
Don't Label The Turtle.

@thenobodyhasarrived / thenobodyhasarrived.tumblr.com

Hiya! This is my blog for writing and memes. Enjoy the fruits of my procrastination.

A punk stops during a gay pride parade to allow a mesmerized child to touch his jacket spikes.

I lost control about reblogging this picture. 

and this is the perfect “fuck you” to people who stereotype people like this. 

literally one of my favourite pictures ever

nothing more punk than letting small children touch your clothes spikes or hair spikes


If you think punks would miss the opportunity to be a good fucking human to kids you don’t know much about punks

Being nice to kids is literally the number one punk activity



I have a vivid memory of being about 14 and seeing a hardcore punk walking down the street in a busy shopping district with a tiny white kitten tucked in his leather jacket. That’s goals.

one of my favorite memories is my first punk show and how welcoming and friendly everyone was. I was 9 and my brother brought me and people were putting me on their shoulders and telling me about where they got their clothes or how much a little punk I was.

I love punk culture because from the outside it looks aggressive and harsh. But once you realize that’s just their armour and that they are kinder and more proactive about human rights than the “nice” looking people you get comfort from their presence.

Not all things that look aggressive are aggressive. Not all things that look safe are safe.

Punk is safe BECAUSE it is aggressive. Punk - when done right - kicks out fascists and rapists, defends communities, fights injustice. All of which require aggression.


Did you guys know Elon Musk sent that STUPID car into space without sterilizing it, and if it hadn’t gone off it’s intended path, and it had reached mars as he intended, it could have permanently ruined the search for life on Mars by contaminating the red planet with Musk‘s cooties. This may sound silly to you but I assure this is very real and serious. He could have ruined the entire field of astrobiology all for his stupid advertisement. Let’s kill him


“If anyone has a reason that these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace.” Five different people burst into the chapel from different entrances, each with a different objection.

“Stop! You can’t marry her! She cheated on you with Brian.”

“She did not ‘cheat on me’ because we discussed it beforehand. We both agreed on an open relationship, which is why you can sit down too Aunt Betty she already knows about Miami. She knew about it before I went. Does that cover everybody?”

Another voice cried out from the other side of the room. “Get away from him Sally. That man is a dangerous criminal! I bet he didn’t tell you about–”

“Yes, he told me all about that incident, and I understand his circumstances. I’m fairly shocked that you’d think otherwise. We’ve been together for 14 months, do you really think he waited that long to tell me? And how about you Rob, are you also here to tell me about some dark secret you think my fiance and I failed to tell each other for more than a year?” Slowly, Robert sat down in the back, next to Aunt Betty.

“Does anyone here have an objection to this wedding that is not premised on the assumption that Sally and I have been lying to each other for over a year?”

There was silence for a few moments, before the fifth late arrival spoke up from the back. “That man isn’t really a priest.”

“Of course he isn’t, he’s a rabbi. This is a synagogue, my spouse is Jewish. This is a Jewish wedding.”

The fifth late arrival nods and replies, “Okay, so I am absolutely at the wrong wedding. Carry on.”

Sometimes Tumblr gets something right. Not often. But sometimes.


Jefferson figuring out that his son is Spider-Man but instead of telling him “hey you blew your secret” and possibly freaking him out, starts quietly training him in correct police procedure (without him knowing) while also repeatedly talking about how he had issues with the old Spider-Man but the new one seems like a brave and responsible young man and how he would be totally proud of him if he were this guy’s parents

Jefferson: you’ve got everything you need for the week? Books? Computer? Spray paint? Web fluid? Shoes?

Miles: wait what was that middle thing

Jefferson: spray paint! I support my son’s artistic endeavors


Rio: okay but is he seeing that ballerina spider-girl or not? He seems very fond of her

Jefferson: well he’s very insistent that she’s Spider-Woman but honestly he always seems to want to act professional when he’s in the mask so I can’t tell

Rio: you could ask him

Jefferson: honey we need to let him have his privacy he doesn’t want us to know


Rio: I wonder if the new Spider-Man has a girlfriend he seems like he’d be very nice

Miles, sweating: mom are you trying to set me up with Spider-Man

I’m sorry, but Miles Morales pretending to date Spider-man to keep his secret identity while his parents 100% know that he’s Spider-man is PEAK humor


they invite him to dinner just to see what miles comes up with

Anonymous asked:

In your honest opinion, what does it mean to be human?

“It’s like singing on a boat during a terrible storm at sea. You can’t stop the raging storm, but singing can change the hearts and spirits of the people who are together on that ship.” — Anne Lamott

To Noise Making, by Hozier


#slam that reblog button


A lot of reducing your stress and your kid’s stress when parenting just involves asking yourself why you want them to do a thing. Neurotypical or not, but especially neurodivergent kids. Is there actually a point to it or do you just want it done because ‘that’s the way it is’ or you’re worried other parents will look at you weird?

