

basically just a sheith archive now

The taste of your lips

Listened to the cover of ”Toxic” by 2wei while drawing this. This episode still won’t let go of me… and the s7 spoilers from SDCC were the final nail in my coffin. Sheith owns my ass now and forever.


I’m sorry, but Voltron Legendary Defenders has been my special interest for years and I can’t not say something.

This makes me so mad because everyone is seriously misunderstanding what Voltron is. Voltron, the mech, isn’t a being itself. Its not a character. It’s what happens when five smaller mechs and five people piloting them come together. Voltron isn’t its own being so it doesn’t have a personality, but the 5 lions that make up Voltron? They have tons of personality, amazing designs, and are their own characters in the show. They have more personality than any other mechs I’ve seen, though granted I haven’t seen many. Not to mention being animal based instead of people based for their designs, that’s really cool and I haven’t seen anything else like it (tho I don’t watch a lot of mech anime). There’s plenty of fanart and talk about the lions because they’re cool, interesting characters, but of course no one makes as big a fuss about Voltron because it’s not a character in the show.

Also, Voltron isn’t even a mech anime, so it’s unfair to hold it to the same standards. It was kind of based off of part of a mech anime because the original Voltron was partly one, but Voltron Legendary Defender isn’t an anime. It’s not Japanese for one, but doesn’t follow the format or tropes of anime either. It’s American animation with a mech in it, so don’t expect an anime out of it and don’t hold it to completely irrelevant standards.

It’s ok to not like the show, and to not like it because you were expecting something else, but when your criticisms don’t even make sense then shut the hell up. It’s ok to have opinions, but do your research before you bash something because now you look stupid. Voltron’s not a character in the show, it’s an object. I wouldn’t get too hyped about a magic staff or a gun in a show so I’m not going to get that hyped about Voltron (though there should be more art, I get it’s incredibly hard to draw and personally I’d rather draw the lions anyways). But the red lions switching of pilots and personalities? Hilarious. Keith’s whole struggle with the black lion? Great for both their characters development. The black lion holding onto Shiro’s soul/ghost for like 4 seasons because there might have been a chance to bring him back? Incredible loyalty and care almost unbefitting a robot. And these are just the major story beat moments I could remember off the top of my head, there are so many more. Oh? You want fanart? How about such fandom classics as the pride flag one (get it, cause there lions), or what about literally anything ikimaru has done I know they’ve drawn the lions before and they were adorable.

Criticisms are fine, I’ll be the first to admit that VLD isn’t perfect, but when your criticisms aren’t even applicable to the thing you’re criticizing it shows how little you care or cared to learn.


It's also just kind of unfair to compare modern Voltron to any mainstream Japanese fandom where there are VASTLY more fanworks from artists all over the world so of course you can find like a thousand pictures of the weird drill mech, Gurren Lagann. Voltron was popular but it wasn't Gundam or EVA popular. We're talking different scales here.

But that being said people very much drew the lions.


Forgot I have a tumblr uhoh. I don't think I'll ever finish this old Batman Returns au sheith, but it's still kinda cute. Keith's missing his cat ears oop


Happy anniversary to Shiro and Keith, who on this day were married and are now out in space, happily exploring the great beauty of the cosmos with their giant space dog and a nice cup of coffee. It's what y'all deserve.

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