
you know what bothers me? That the country i am from has been colonized and ruled upon for almost 200 years. That me and my friends and every civilian of this county has been learning about this colonism and the whole story of freedom since we were 8. 

and then i have to see people talking about how anti sessrin is a western colonization propaganda. I am sorry but do you know the weight these words carry?

it is easy to be a westerner and use these sentences because you all have never stepped a foot in this eastern place you talk about. 

perhaps the west is safer than my country. perhaps the western population is more well aware about what the fuck child grooming and pedophilia is. And yeah maybe my country’s population is illiterate and backward.

But does that mean that we enjoy, accept and like this shit? Do you all not know that we are too fighting? Then what gives you the fucking right to say that it is a eastern thing? We are fighting for justice and awareness against these things too. And in the midst of this fighting, i go unto the internet and realize that the western population has a complete different outlook on us, and our culture. That you all have the nerve to say that such things are normalized in our culture. the same such things we are fighting to get justice for.

Do you know how fucking bad it hurts?

You know what? I have been sent death, and rape threats here. And i ignored them, let them slide coz it was an individual thing. But no, I am not letting this particular argument that you all use slide. Not when i wake up and read my local news, and watch as people are made victims to pedophilia and grooming, and watch people protest and fight against these problems.

Only to hear you all say that these problems are an eastern thing.

- sincerely, an Asian teenager. 

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