
Renora Won

@sssn-neptune-vasilias / sssn-neptune-vasilias.tumblr.com

RWBY fan since 11/5/12! Run by an absolute moron with an obscene amount of free time. Search #RWBYWritingJB for some fanfics, or find me at TobiasHawk1 on AO3 and ff.net. If smut's not your thing, blacklist #FilteredGoggles.| Avatar by Princesstenacity

The RoosterTeeth site will be deleted May 15th 😔 do yourselves a favor and start archiving EVERYTHING you can now. RageQuit, RvB, X-Ray & Vav, the Minecraft Let's Plays, RWBY, etc. RT is warning us as nicely as they can that there's a p good chance we won't be able to access ANYTHING by next year, including the YouTube channel. Download!

May as well make this a public response instead of just a reply. There is an archive already in the works and people have captured pretty much everything that has ever been released by RT. The focus was first on pure content gathering, now they’re shifting to how to preserve it somewhere for people to access for posterity.

Currently, that’s here: https://archiveofpimps.com

Not everything has been uploaded yet, I just confirmed on the discord that it’s coming along and everything should be accessible asap.

Don’t fret; no need to worry. There’s nothing we can do about Warner Brothers, but the content that is already produced should be safe. Gather your own favorites (I did for me!) but regardless it should be all safe and accessible very soon. ❤️


The RoosterTeeth site will be deleted May 15th 😔 do yourselves a favor and start archiving EVERYTHING you can now. RageQuit, RvB, X-Ray & Vav, the Minecraft Let's Plays, RWBY, etc. RT is warning us as nicely as they can that there's a p good chance we won't be able to access ANYTHING by next year, including the YouTube channel. Download!


Alright. Gonna start with some advice. Maybe not good advice either, but advice nonetheless.

If there's any RT merch you've ever thought you might've wanted, get it. Get it now. Figures? Shirts? Hats? Pins? Get it. Don't wait for the liquidation sale, I was on the RT store @ 2pm yesterday and bought some shit that was sold out by 5pm. Raid the RT store, raid Amazon, raid HotTopic, raid fuckin WalMart. You will NEVER get the chance to buy this merch again, and what's in circulation NOW is likely what will forever be in circulation- and it'll only get more expensive next year when RT's dissolved. Buy it, buy it, buy it. Because you don't wanna regret never having got it later.

Content! If there's a song, Achievement Hunter episode, series, etc that's ever made you laugh, download it. Download the RageQuit Impossible Game series. Download the entire RvB series. Download RWBY. Download the entire Achievement Hunter Minecraft Let's Play series. Download Falling Towards the Sky. WB has a long history burying content that it owns and making sure people can never find it again. In 20 years, you don't wanna go looking across YouTube just to find out that "SWISS FUCKING CHEESE!" or "I WENT TO PUBLIC SCHOOL!" has been deleted. To find out BMBLB or Boop has been scrubbed off Spotify. Download if, keep it in a hard drive somewhere, and maybe in 2051 you can still sit down with a friend and watch every episode of XRay and Vav without worrying about which website is still hosting it.

Keep the community. I've met some of my best and oldest friends through RT. Don't let those ties break. Find something else to get into, but maintain those friendships.

This sucks, but we can make it suck a little less with friends!


You ever think about the fact that Nora was an orphan whose mother chose to abandon her and save herself rather than help her own daughter? You ever think about how that must’ve affected Nora every waking minute of her life? That her mother didn’t even think she was worth saving? But now here she is, days, weeks, months after she should’ve died, still fighting for every minute of her existence? Foraging for food and raiding dumpsters for stale bread? No older than five? This little girl was on her own at such a young age and she woke up every morning remembering the fact that the person who she trusted the most in her life had abandoned her to be eaten by bloodthirsty monsters.

You ever think about how Ren was most likely the first person to show Nora any kind of compassion or kindness since her mother abandoned her? How Ren- a kid who was perfectly safe and hidden from the Grimm, a kid who’d just been orphaned himself- put his own safety in jeopardy in order to save Nora. This random kid who’d just been through such a traumatic experience- this kid who had two loving parents who sacrificed themselves to give him a chance at life- did more for her than her own mother!

You ever think about how Nora must feel about Ren after that? She wasn’t alone anymore. She wasn’t abandoned or not even worth saving. She was worthy of love! She was worthy of life! Because if this little kid with bright pink eyes thought so, who was she to argue? 



This sucks. This genuinely sucks. I know I've been one of the loudest and most consistent voices in the RWDE community, but I've always been a RWBY fan first and foremost. I've met some of my closest friends through RWBY. I've been in communities for over a decade through RWBY. RWBY has easily been the most formative fandom of my life for me. I've got over 40 RWBY fics that are some of my most read pieces of writing. I love RWBY.

RT shutting down was obvious. The past few years have been rocky as hell. The Ryan incident, the Joel incident, Mica rightfully airing out her issues with the company, Kdin doing the same, etc etc etc. It honestly feels like getting bought by AT&T put a timer on their backs that's finally rung. The writing's been on the wall for a really long time. Most of us have been refusing to read it but... now we're here.

