


Just completed and submitted the final version of my Extended Essay !!! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° 

So I compiled lists of words that I found super super useful in making it easier for me to finish any essay !! Here is a masterpost of some sort with transition words + key vocabs grouped together for easy access as well as an IB IOC ‘cheat sheet’ I used for my english LAL orals last year (though most commentaries follow a similar structure so its generalisable) ~

Good luck with your essays !!!

… oops just realised I forgot to bullet point one of the lists 


Me in the year 2076, Neo tokyo: “hello where’s ultra anime paornagraphy?”


Why are you speaking English in Tokyo?

Daijobu …. fuck you

Why’d you ask if he was ok



I used to know this guy’s dad who slept with his eyes open and whenever I would sleep over at their house I’d sneak down and steal a poptart and stare at him directly in the eyes while eating it


To tease fate


the ol’ razzle dazzle



self discipline tips

here are tips I discovered very recently:

  • something is better than nothing. 5 minutes of work are better than zero. Just because you missed something on your schedule doesn’t mean you can’t still work on it, even for 5 minutes. Grow and build on this.
  • second drafts / reviews can be done after.
  • Don’t think you are going to do your very best work on the first try. Take the weight of perfectionism off your shoulders.
  • don’t think about doing it. just do it as fast as you can.
  • build on your productivity, not your failures.
  • If you come from a past of procrastinating and now feel motivated to change and discipline yourself, do NOT try to do everything at once.
  • if you have a set of different goals to accomplish, begin with the most important one. Wait until the rotine of working for that one settles in (you feel productive and comfortable-ish), and then begin with the next. Repeat.
  • this way you’ll be building your way up and not juggling everything at the same time, hoping everything works out.
  • be patient with yourself, you’ll get there!
  • set smaller deadlines for your goals
  • have monthly and weekly-ish deadlines
  • e.g. if you are doing a project, due 22nd Feb, set personal deadlines, like have Introduction written by 2nd Feb, have Methods written by 10th Feb, have project complete by 18th Feb.
  • take them as seriously as you possibly can, don’t miss out on yourself.
  • write realistic daily tasks and don’t stop until you finish them. after them you can do whatever you want
  • on writing realistic daily tasks, the secret is knowing you can only do so much in one day, but trusting you can accomplish everything in the course of any period of time (a week, or 2 weeks or a month, etc.) because you will combine the work from all these different days.
  • it’s very tempting to write down all the tasks you need to accomplish in one day to just get over with it, but the real deal is you won’t accomplish half of them. You’ll feel very unproductive then, wich leads to demotivation.
  • spread daily tasks in the time necessary.
  • have a consistent sleep schedule.
  • if your mind isn’t ready everything will fall apart.
  • have one rest day per week where you plan nothing, do whatever you want except studying. this can be harder than you expect!

(don’t forget these are effective only if you actually put them into practice! good luck babes!!)


me as a pilot

me *accidentally over intercom*: siri how do i land a big airplane at Newark airport


when my boyfriend told me to stop impersonating a flamingo I had to put my foot down


Shoutout 2 all my boring bitches. we out here, being bored and boring.

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