
Pumpkins and Moons

@pumpkinsandmoons / pumpkinsandmoons.tumblr.com


something useful my therapist told me: our brains have a bias toward negative thoughts, because our brains arenā€™t wired to be happy; theyā€™re wired to keep us alive.

from an evolutionary standpoint, it makes sense. our brains need us to remember negative events, so we donā€™t repeat the experience. in cases of mental illness, those thoughts can take over, and thatā€™s a problem, butĀ even NT people have a naturally negative slant to their thoughts. at one point in human evolution, this was probably more helpful than it is now.

for me this was like, really, really helpful. i used to buy into the idea that you always have to be happy, or else something is wrong with you. i thought there was something inherently wrong with me for having negative thoughts.Ā 

to hear my therapist say,Ā ā€œnah, thatā€™s normalā€ was so refreshing. like, okay, my brainā€™s just trying its best. and once i recognize that, i can address those negative thoughts, and decide whether i want to hang on to them or not.Ā 

it was empowering.Ā 

Mind. Blown.



Thereā€™s a fire inside Jumpstarted by one simple ā€œYes!ā€ I can feel the light breaking through All of that darkness has been defeated

The day I got hired at AUS26, I wrote this. If only I had known.


if u ever find a genie and youā€™re really craving a dessert that looks like this:

do NOT sayĀ ā€œiā€™d like a lifetime supply of raspberry crownsā€

while this is, in fact, the name of the pastry, itā€™s ALSO the name of a species of wasp for some reason. the genie, being a nasty trickster, will no doubt give you a bunch of wasps.

this is an oddly specific post are you ok


On the average day, I'm tired.

Living with mental illnesses really is completely draining.

Everything requires extra work.

Anxieties keep me up hours past the time I've laid down to sleep,

Depression plummets me down to the dark place I spend days crawling out of.

I understand why people don't want to fight anymore, and I don't think they are selfish for ending it.

I don't romanticize it.

No one chooses this.

No one wants this.

We're exhausted.


On the average day, I'm tired.

Living with mental illnesses really is completely draining.

Everything requires extra work.

Anxieties keep me up hours past the time I've laid down to sleep,

Depression plummets me down to the dark place I spend days crawling out of.

I understand why people don't want to fight anymore, and I don't think they are selfish for ending it.

I don't romanticize it.

No one chooses this.

No one wants this.

We're exhausted.


Domestic 'violence' against men is valid as violence against women. That's why they haven't opened up any shelters for them yet!

Okay, Iā€™m done seeing this. Iā€™m done with people like you acting all high and mighty against men becauseĀ ā€œmen are trashā€ or some other shit you are probably going to reply to me with.Ā 

Years ago, my twin brother got into a relationship with a woman. She was sweet, kind, and seemed supportive. The exact kinda relationship you want to see a family member get into. But little by little, day by day, my brother started talking and hanging out with me. At first I thought it was something I did, maybe I said something wrong. But no, this bitch told my brother to stop spending with any female woman he knows, including family. Of course, warning bells go off in my head, but I chose to ignore them. Like you, I was close minded at one point and believed that men couldnā€™t be abused. I will regret this decision for the rest of my life.

The violence soon began after she trapped him. Yes I use the word trap, because thatā€™s basically what happened. She didnā€™t let him out of the house because sheĀ ā€œlovedā€ him and was scared he would leave her. He wasnā€™t allowed to go to parties because he might cheat on her. He was alone with this woman, who even controlled how long he spent online and where he went. (She used parent controls.)

The violence began as minor stuff, pushing him orĀ ā€œaccidentallyā€ stepping on his feet or hands. But like most domestic violence cases, it just got worst. The big one first happened when she slapped him across the face after he refused to not come to our dadā€™s birthday celebration. SheĀ ā€œapologizedā€ and then said that she wouldnā€™t do that if he would just listen to her.

He tried, oh gods above did my brother try to keep her happy. It was no longer about because he loved her, but he was scared that she would hurt him or destroy something precious to him. She started misgendering him (my brother transitioned from FtM), insulting him, making fun of his likes and hobbies. She would destroy his photos or personal belongings like clothes.

One day, enough was enough, and after she took paused from punching him during an argument, he pushed her hard enough that she fell to the floor, and he ran to the bathroom to call me to come and help him. At this point, I did basic research about domestic violence against men (something you obviously havenā€™t OP) and knew something horrible was going on. I quickly drove over to their house, not homeā€¦ never home, and picked him up as she was screaming on the porch to have him arrested forĀ ā€œhurtingā€ her.

Just a few hours later, after cleaning himself up and me bandaging any wounds on him, the police showed up to our house. Our first though, as Native Hawaiians, wasĀ ā€œoh fuck.ā€ So after hearing his side of the story, you know what this PO did? He arrested my brother!Ā On the charges of domestic violence. For you ask? Pushing her. Yeah, that thing my brother did in self defense? Got him arrested.

He soon got released on flimsy charges, and this bitch tried to get together with him again. Not making the same mistake twice, we got him to place a restraining order against her. The police wouldnā€™t do shit, so he had to get a restraining order.

And after all of this, my brother still doubts that he went through domestic violence, because people like OP exist who believe that women are fragile and weak against the strong and unbreakable men. And letā€™s just forget about same sex relationships, even though there is a same sex domestic violence epidemic happening.

Ignoring this idiotic, sexist OP for a second. I beg anyone reading this, if you or a love one is going through domestic abuse, or believe you are, I beg you, as someone who made the mistake of not taking action for so long, to not make the same mistake I did. It doesnā€™t matter if you are a man, woman, or nonbinary. Nobody deserves to go through such a difficult situation, much less to feel like nobody is one their side. (Like OP.) Please, call theĀ  National Domestic Violence Hotline. Their number isĀ  1-800-799-7233. You are not alone.

There was one in Canada.

WAS being the key word because when the person who opened it did so, he was ridiculed, attacked and harassed over it all while the government never paid him enough to keep it going. Then he committed suicide.

Imagine that the genders were reversed:

That a woman opened up a woman abuse shelter, the only kind in her country, and because of that was attacked until it failed and she killed herself.

If youā€™re disgusted by that image OP, youā€™re a hypocrite. Because the only thing that changed in that scenario is the gender.

Wow are you fucking kidding me op


Everyone can suffer abuse no matter what gender.


Fuck anyone else that says otherwise.

If someone tried to tell me that I, a male, couldnā€™t have been abused, (as I am currently recovering from c-PTSD for the last 20+ years), I would say they just made a fucking liar out of themselves, cause thatā€™s the most sexist shit I have EVER heard.


If your idea of feminism excludes men, itā€™s not feminism. Itā€™s misandry, and itā€™s disgusting.



It starts slow most days.

It's a whisper in my head.

Your words are just the shouting version.

You are creative in ways I could never have imagined.

Your words are the snakebite of poison that slowly kills me.

Your tone is the extra force of the jaws digging in.

I'm using every self care method I know to suck your poison out.

Instead of sucking, all I'm doing is pushing it further into me.

I'm internalizing and I can't stop myself.

"What's going on with you?" I know you're not concerned.

You're just waiting for an excuse to unload more of your poison.

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