


Rae🖤 // they/she // Multifandom // 13+

Sex work is real work and if you disagree, leave.

Y’all really out here getting cucked huh

Dude, he’s fucking the girl you jack off to. That’s the exact opposite of being cucked.


Alright Tumblr, I’m putting my faith in you. I’m currently raising funds for a Palestinian family trying to escape Rafah. (The border is currently closed, but it will reopen and when it does, I want all four them to be able to leave). They need $15k and they’re only at $1.3k. If you donate $10 or more, I will draw your requests. All you need to do is donate, and send the receipt to andreadarcyart@gmail.com and I’ll draw your request (as long as it’s not inappropriate). They need help and can no longer apply to Operation Olive branch for aid, so I’m the only one advocating for them. Please help if you can, I would really, really appreciate it.


I go to UCLA and it’s insane how much the pro-Palestinian protestors had to endure. Here’s a rundown.

On early Tuesday morning, the pro-Israeli protestors (most middle aged people, not even UCLA students):

  • threw a biohazardous backpack full of dying mice into the encampment
  • hid bananas in the encampment when someone is deathly allergic to them
  • harassed pro-Palestinian protestors, telling them they hoped they get raped, have no life, etc.
  • Shot several FIREWORKS into the encampment
  • Used pepper spray/bear mace on protestors
  • Ripped apart the barricades
  • Beat up protestors
  • The police stood around for about 3 hours (1-4 AM) because UCLA didn’t give the OK to stop them (edit: found out that UCLA prohibited security from this since the FRIDAY prior)

On Tuesday night to Wednesday morning, when clearing out the encampment, the police:

  • Used multiple flashbangs, I’ve heard about 20
  • Shot 5 people in the head with rubber-covered metal bullets
  • Brutally beat peaceful people up with nightsticks
  • Used tear gas
  • They even brought boxes of PIZZA 🙄 because the protestors and supporters were relentless in staying on campus and tiring the police out (👏)

Just want to reiterate, I have seen absolutely no evidence of any pro-Palestinian protestors at UCLA being hostile or violent in any way, while the news and UCLA itself has framed the attacks on students as “clashes” between both sides. It’s propaganda.

Meanwhile, a video of a Zionist Jewish student who acted like they blocked access to the building conveniently didn’t follow the several people walking in the background accessing the open side and back entrances to Royce Hall. Also lots of parts of campus are closed off for different reasons often and you have to go around. It’s not a problem for an able-bodied person like him. Zionists are literally making stuff up to play the victim when it’s not even happening.


reblog this if you want a LONG (or short) anonymous message saying what they think of you.



Look. At. What. You. Guys. Did.

With the help of the funds you guys raised through the last post, Mona and some volunteers were able to cook and distribute so many chicken and rice meals that fed entire families!!!!! This is amazing!!! Please remember to donate, you are changing and helping maintain so many lives. EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS. P*ypal.

Don't forget! None of this is possible without Mona's hard work! If you'd like to send her a kind message please respond in the replies or the tags or reblogs! She was very happy to recieve kind messages from you guys under the last post as well!

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