

@sillyscrunchy / sillyscrunchy.tumblr.com

I'm just a humble Mercy/Moira main.
My name is Silly/Scrunchy. I write things. This is my TF2/Overwatch blog it is sometimes NSFW and focuses mostly on Roadrat.
Please don’t like/reblog my nsfw stuff if you are under 18. Thanks.

Reblog if you are convinced that Sniper and Spy would fuck up the ENTIRE WORLD just to save the other’s life.  


i love when random tumblr users find my blog and go through it liking and reblogging everything in a frenzy, it feels like i’ve been cultivating a nice backyard with a lovely birdbath and feeder and i’ve glanced out the window to see a bird going absolutely wild with it

I love getting a hundred notes from one person, like, hello friend thank you for appreciating my collection, enjoy your stay


I need a beta for a modern au roadrat fic I’m working on finishing up. I have about 5 chapters of Put on a Show complete and in need of structure and grammar picking. There’s going to be at least 3-4 more chapters after these.

plz let me know if interested :)


Please help donate to my friend’s cause! Her sweet cat, Arry, just recently got diagnosed with lower urinary tract disease and has been struggling to pay the vet bills while trying to maintain her bills. 

Please donate or share!

I forgot to mention this but my old tf2 crowd this is Ello-Meno-P

We’re halfway there to our goal! Please spread and donate!

Miss Pauling: You know how hard it is to work in a skirt ?
Scout: I bet I could do it.
Miss Pauling: I can't wait to see it.
Scout: Watch me

So... that's how it began, a stupid idea that stuck with me.

I had to draw it.

And so there were those who went and found a simple skirt, those who tried to find something fancy or something they liked while still being practical. And those who when all the way with a dress because it looked nice but... ins't practical at all.

Here they are in all of their glory, and some of their thoughts about it ^^

I know Heavy and Pyro aren't here but don't worry I still have some addition to make to this funny idea. I already had two full pages so I might as well share them now.

Anonymous asked:

Hey!! I love your fics so much, I'm not exaggerating when I say they're some of the best written works to come to the TF2 fandom in quite a long time. I was wondering if you have any fanfic recommendations, works by other authors that you've enjoyed? No pressure ofc, I just love your writing :))

🥺🥺 aaaaaaaaaaa thank u so much!!! You're going to make me cry istg

As for recommendations... buckle up bc I've got a few


TheTriggeredHappy is obvs a huge one, all of their stuff for non-smut is rlly good, but I personally loved Reaping What You Sew. Just a rlly good "Spy is nice but pretends not to be" 5-1 writing meme. When I first got into TF2 I wasn't big on shipping anyone, and what interested me most was Spy and Scout's parental relationship and how it would effect them and the team, so this was one of the first rlly good spy dad fics I came across.

New Confessions of an Old Kind was one of the first heavy/medic fics I came across, and tbh it's still one of my favourites. It's p short and it's most just about Medic teaching Heavy to dance for his sister's wedding. Very sweet stuff, easy read.

Meow_wow's speeding bullet stuff is amazing too, both Late Is Better Than Never (non-smut) and Along Came Scout (smut) are fantastic. Sniper is a lot more anxious in their interpretation, which makes for some pretty interesting moments between him and Scout. One of influences which got me into speeding bullet in the first place.


All of @debtdeath's stuff is amazing, I would definitely recommend. All their works are here if you're looking for some good snsc content. Boston Cream literally had me holding my breath while I was reading it, debt is very good at making the scenes feel real.

Spectacular by Delphi for some heavy/medic 5-1, rlly good stuff in this. Odd thing to note but I appreciate that Medic's first name here is Viktor, good reference lol

Meine Sonne made me fucking cry, thank you giddytf2 for pulling my heart out and throwing it against the wall. 26k introspection about heavy and medic's lives after the gravel war, it's really good stuff. My only criticism is why did it not go on forever until the heat death of the universe.

Those are all the big ones I can think of off the top of my head. There's been a few others which are rlly good, but some of them go without saying in the fandom and the others have not come to mind lol. If I remember them I might add them on but for now these are the ones which have stuck with me for one reason or another

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