believe anyone would put something so damaging and hurtful in the tag. “How dare you?” I was hurt. I was hurt and sad that someone was saying it didn’t matter that the victim didn’t ask for it. I used bad words, however, so I was very much being a malevolent barbarian. I am sincerely sorry that I hurt OP; it was unintentional, but I still hurt OP. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. This is not who I am. For the record, I haven’t said you’re a horrible person. I do believe you don’t deserve this, and you don’t deserve this. I’m sorry the harsh nature of my first response hurt you.

It feels unfair that my way of speaking renders me completely at fault, however! Can’t help feeling that way, sorry, because I was in actuality DEEPLY HURT too by the sensitivity and tact and respectfulness. Sorry I didn’t express my incredulity in a more considerate and eloquent and well-structured fashion, like how you all considerately-to-harassment-victims agreed that his not-consenting didn’t matter and you will blame him. 👍

I doubt myself constantly. I’m never not anxious; I’m never utterly confident. Today, I wondered why I’ve been atypically stubborn. I realized: Your complacency as a group is why. I realized I would rather die from protracted silk-tie asphyxiation than join your little respectability game. In conclusion, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Sorry, I’m not as pure as you folk. Can’t contain the incendiary speech.


shout-out to everyone who thinks of me now as something like a bridge gremlin whose usage of ~expletives~ and ~indelicate language~ disproves her arguments


What does blaming James mean?

April 10, 2017, Monday [#107]

I’ve seen posts telling people not to blame James. I don’t know really understand what they mean, so I’ll talk my feelings on the issue.

I WILL NOT blame James for being pursued by Yasmin, because he didn’t know anything about it. He was honestly oblivious to it all until Yasmin herself let the cat out of the bag.

However, I WILL blame James if, in a future chapter, we get confirmation that he has agreed to be in a physical relationship with Yasmin to save his movie.

Because if he lets Yasmin use him in that way, he will be condoning her actions.

It doesn’t matter if he loves the MC, or if he hates Yasmin.

It doesn’t matter that he didn’t ask for this.

It doesn’t matter that he’s letting her do what she wants only because she’s a big player in Hollywood and his career might be ruined forever if he makes her mad. By saying yes to her, he will be condoning Yasmin’s actions.

The harder decision would be to cut her off completely, even if it means being blacklisted in Hollywood forever. That would be a huge sacrifice on his part - but it’s also the only honorable action he could take because the MC doesn’t matter in this case - James needs to respect himself. He needs to know that he will not let himself be used.

If he agrees to what she wants, he would be showing that he is willing to sacrifice personal integrity in favor of professional success. I would still be his friend, but I would break up with him as soon as the game gives me the option to do so.

However, since the end-of-book dance has been mentioned, I’m guessing he’ll agonize about the issue for a couple of chapters before courageously refusing Yasmin and flying back to the MC in a dramatic romantic gesture, most likely showing up the night before the end-of-book dance 😆

(Waiting for H.W.U. to come back, forever and always; 10/04/17.)

ooooooh my gooooood if James agrees to sleep with Yasmin because if he doesn’t she’ll ruin his entire career and future that isn’t consent that is rape

Like??? Do you not realize how shitty of a situation James is in and it’s not as easy as just walking away? He’s not condoning Yasmin’s actions???? He’s scared and confused and trapped between a rock and a hard place and it’s not that easy it’s not that easy. It’s not him going “yeah lol she’s threatening my career and future but it’s cool” it’s him being forced into something he doesn’t want but doesn’t see a way out of.

This is so unsympathetic towards his situation please block me.

[R #22] @piixelberry​: Maybe that’s where we’re not understanding each other?

I’m going to say some things now. With sensitive topics like this, statements can appear sarcastic or mocking, and I certainly don’t intend on being either of those things, so I would like to ask you to imagine me saying what you read after this in a thoughtful, curious way.

I think what’s confusing me about people’s reactions is their definition of rape versus what I’ve always thought was the definition of rape.

I am not saying it isn’t rape.

I’m just saying that it’s hard for me, personally, to view it as rape.

With James, personally, I am having a hard time seeing it that way because of his unique set of circumstances.