Socks drive her crazy when they’re not inside out? Why do they need to be right side out? Why is that worth making a kid uncomfortable all day and starting a recurring argument over?

Your kid needs to eat at the table standing because otherwise he’ll fall out of the chair constantly wiggling and hanging out of it? Ok. Move the chair and let him stand and don’t let your mom give him a hard time about it. He’s eating food and at the table. You’re already winning .

Kid has sensory meltdown in public? Yelling and rushing them because you’re embarrassed will only make things so much worse and add you as part of the problem. Leave the store, sit down in the pasta aisle and hug them, pull up cooking videos on your phone, just do what you need to do like taking care of another panicking distressed human is more important than a few old ladies giving you stink eye.

The more we loosen unnecessary rules our parents gave us the less stress we put on ourselves and our kids. The more room we make for people to be open about their emotions. The more we set a better example to people around us and show them that allowances don’t have to be hard and kids and adults alike deserve some breathing room.

Also.. apply this to yourselves, too? Don’t always do things ‘because that’s how you need to do them’? …not that I’m calling myself out…much…at…all…

Anonymous asked:

Sorry if this is a silly question, but I was reading that post you reblogged about TERFs, and what is a tradwife? Like, a stereotypical housewife? (I've never heard the expression before)

Being the brave, inspiring and fucking pioneering woman that I am…I googled this term. For you. I did this thing. It means “traditional wife” and it is an alt right term. Here are some things I hated knowing the most!

“By mobilizing sites like Twitter, the #tradwife, as they label themselves, are utilizing their social platforms to spread white nationalist ideologies, all under the domestic guise of be a perfect wife, and you’ll live a perfect lifebut as long as it’s also a white life.”


“I am thankful my personality type doesn’t seek out approval from anyone other than my husband.~Altwestwife on Twitter”

Not better.

“Nothing says HOME like the arms of my husband. Being a parent is the most precious blessing we can ever get in life, children are the loveliest beings on earth. Having a family is truly my greatest achievement. 😊 When we have children, life becomes happy. #TradLife #TradWife

 — @Empress_Wife”

If you want, but pass..

“TV is full of degeneracy. Foreigners are invading the West. You act as all these trends are irreversible. They can, and will, be reversed. Try holding yourself to a higher standard and seek a husband who is a leader. Submit to him. Find happiness.”

Lol bitch what??


tbh it looks like you cherry picked examples to make it look bad. I dont use twitter cause everyones crazy there, but almost every tradfem ive seen on tumblr has been fairly moderate and just wanting to live in a cute brick home with a garden and raise their cute kids with their husband.

some want jobs and some want to be stay at home moms. some like baking, others gardening, crafting, or other work.

sometimes its women who have jobs and their husband stays at home. sometimes its women who just want to feel delicate and feminine to empower themselves through their job or raising their kids or whatever they do.

it’s not a nasty label or code name for hateful people. it’s a group of women who value certain traits.

Went onto Twitter, first person I saw on the tag was anti feminist, another posted this:

There was also racism about home economic being more useful than learning about indigenous women and then a bunch of stuff in French and then I went into Tumblr and it was about how feminism ruins women’s hands because they should be soft, but sure, cherry picking.

Stay at home mum’s have always been a thing, inventing a label and pretending that society punishes you for doing the thing it would prefer you to do is super common even in the small sections I have seen. And there is a great deal of shaming other women, not simply valuing those traits but putting them above other traits and narrowly defining femininity.

If you want to raise children and keep a house and wear makeup and cook meals then go ahead, but if you don’t even want to investigate why that version of femininity, that was forced on women, is the one you think is ideal then you’re probably not interested in anything but blind defense.

What tradition? Starting when? How far back? Because women used to continue the most caloric value to a family, gathered most of the food, made most of the decisions about where the family lived and that was tradition.

You have chosen a very specific type of femininity to put on a pedestal, the same pedestal that women fought and screamed and died to get off of, then you want to label it as “traditional” without any regards to how incredibly painful, limiting and damaging it was to women to be forced to exist that way.

You have chosen something that many queer women or women of colour cannot live up to because these apparent traditions were often not afforded to them.

But what really gets me is that you really wanted to label it, as though it isn’t still incredibly common and accepted. As though is it not still the default mode that women still have to struggle to get out of.

I’m not stupid, I looked at a lot of posts, a lot of these traditions come with nostalgic aesthetics of very specific periods of time where women were not allowed to be anything else. You took these years and decided that you needed a banner and a hashtag instead of just living your lives and calling yourselves full time mums or house wives or whatever other label. Not for no reason, but to send a message about what femininity is and, by contrast, what it is not.

Mum’s and dedicated house wives have always had a place in society, a huge presence on the internet and plenty of representation.

But they wanted to draw more attention to it and I looked, and it is littered with racism, misogyny, anti-feminism and all sorts of assorted bigotry that forms when you push a myopic view of a broad subject.

Just to be fucking women the way you want to be and stop being so obnoxious about it, no one cared.

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