I'm still processing. I think all of us should take the day to process. To get our hopes up that WB will sell it off instead of canceling it for a tax writeoff like they've done with every other property they own. Hopefully we get lucky! Crazier things have happened.

Like I said in my other post, today is Renoraversary. And the Bees are canon in RWBY. We have some great moments to fondly remember. RvB WILL finish up with its final season, and to everyone still watching Camp Camp, we've got that too. If you're an RT fan, hell, if you're a RWBY fan, let's make sure today is a good day.

We can mourn tomorrow.


It's Renoraversary. Can we please just say today is Renoraversary and nothing else happened today? Can we PLEASE just focus on Renoraversary today?


I'm not trying to be doomer about it either. Like, I'd be genuinely happy if RT picked back up, and sad if they circle the drain until they collapse. But the fact that they're not even doing RTX this year... the difference in tone between last year's RTX and 2022's RTX... the fact that almost all the VAs have moved on from RT and only return to do their lines, the fact that v9 had to be outsourced to CR and pretty much lost money every episode...

Where do we go from here?


... I think we're done

Be hopeful. Be excited. Sure. But I think in a "being realistic" sense... RT is cooked. I hope I'm wrong. I really do. But it's been obvious for a couple years now that RT aren't gonna survive much longer. And with v10 still not greenlit, and "the final" season of rvb on the horizon after 2 poorly received seasons........

I think we're done.


You ever remember how Penny Polendina was a sentient robot designed and programmed to help people, but was so sentient that she started to rebel against her orders and programming? But no she didn’t rebel to take over the world or hurt people. She didn’t see people and battle androids get shredded and torn apart by Grimm and decide that that’s not the fate she wanted. Her big rebellion was to try to think up a plan to be with her friends. She wanted so badly to remain with the friends she’d made at Beacon. That’s it. That’s all she wanted. You ever think about that? You ever remember how Penny was so human she even developed her own fears? But not like, fears that would’ve been programmed into her like self-preservation or fear of not being able to help. Nah, the fear she developed was of people invalidating her humanity. She didn’t want people to see her as “less than.” But she was so touched and moved by Ruby that she told her her secret anyway, fully expect Ruby to then invalidate her. Can you imagine how happy she must’ve felt when Ruby told her otherwise? That she was a real girl regardless? And can you imagine how absolutely afraid and ashamed she must’ve felt as she fell apart on the tournament floor? Those last few seconds of consciousness that must’ve felt like an eternity to an AI? Can you imagine how she must’ve felt knowing that her cover was blown, everyone knew she was a robot, and would then invalidate her humanity? Not a real girl after all? You ever think about that?

Penny Polendina was a sentient android designed to help people. She was a robot with a soul who used her abilities to save as many people as she could. The Protector of Mantle descended from the heavens to help save our heroes in 7.1 and she’s been happily saving as many people from the Grimm ever since. The people of Mantle loved her! They didn’t care that she was a robot. They never thought that she wasn’t real. She was real to them!

Penny Polendina was given the powers of the Winter Maiden. She was given the powers because a dying woman recognized hope in her eyes and altruism in her soul. She took one look at Penny and knew she was a little different, but didn’t hesitate a moment to recognize just how worthy she was of the Maiden’s gift. Penny didn’t even ask for it. It was given to her with the blessings of the woman who’d wielded that power for decades.

Penny Polendina was hacked and forced to fight an impossible battle between her own wants and needs and programming that she couldn’t ignore. Worried for her friends she begged them to kill her before she could turn on them. She begged them to end her life, promising that in her final moments she could guarantee without a fraction of a doubt that she’d be able to give Ruby Rose- the first person to ever show her kindness and compassion- the Maiden powers. She knew her final thoughts would be of her best friend, programming be damned.

Penny Polendina was made flesh and blood by a demigod who was just as excited about seeing what he’d create as her friends were. Up against impossible magical rules, Ruby twisted and bent each one to her will in desperate hope of keeping Penny alive and it worked. And not only was our favorite redhead alive she was human! Nuts and bolts no longer, she had the squishy guts that she’d once thought she needed to have to be considered real. Finally a human! Finally able to feel just how warm a hug was. Finally able to experience the world in ways she never could before. Penny Polendina was full of life and love and so ready to experience it! Her friends had fought all night to make sure she wouldn’t have to sacrifice herself to save Mantle, and they’d finally succeeded. Their hard work would finally pay off! They’d saved Penny and saved the day! They were one portal ride away from saving everyone.

Penny Polendina was murdered. Twice. Both times by a friend she trusted. When the chips were down, Penny always cared more about the people around her than her own life. As her red blood dripped down Jaune’s sword, she gave the power to Winter a woman who she admired and respected.

Penny Polendina deserved more than just being a sacrifice. She deserved more than just being a martyr for the cause. She deserved more than just being a victim of her own goodwill. She deserved happiness. She deserved to feel the rain against her skin, to feel grass beneath her toes, to cry and love and laugh and experience all the things she wasn’t able to as an android. Penny Polendina deserved more. She deserved better. And tbh I don’t think I’m ever going to forgive this show for tearing her apart a second time.

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