The thing is, Yasmin may be this hot-shot agent, but she’s not the only agent in Hollywood. She may seem like this industry giant to us, but that’s only because she’s the only industry giant we’ve seen in the game. Refusing her doesn’t necessarily mean being blacklisted from Hollywood forever.

If James refuses her and she cancels his movie, he has a loving support system to go back to - his friends, family, his school. He does not need this movie to put food on the table, save his or somebody else’s life, or protect his or somebody else’s well-being or standard of living.

By refusing Yasmin, James would be walking away from his FIRST chance in the industry - not his ONLY chance in the industry.

I will never blame a victim of sexual harassment for the perpetrator’s actions.

I don’t blame him for his initial gut reaction of thinking of his movie and his future.

What I am hoping for is that, after James calms down,and after he has had a lot of time to think about things and consider the situation from all angles… I hope he knows that the right thing to do would be to walk away from the situation, knowing that his friends and family will support his decision.

And as for what you said about blocking you, I won’t. While we may not be seeing eye to eye on this particular issue, I would hate to miss out on a potential friend 😔 I think that we’re both coming from a place of wanting to be as respectful to victims as possible, and we can work from there.

I’ve read your reply to my original post, just as I’ve read @graleister​‘s reply to my original post, and now that I’ve replied to both of you, I would welcome what you have to say in response.

However, if either of you, or if anybody else would like to weigh in on this issue, I would like to request that you do so without using profanity, without condescension, and without assuming that I’m this horrible person who totally wants to blame rape victims for being raped.

(Waiting for H.W.U. to come back, forever and always; 10/04/17.)

(from your reply to mine) “About my post itself, I would like you ask you to read my post again, because I believe we may have misunderstood each other. I said, ‘However, I WILL blame James if, in a future chapter, we get confirmation that he has agreed to be in a physical relationship with Yasmin to save his movie.’” I did not misunderstand you. I’m sorry my first response was far from rational and cogent; I acknowledge this. I acknowledged it.

“In my post, I was speaking of a hypothetical situation in a future chapter where James transitions from an innocent victim to a willing co-participant. If, after thinking about the situation, he, an adult, gives in to Yasmin, then he has made his decision regarding what he is willing to do for his career - not his life or safety, but his career - that will show that his career is more important to him that it ought to be.

I will repeat myself - I was speaking of a hypothetical situation where James, an adult, consents to a physical relationship AFTER receiving full knowledge of Yasmin’s intentions.” That’s the problem here: James CANNOT “transition from an innocent victim to a willing co-participant” in his “unique set of circumstances”.

“I think what’s confusing me about people’s reactions is their definition of rape versus what I’ve always thought was the definition of rape.

I am not saying it isn’t rape.

I’m just saying that it’s hard for me, personally, to view it as rape.”

Let’s look at one legal definition of “consent”.

Lack of verbal or physical resistance or submission resulting from the use of force, threat of force, or placing another person in fear DOES NOT CONSTITUTE CONSENT. Even if for you, personally, James becomes a “willing co-participant” if he agrees to a physical relationship with Yasmin even though it’s been revealed to us that Yasmin knows there are great power imbalances between her and James AND that it’s working -- James is afraid; it does not change that in the eyes of the law, she is still a rapist. It is still rape. James is still a victim of rape. (My singular source for the above makes a distinction between “rape” and “sexual assault”, although many courts and other online dictionaries/legal dictionaries do not make the same distinction. Dictionary.com simply defines rape as “unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.” Every legal source I have visited agrees that “lack of verbal or physical resistance or submission resulting from the use of force, threat of force, or placing another person in fear” is STILL not consent and at “best” sexual assault.) It would be merely “sex in exchange for something else”, as squaretyre suggests, if this were a decision James made without fear -- fear that Yasmin knows completely well is there and HAS had a most heavy hand in inducing (“He can’t refuse me! He won’t refuse me! I control his career! He doesn’t know his way around this place and I will take advantage of this!” It’s not a matter of just power; Yasmin has a considerable amount of experience that James does not have).

“Best”-case scenario: Yasmin is unsuccessful at coercing “more than” unwanted sexual contact from James.

Guess what? James is STILL traumatized!

