
Talking about my madd


i talk about my maladaptive daydreaming here|19 |he/they

this is just a little disclaimer for this account,i’m not promoting having madd or anything when i talk positively about it or seem to talk positively about it i just want this account to be a place to document my feelings about my madd and stuff so some of it might be positive because i do experience positive feelings from it but at the same time it’s really distructive and hard to live with especially since it’s a disorder that’s not really taken seriously and it’s not well known


Madd question 1

what have you named your most recent para?

i’ll go first since this is the first time

my most recent one i named Ayin after the pyro hypostasis from genshin impact! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

(i wanna do these as an opportunity for my fellow madders to just dump about their paras but i give a question because ik some ppl can’t just dump and they need a prompt personality i relate to this ☻︎ anyways i think these would be fun you can do it if you want no pressure and i’ll keep doing it if people like them)


I love this kind of post pls everyone let's make more random questions like this so that the people awkward with their paras like me can talk about their dear paras hehee

bro ily for this ofc i’ll make more


me coming back like i wasn’t gone for like a year

anyways i’ll just make a list of all the stuff that happened since i’ve been gone pls

•i turned 18 and started senior year

•i made like 30 new paracosims

•crazy life events that completely destroyed my mental wellness for a good 6 months

•re fell in love with reading drawing and writing basically i found my passions again

•re came out as bisexual

yeah i’m still very mentally fragile rn but i’m starting to get better (hopefully) anyways i wanna post here again auughhh


the types of paras

the old friend

• has been around forever literally

• story is somehow both constant and changing

• ol reliable

• you may or may not have a clear idea of their face

the everywhere para

• did everything

• knows everyone

• story is the most inconsistent shit ever

• appearance changes depending on your daydream

the angel

• you’d never hurt them much

• way too good for this

• pure and lovely and deserves better

• tends to appear in a positive setting

A Bit Of Villainy

• mwahahaha

• meant to be the antagonist of the whole shebang

• problematic fave

• you high-key love them actually

there’s more i know it keep them coming

shout out to my shawtys


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