
Minerva P Kelley

@doubleca5t / doubleca5t.tumblr.com

YouTube // Twitter // Please read the FAQ in the pinned post before sending an ask // Part time transgender shitposter // Former youtube // Creator of "What Your Favorite Ship Says About You" and "When Posting Goes Wrong" // Current Obsessions: RWBY, The Locked Tomb, The Masquerade (aka the Baru Cormorant books), Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Revolutionary Girl Utena // Other Faves: Love Live!, Bloom into You, Yuru Yuri, She-Ra and the Princess of Power, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Pokémon


Are you the person in the shipping videos? - Yes.

Are you the person who did When Posting Goes Wrong (bone stealing witch, ms. scribe, HIV Hamilton)? - Yes.

Are you still making videos? - No, I gave up making videos to focus on my irl career. I may return to it some day but for now I'm just a shitposter.

Should I call you Eldena or Doubleca5t or Ms. Ca5t or do you have a real name or what? I accept any and all variations on my username. You can also just call me Minerva.

Why is the HIVLiving video gone? One of the "main characters" so to speak, of the HIV Living saga started drama with a friend of mine and tried to rope me into it. I did not want to side with them in the drama, but I also did not want to profit from their story if I was on bad terms with them, so I took the video down. Additionally, a lot of that video was heavily speculative and I have reason to believe that a lot of my speculation was very, very wrong. Would rather move past the whole thing than try to salvage it.

What are your pronouns? - she/her

Are you LGBT? - I’m a trans lesbian (NOTE: I came out in December 2020 so if you’re reading my old posts or watching my old videos they will not reflect this)

Are you single? - I'm engaged 💞

Who's the lucky lady? - their name is Frenzy, pronouns she/they. They're an artist. You can find them on tumblr and twitter. Follow them if you like clowns, sexy demon women, sexy demon clowns, homestuck (derogatory), or if you want to see some silly comics about our domestic life.

What is your day job? - I work in home insurance.

Should I watch RWBY? - Probably not. RWBY is a weird, wonky show that is very much hit or miss. However, if you're really into femslash, and especially if you're into femslash and like action anime, I would recommend giving it a shot with the knowledge that it gets better in Volume 2 and gets a LOT better in Volume 3.

Am I trans/an egg? - I cannot answer this question for you. My only recommendation is that if you're having some Gender Emotions and think you might be trans, play around with a new name and/or pronouns in limited situations or try out a different gender presentation in terms of clothes or hair.

Where are you from? - I am PEAK Dumb American. I was born and raised in the US, I only speak English and I’ve never left the country. I currently live in Los Angeles, though I grew up and went to school elsewhere.

How do you pronounce your URL? - the 5 is supposed to be an S, so it’s pronounced as “Double Cast”. I originally wanted “doublecast” or “d0ublecast” but those were taken.

What does your URL/Your username on other sites mean? - My username is a reference to the unlockable hidden character Eldena and the Red Mage ability Doublecast from my favorite game, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

What's your hair routine? - Right here

Can I draw fanart of you? - Yes, but you are NOT allowed to send it to me or tag me in it

Do you answer all your asks? - No. I receive an ungodly amount of asks and delete a good 70% of them.

How do you tag your stuff? - I use the following tags:

#doubleca5t OC = my original content

#Red Mage Lookbook = selfies

#gf art 🥺 = Frenzy's art <3

#qualität scheißepfosten = faves tag (humor)

#that’s some good shit = faves tag (fan art)

#this image causes me physical pain = cringe tag

#jesus christ = posts that made me say “jesus christ” out loud (because laugh tags are overrated)

#frenzy shop = advertisements for Frenzy's Etsy, which you can find here

Other than that, everything SHOULD be tagged correctly by fandom/character/ship.


I literally work with dogs for a living, and I can 100% back up what you said. Without specific training, dogs do not understand how to act in locations that aren't designed to accommodate them. Buildings like groceries and restaurants are deeply unfamiliar places for them, surrounded by unfamiliar people and governed by unfamiliar rules. In that kind of environment, it's easy for them to get overstimulated and confused.

Actual service dogs have to go through very specific training to overcome this. It takes a lot of focus for dogs to go against their natural instincts and tune out those unfamiliar sights and smells; that focus doesn't come naturally to them. Being "really friendly" doesn't cut it. Even the friendliest dogs get stressed when they're forced into an uncomfortable situation, and that's not the dog's fault, it's the fault of the human being that put them there.

The irresponsibility of some pet owners continues to blow my mind. If someone says they really love something, shouldn't they learn how to take care of it properly?