What I am hoping for is that, after James calms down,and after he has had a lot of time to think about things and consider the situation from all angles… I hope he knows that the right thing to do would be to walk away from the situation, knowing that his friends and family will support his decision.”

Have you ever heard of post-traumatic stress disorder?

“Emotional & psychological symptoms:

  • Shock, denial, or disbelief
  • Confusion, difficulty concentrating
  • Anger, irritability, mood swings
  • Anxiety and fear
  • Guilt, shame, self-blame
  • Withdrawing from others
  • Feeling sad or hopeless
  • Feeling disconnected or numb

Physical symptoms:

  • Insomnia or nightmares
  • Fatigue
  • Being startled easily
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Edginess and agitation
  • Aches and pains
  • Muscle tension”

Replay the Chapter 13 scene. James has displayed those symptoms in that alone.

James is not going to be reasonable about it right away or soon or possibly ever. He is still a traumatized victim in need of help. “He does not need this movie to put food on the table, save his or somebody else’s life, or protect his or somebody else’s well-being or standard of living.” Alright, but whose life is going to be affected most by this? Who’s forming an abundance of traumatic memories? James. JAMES ASHTON. “Do the right thing?” He is hurting HIMSELF. He’s hurting HIMSELF most of all. Don’t give me that “but your friends and family share your pain :(” bullshit because HE is the one who is stuck in this and experiencing it. Do the RIGHT THING? It’s morally wrong, some repugnant sin that he’s inflicting pain upon himself due to circumstances that cause him scientifically crippling fear?

“The thing is, Yasmin may be this hot-shot agent, but she’s not the only agent in Hollywood. She may seem like this industry giant to us, but that’s only because she’s the only industry giant we’ve seen in the game. Refusing her doesn’t necessarily mean being blacklisted from Hollywood forever.” How are we sure? You said it yourself: She’s a hotshot agent. She’s an industry giant -- or at least, that’s what she seems to us. That’s what she seems to James too! He thought he knew her, but she shocked him by violating his trust and making unwanted sexual advances. This hotshot industry giant, as far as FRESH-FROM-COLLEGE YOUNG ADULT James Ashton is concerned, could VERY WELL blacklist him from Hollywood forever. He’s in his denial stage, so he’s minimizing what transpired; as a coping mechanism, he’s making out what this significantly older adult in a position of power and authority did to be something small, especially in comparison to the prospect of him attaining big longtime objectives.

We’ve learned that Yasmin is manipulative. Earlier, it was established that she’s astute, persuasive, and very competent. Quite obviously, it is highly possible that this particular combination of qualities might lead to Yasmin at least attempting to ruin James’s reputation/credibility by [insert some other means of indeed effectively blacklisting him from Hollywood] if James puts his foot down.

“If James refuses her and she cancels his movie, he has a loving support system to go back to - his friends, family, his school.” Oh, please. A part of his “loving support system”, MC, has already handled this shittily. James was upset when she left, but she was all “This city has changed you. :((((”. I’m glad she stepped in, but she still fucking left him in that situation with Yasmin. So far, she hasn’t done anything further, however, has she? Stupid James. So weak. What a damn fine support system he has, I have to say. Chapter 14 and the gang is content to leave him stuck with his sexual assaulter and nobody familiar he can confide in and trust.

It’s not about anyone else; it’s about the victim. A real loving support system would get the fuck over themselves and prioritize getting the victim on their path to freedom and recovery.


What does blaming James mean?

April 10, 2017, Monday [#107]

I’ve seen posts telling people not to blame James. I don’t know really understand what they mean, so I’ll talk my feelings on the issue.

I WILL NOT blame James for being pursued by Yasmin, because he didn’t know anything about it. He was honestly oblivious to it all until Yasmin herself let the cat out of the bag.

However, I WILL blame James if, in a future chapter, we get confirmation that he has agreed to be in a physical relationship with Yasmin to save his movie.

Because if he lets Yasmin use him in that way, he will be condoning her actions.

It doesn’t matter if he loves the MC, or if he hates Yasmin.

It doesn’t matter that he didn’t ask for this.

It doesn’t matter that he’s letting her do what she wants only because she’s a big player in Hollywood and his career might be ruined forever if he makes her mad. By saying yes to her, he will be condoning Yasmin’s actions.

