we never stop fighting

@floraphilautia / floraphilautia.tumblr.com

mari (they/them) | 21 | lesbian | blm | respect trans lives or else | icon: ummmmandy
"The warrior replies, 'I am the storm'."

it’s honestly crazy how many ppl u meet in your early twenties who have never been in love or been in a relationship or had sex and then you’re like oh it’s actually normal and social milestones actually mean nothing bc everyone is different and has different experiences. cool!


Hey, my love. Here is just a little reminder that every time you felt like giving up, every time you were convinced you were going to quit and every time you said you want to stop living, you didn’t. Life has been brutal, it has kicked you down so many times, but every single time you overcame whatever you were going through. You survived. Now, this is what I call true strength. It is proof that you carry a flame inside of you, so powerful and bright. You can be incredibly proud of yourself. So, every time you find yourself in a dark place again, remember that you are capable of making it out, darling.


confession: when i was in high school my best friend used to steal a ton of clothes from the busted-ass target in town and then walk across the street and sell them at plato’s closet and she called it her job. i’d be like “where are you?” and she’d be like “at work” and i’d know she was just robbing a target blind lmao 


[ID: Digital art of six Black people of varying body types, hairstyles, outfits, and skin tones. They are gathered together and holding hands in a manner that crosses around them and between them. They all share close-eyed, serene expressions. Around them flows a band of color, featuring a gradient soft purple and peach. The background is periwinkle blue. End ID]

It’s Black History Month y’all!


look. i don’t think my stretch marks are beautiful. i don’t think they’re tiger stripes or natural tattooos. i don’t think my acne is beautiful. i don’t think the bags under my eyes are beautiful. i just think they’re human. and i don’t think i have to be beautiful all of the time in order to be accepted and loved and sucessful. i don’t think every small detail of my outer appearence needs to be translated into prettiness.

fun fact: this POV is actually called “body neutrality” and it’s SO MUCH more accessible/realistic for a lot of people. it’s based on the idea that the way we look is the least interesting/important thing about who we are, and that our bodies are worthy of respect regardless if they fit the mold of the current beauty ideals.

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