
got it memorized?

@red1sweird / red1sweird.tumblr.com

Red | they/ello/elle | agender aro ace | art blog @ red1sart | 🇭🇳

when i came out as trans i had an old friend from my church days message me to congratulate me and ask me for my name and pronouns. and i was shocked tbh cause he was such a head-deep-up-the-church’s ass kind of guy so i was super wary.

and after digging a little deeper i found out that he was very supportive of transness, saying that trans men are men and trans women are women


he also believed in the church’s gender roles meaning that trans women had to marry men and be submissive wives and trans men had to marry women and be strong christian husbands.

which is like ????

the weirdest and most surreal form of trans inclusive misogyny i’ve ever seen.


I have a friend who was not out at his job. He didn't bind at work because he was afraid of that being the action that outed him. He worked at a small place run by a very conservative and trump loving family.

His coworkers were awful to him and treated him horribly.

Once he decided to start testosterone and started binding he told them his name, and that he was expecting people to use he/him when addressing him. Everything changed.

He suddenly had so much respect. They turned to him when things needed to be decided or fixed and asked his opinions on company based decisions. He even got a pay bump out of nowhere. They only mentioned his transition once to say "trans people are awful but that makes sense that you want to be the superior gender so it's fine."

He was livid. It breaks both of our brains to unpack it.


this is why we talk about the intersection between misogyny and transphobia btw. It's not always simply transphobia or simply misogyny, it comes in all combinations and peoples experiences are shaped transphobia and misogyny according to where they sit within the gender empire. transitioning is an act which changes both of these things and it's important to recognize and talk about our relationships to misogyny may grow or change as we do


The key shortcut of "windows key" and "." held together has changed my life


emoji access? supremely powerful 🙂💖


Kaomoji ?

The year is 2013 and I am unstoppable ヾ(•ω•`)o o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブo(*°▽°*)o

mac equivalent is Comand-Control-Space for my fellow mac users out there



Why do we say that capitalism must be “dismantled”?

You’ll hear phrases like “Smash the state!” “Eat the rich!” and “Smash capitalism!”

And, yes, of course, but… :)

However relevant those sayings are, our work must be careful, highly organized and above all planned.

Because capitalism and all of its associated systems are not discrete, abstracted entities we can attack independently.

It is a structure, like a complicated machine with many thousands of working parts…

And right now it is connected to absolutely everything.

If we do this… [picks up huge hammer and smashes the machine]

Then a lot of vulnerable people will die.

The machine was built and improved and redesigned and patched over the course of generations. It is very good at its intended purpose, which is ultimately to generate profit.

Every human being alive today relies on the byproducts of the machine to survive, without exception.

The machine’s engineers want it to keep working like it does. In fact, they want to optimise it.

That will kill all remaining life on Earth.

So, we must destroy the machine, quickly and carefully

We must examine its deadly programs and mechanics and replace them with alternatives we built together.

The engineers don’t want us tampering with the machine.

However, we make it run…

So we can make it STOP. Together.

How will YOU help us to safely dismantle the machine?

p.s. My computer is on its last legs. If you would like me to draw you a little cartoon and help me get a new computer, learn more at this post.


message to all leftists: understand that landlords are bad because they are extorting you in exchange for a basic necessity of survival, not because they are "lazy" or "don't have real jobs"

everyone who has added some variation on these tags to my post needs to explain to me what sort of inherent value they think "having a job" gives you as a person, btw. tell me your thoughts on the kind of people who are gatekept from housing by landlords due to their employment histories (or lack thereof). explain to me how you think your value judgments will hold up in the post-capitalist future you claim to want so bad


blows my mind that i have little online friends who mildly care about me. it’s really nice

anyway hi little online friends i care about you too 🍄


So how is it that second-hand embarrassment is the single most powerful and weakening emotion one can feel from media?

Tragedy? Delicious.

A hard-earned happy ending? Wonderful.

A convoluted narrative? Keeps you glued.

Simple slice of life? It’s entertaining.

Second-hand embarrassment? Hang on, g, I gotta pause this for fifteen minutes, no, I cannot continue watching this right now, I am just not strong enough.

