
Legoland Windsor Survival Guide


How to survive in Legoland Windsor Hotel and Resort without getting robbed blind (I suffered so you don't have to)

Food in Legoland Windsor So, as mentioned before, you're in the middle of nowhere. Your only shot at getting some food without paying an arm and a leg is the hotel breakfast (assuming you paid for it when booking). But kids will be hungry at totally unexpected and impossible times of day, so you need something to eat in your room. Your only option is to act like a refugee from communist Poland who gets to an 'all you can eat' gig for the first time in his life. This is low, but the alternative is to feed your kids with lego bricks. So, first - stuff your face and stomach with as much bacon, scrambled and fried egg, chocolate sauce, toast, baked beans and cereal as possible. Let's call it a "full Polish breakfast". Stay away from black pudding and sausages (they taste like fried paper). Second - this is the humiliating part - you need a bag (as in - your wife's bag or your daughter's Peppa Pig backpack). You put it next to you on the floor, and then... well, drop shit into it. A few pieces of toast, those sachets of nutella and strawberry jam - yummy, just stick them in there. Same goes for them small packets of cheese. And those tiny croissants. Yup, go on, don't be shy, your family's survival depends on it. There, those apples are full of vitamins, shove them in the bag, too. Let's call this the highest/lowest form of self-service. Or what Americans call a 'doggy bag'... And now the final warning - you will absolutely have to take one of those little 'marmite' thingies, because you've always wanted to find out what the fack (remember the accent) it is. Then you will open it when everyone's gone to sleep. You will smell it and touch it with the tip of your tongue. And put it in the facking bin, after washing your mouth with shampoo, because you don't have clorox available.


Food in Legoland Windsor So, as mentioned before, you're in the middle of nowhere. Your only shot at getting some food without paying an arm and a leg is the hotel breakfast (assuming you paid for it when booking). But kids will be hungry at totally unexpected and impossible times of day, so you need something to eat in your room. Your only option is to act like a refugee from communist Poland who gets to an 'all you can eat' gig for the first time in his life. This is low, but the alternative is to feed your kids with lego bricks. So, first - stuff your face and stomach with as much bacon, scrambled and fried egg, chocolate sauce, toast, baked beans and cereal as possible. Let's call it a "full Polish breakfast". Stay away from black pudding and sausages (they taste like fried paper). Second - this is the humiliating part - you need a bag (as in - your wife's bag or your daughter's Peppa Pig backpack). You put it next to you on the floor, and then... well, drop shit into it. A few pieces of toast, those sachets of nutella and strawberry jam - yummy, just stick them in there. Same goes for them small packets of cheese. And those tiny croissants. Yup, go on, don't be shy, your family's survival depends on it. There, those apples are full of vitamins, shove them in the bag, too. Let's call this the highest/lowest form of self-service. Or what Americans call a 'doggy bag'... And now the final warning - you will absolutely have to take one of those little 'marmite' thingies, because you've always wanted to find out what the fack (remember the accent) it is. Then you will open it when everyone's gone to sleep. You will smell it and touch it with the tip of your tongue. And put it in the facking bin, after washing your mouth with shampoo, because you don't have clorox available.



If you are a coffee addict, just do yourself a favor and stay away.

If you have to go, take a jar of instant coffee you hate the least. Otherwise - the day you get here, you’re gonna drink the two microsachets of nescafe right after you get into your room. And then you’re gonna die.

See, the thing is, everything here is as overpriced as the shares of Irish banks before the collapse.

So you can go to one of the overpriced restaurants and get an espresso, but your bank will then charge you for an overdraft on your credit card. And you will have to sell one of your kidneys.


Middle of Nowhere

Be aware that you will be in the middle of absolute nowhere - the closest shop is… well, far away. Unless you have a car. But who would bother with a car, right - everything’s there, innit? It’s a whole resort…

A taxi from Heathrow cost us 40 quid sterling, which is a facking (yes, remember that’s the accent here) steal (for the driver).

It also turned out one of my banknotes I had left over from my previous visit to the UK was outdated or something, so I couldn’t pay with it. Because they just couldn’t join the civilisation (eurozone), since they are seu facking diff’rnt.

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