The harder decision would be to cut her off completely, even if it means being blacklisted in Hollywood forever. That would be a huge sacrifice on his part - but it’s also the only honorable action he could take because the MC doesn’t matter in this case - James needs to respect himself. He needs to know that he will not let himself be used.

If he agrees to what she wants, he would be showing that he is willing to sacrifice personal integrity in favor of professional success. I would still be his friend, but I would break up with him as soon as the game gives me the option to do so.

However, since the end-of-book dance has been mentioned, I’m guessing he’ll agonize about the issue for a couple of chapters before courageously refusing Yasmin and flying back to the MC in a dramatic romantic gesture, most likely showing up the night before the end-of-book dance 😆

(Waiting for H.W.U. to come back, forever and always; 10/04/17.)

all offense, but WHAT THE FUCK? james is a bad person for "not respecting himself" and letting something awful happen to HIM? WHAT THE FUCK? what the FUCK? how dare you? i'll regret this but pardon me if i can't help responding viscerally to this. what the fuck? DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING HARD IT IS TO BE A VICTIM OF SEXUAL ASSAULT? i was in ELEMENTARY when it first occurred. it lasted for no longer than probably several minutes (we were in a vehicle) but it felt like an eternity. I FROZE. I WAS IN DENIAL. I WAS PARALYZED. i'm shaking as i type this. I FELT TRAPPED. I FELT T R A P P E D. ARE YOU GOING TO BLAME ME FOR "LETTING IT HAPPEN"? FOR NOT BEING "STRONG" OR "BRAVE" ENOUGH TO "RESPECT" MYSELF AND BEAT THE FUCK OUT OF MY OLDER ATTACKER?


I hope everyone knows that if James’s storyline ends with him having to apologize to MC I’m sending PB a strongly worded letter and also throwing myself off a cliff


i have to say this because it has been bothering my conscience i hope the rosethorne joke in my sam + iphone edit didn't come off as Not Consent-y. if, in this universe, either ryan or cassandra (or both) gets Frisky™ with her after the incident, they will by some means know tha sam has seen the fanservice,, and she won't try to hide it she was jus — they're all friends; she's around their presence quite a lot but isn't in an establish romantic relationship with either so it's awkward letting on at first that you've watched them do fanservice™ but Samantha Massey is a bisexual (canonically bi fight me) with clearly beautiful friends but again, they WILL know anyway the point is CONSENT!!!!! i do not support any nonconsensual bullshit i'm sorry it's ONE JOKE in my meme-y edit and mw2 isn't even out yet(???) but i ! can't stop overthinking. it's ? jus TBH choices has a problem with consent (like u can have sex with ben even though he doesn't know you're doing that shitty lovehacks clickbait article, which, you know, means he technically really couldn't consent; ALSO, sleeping with eleanor to get her fucking key? disgusting. consent? mc was keeping things from her, so again mc wasn't really giving her the freedom to really consent) so i'm worried i've become lax about this consent thing!!!!! i fear it deeply. even in my joke-y stuff abt minor characters, i!!!!! consent! consent matters!!!!!


i’ve had (trigger warning: suicidal thoughts) citizen’s cover of “there is a light that never goes out”, which i really like, stuck in my head for days. at first i was like um this is craig x zahra and it still is ? but i… there is a light that never goes out: if a double-decker bus crashes into us / to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die / and if a ten-ton truck kills the both of us / to die by your side / well, the pleasure / the privilege is mine IF U DON’T BANG ANY OF THE ROMANTIC LOVE INTERESTS IN ENDLESS SUMMER, DIEGO DIES AND HIS LAST WORDS ARE FUCKING AT LEAST I GOT TO HANG OUT WITH YOU ONE LAST TIME


It hasn’t even been a week since THOBM ended and I’m already missing this lady like crazy. Well, I will be missing the other characters and the story in general too but mostly her… Ugh what have you done to me Choices ?!

(I usually never draw backgrounds and I guess you all can see why lmao). Oh and I want to give mad props to the person in charge of the chara design because this haircut is one hell of a nightmare to draw !


So, I replayed Act II of Chapter Six and entered the correct password for Rourke’s computer the first time and this is what happens! Basically you break the time and space continuum of the choices universe with a talking crab!



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