As a Watamote fan, yeah.


while all of these are things that CAN and even MIGHT happen to us, more than likely they’re experiences we haven’t had yet, and thus are safely some distance from what is happening while enjoying the emotional payoff for most of them.

second-hand embarrassment, though? that’s an experience we’ve all had. it has a weak spot to target and 100% crit chance. the only people who can survive it unharmed are those without shame or regret.

That’s a good way of putting it.

Humanity is united, and the bond is a devastating weakness towards one’s own projected cringe.


Girl who wants her friends to live long and healthy vs guy who sucks at taking care of himself who wins


i just finished reading dungeon meshi and would like to state:

if you have been under the impression up to this point that dungeon meshi is a low stakes found family slice of life about quirky fantasy friends talking about food (like i did before i read it), i'd like to tell you that it is not that. those moments of found family enjoying a meal are surrounded by a harrowing and grim journey through a terrifying labyrinth designed to kill them, and throughout the 97 chapters comprising it from start to end, I cannot think of a single page that didn't contain vital story information that mattered.

it is an expertly and lovingly crafted odyssey with fantasy world building so thorough with consistent logic that the properties of the magic in their world fell extremely comfortably into the part of my brain that understands things like gravity and light particles. it's really good shit.

extra things that make it worth recommending:

keeping in the theme of "no wasted panels", theres also no wasted time, setting up the premise and end goal that will encompass the entire story in the first chapter. as someone who watches a lot of anime who dilly-dally in getting to the point, i found this very refreshing.

also, the main character is written to be autistic in an extremely believable way, and i dont mean that in a "its my headcanon!" way, i mean it in a "the vast majority of character conflicts he has directly involve his inability to communicate, even though to him he speaks very plainly and directly as best as he can" and a "his niche obsession that other people cannot understand and find offputting is something that gives him a great deal of joy, and his passion and competence in it gives him strength that other people can't and seemingly refuse to try to understand" way. as someone with The Same Problems, i found myself having a deep love for his character at the end. like, he is really something else.

if i keep thinking about it i could make this list a mile long honestly, its a really very good story.


yo if youre a cis woman who considers yourself an ally to trans women please take a second to read this

stop engaging with terfs, its not helping. it has never helped. stop reblogging terf posts to poke fun at them, stop directly engaging in arguments with terfs for the sake of getting off some petty insult or telling them off, youre not proving anything and youre not going to change their minds. doing something to “piss off terfs” does not help trans women, it just frustrates terfs, who will then take their frustrations out on trans women. terfs might tell u off or insult u but ultimately they see u as a poor victim who has been Brainwashed By The Trans Rights Activists™, youre not a target, youre not the one who has to deal with their anger, we are.

if u want to help trans women do things to uplift and support trans women, if u see a trans women is being harassed on this site by terfs throw some positivity her way. dont rile up ppl who are attacking someone else just to earn radical discourse brownie points.

Anti-terf activities that can actually be helpful for cis allies to engage in:

  • If someone makes a post about “please don’t reblog from (popular artist) cause they’re a terf,” feel free to reblog it! Help spread information about who terfs are.
  • If a trans woman makes a post detailing why terf arguments are absurd nonsense, feel free to reblog it! Help spread information about why terf ideas are bullshit.
  • If you see a post like that, or a general positivity post for trans women, and there’s some terf being hateful on it, just reblog from OP! Even if someone further down in the thread “totally destroyed” the terf’s argument! Don’t give terfs a platform on your blog.
  • If you see a post from a cis lesbian or feminist blog you don’t recognize, give it a quick look before you reblog! This goes doubly true if the post talks about people in terms of “males” and “females” or the person has words like “radical”/”rad” or “female” in their url or blog title. Put in the effort to not reblog from terfs so trans women don’t have to do it for you!
  • If someone close to you turns out to be a terf, cut them off and tell them why. Don’t think you can be an ally to us and still be friends with the people who want us dead.

But like the OP said, making a big show about arguing with terfs and mocking them doesn’t actually help us at all. I know it’s easier and flashier to fight a big evil enemy, but it’s better and more important to help the trans women who’re being hurt by them and by the world we live in.

Love and support trans women before you worry about fighting terfs.

Love and support trans

women before you worry

about fighting terfs.

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

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