EXACTLY!! I gotta say I'm glad to see so many people with experience working with animals backing me up on this like I'm glad I'm not crazy for thinking that dogs shouldn't be out and about everywhere


i keep seeing reference to the post you made about pet dogs and/or irresponsible owners and how they shouldn't be allowed everywhere (?) But i cant find the post itself. :0 ive tried searching "dog" "dogs" and even "owners" on your blog to no avail


Just reblogged it again


I hate hate hate hate how dog friendly everything is in the city now. Barring medical necessity, there is no reason to bring your dog to a restaurant, there is no reason to bring your dog to the grocery store, there is no reason to bring your dog to the nail salon. Dogs do not need to go everywhere you go why am I being forced to be around dogs all the time

The worst part is the degree to which city people will aggressively fearmonger about crime while also bringing their dog everywhere. Bestie you're more than twice as likely to get sent to the hospital by a dog bite than you are by anything a human does the danger is coming from inside the house

Statistically speaking, homeless people are far less dangerous than dogs but the average city liberal would kill a dozen homeless people to save a single stupid french bulldog it's so bleak I can't stand dog people

Based on the replies to this post I am now convinced that "keep your damn dog at home" is a very much a silent majority position


Some of the hardest parts of sharing your opinions on the internet:

  • People respond in extremely rude ways to the point where it’s not worth having a discussion with them
  • People respond in ways that makes it clear that they just didn’t understand what you wrote, and now you can’t have a discussion with them because it’s not even what you were talking about
  • People write a response to your post and it’s so poorly written that regardless of if it’s on topic or not there’s too much information that you need clarity on to respond to them
  • All three, same time style
Anonymous asked:

Your concern about Consequences is totally understandable, miss Minerva.

But dang if there aren't probably a bunch of thirsty so-and-sos (myself definitely included) who'd subscribe like the second you put an OF up, I'm pretty sure.

Oh I am well aware.... it's a tantalizing prospect but I simply am not built for it

Anonymous asked:

Ok, there's something about Home Insurance that I don't get: For many other kinds, the company can negotiate with Mechanics or Vets or whatever to get a discount which can then be used to offer policies lower than what the average person would pay. But Home Insurance doesn't have that, does it? I don't want to call Home Insurance a scam but on average wouldn't someone be better off without it?

You definitely would not be better off without home insurance b/c if your house burns down you would have to pay for the entire thing out of pocket and that would be very much Not Fun.

As for the difference in claims process between PersAuto and Home, I think it has to do with the business model of contractors vs auto shops. Mechanics make the bulk of their money off repairs, so having an insurance company recommend you to their customers in exchange for a discount can give you a huge boost in sales even if it cuts into your margins for individual repairs a bit. Contractors on the other hand make a huge % of their money off remodels, rebuilds, new construction, and other projects where an insurance company isn't involved. They have way less incentive to give a discount in exchange for extra business because their business model gives them a consistent source of revenue regardless of an insurance carrier's recommendation.

Same thing applies to vets with pet insurance - vets make way more money off a sick pet than a routine check-up, so they have a big incentive to get a recommendation from an insurance company.

Anonymous asked:

Is there insurance for things like pest infestations or related damage?

I think some carriers might offer a specialty coverage for something like this but most home policies will not cover that. This is because a "loss" in insurance terminology must be sudden and accidental. In general, insurance companies do not want to cover wear and tear to the structure because it does not fit that definition and would discourage people from taking proper care of their property (i.e. why bother spending a bunch of money on building upgrades and maintenance when your policy will just pay for anything that breaks regardless). Because pest infestations represent gradual damage to the structure over a long period of time as opposed to a sudden loss, insurance policies will usually have a specific exclusion form for this kind of damage.


was walking around campus and a guy walked past with his cute dog. he said she was friendly so i went to pet her and she bit me on the leg. i was literally standing there rolling my pant leg up and going she bit me she bit me and he said “no she didn’t you’re just a wuss” and walked away. i was bleeding. what the fuck




do you think if robots came out in 2015 instead of 2005 that this guy would have been one of the inescapable tumblr sexymen like the onceler or humanized bill cipher

listen the message of robots (2005) is that if we all work together we can destroy our capitalist oppressors through direct action not that if we all work together we can sexualize a robot


cis people will say “I found out I’m having a baby girl at my anatomy scan and I’m experiencing gender disappointment” but be mad when you say “who knows? maybe you’ll end up with a son anyway”

they found this post and they’re very very in their feelings about it


Cis people will basically just sag “I’m sexist” and you say “maybe you don’t have to be” and they say “well now I’m gonna be transphobic too”

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