
Montana Brooke


5’2 but my attitude 6’4

Dear, sweet, Littlefoot, do you remember the way to the Great Valley?  I guess so. But why do I have to know if you’re going to be with me? I’ll be with you. Even if you can’t see me. What do you mean I can’t see you? I can always see you.

The Land Before Time(1988) dir. Don Bluth


everyone on here always worried about “oh im a different person around different people so what’s my actual identity?” bitch take a drink of water and listen to brennan lee mulligan saying “people are like gems, right? they have facets to them, and some of them only get exposed within certain relationships” and maybe you’ll calm down


Sometimes I think it’s less that Your Person is someone you can be totally yourself around and more that Your Person summons the version of yourself you most like being


matilda by harry styles are for the ones who can’t reciprocate love because they don’t know how to. for the people who care more about grades than anything else even though they’re burnt out to a crisp. for the ones who are unintentionally the problem. the ones who love too much and get nothing in return. the ones who need a hug from their comfort characters. the ones who love the night time because it’s when they can truly be alone and be themselves. the ones who try to do something for them self but just get laughed/scolded at. the ones who joke about their pain to cope with it. the ones that just want everything to be okay.

“Olive,” Dr Aslan interrupted her with a stern tone. “What do I always tell you?”
“Carry yourself with the confidence of a mediocre white man.”

- Ali Hazelwood, The Love Hypothesis


I love The Golden Girls.


Ya’ll don’t have any idea how fucking brave and needed these plot lines were.

This was before Ellen came out.

This was before civil unions.

This was before Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

This was when your ass could be fired, blacklisted, and shunned with no legal protections for even being hinted at being gay.

And the Golden Girls said “Fuck you, Fuck this, we’re doing it anyway.”

I think it should be noted that Blanche’s quote about AIDS is also “It is not god punishing people for their sins” and that the episode also deals with slutshaming.


I don’t know if people realize how much activism these women did for gay right and during the aids crisis. If you think about it they were all long established in Hollywood and Broadway. They had tons of friends personally affected and dealing with the aids crisis. Estelle Getty lost a nephew. I think they helped plant seeds in people who watched Golden Girls that helped make things a little more normalized and mainstream.


I will reblog this every time.

Literally this.

Getting dirty, asking questions, being unapologetically enthusiastic about things, going overboard on projects. These are a few of my favorite things.

This is so heartbreaking, but so true. 


And it’s even more heartbreaking when you see the transition and how performative it is.

I was a camp counselor at a science/nature camp when I was 16, for a bunch of 10 and 11 yr old girls. And one day while we were waiting around for the naturalist to come get us to go on the day’s hike, the boys cabin we were grouped with was exploring the area and overturned a log and found a salamander. One of the boys picked it up and they brought it over.

My girls all went “ewww, gross, keep it away!”

…right up until I said “whoa, cool, can I see it?”

This boy handed me the salamander and all of a sudden my girls were clustering around. They wanted to hold it. They were asking questions about it. They had stories of other times they’d seen a lizard or caught a frog or something. A couple of them went with some of the boys to look under another log and see if they could find another one.

All they had needed was permission to be curious, to show interest instead of disgust. And as soon as someone they were looking to for cues on “how to be a girl” showed interest, as soon as they didn’t feel like they had to perform socially-acceptable girliness and pretend to be grossed out in order to gain adult approval, all that natural curiosity and the fascination most kids have for the natural world just came bubbling right up.

As a female engineer, I have to reblog this.

this is such an important message! let girls enjoy stuff!!

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