
Lazy Writer


Fanfics and fanarts
Tom Holland/Peter Parker+Don’t Starve+Heathers+Pokemon+Sdorica Masterlist

Years after years, life goes on. But we all interact with each other in the end. We will all die in the end, from immortal or mortal. That’s what makes us humans after all. We must protect our fragile little world, even if it’s cruel and merciless.” - Unknown 

This recalled my memories about fmab. It is my favourite anime, well, there are more and more anime showing up these days but fmab is definitely best of the best, no doubt.


@staff Not exactly the “welcome back to the app store” you were expecting huh


Deleting all comments because only in this site you will find people throwing shit at a 17 year old boy who has voluntarily fed 80'000 people by starting his own business because he has a very particular idea lf masculinity which happens to threat only people with paper feelings.


His business has a line of ‘SheCans’ with names like ‘Unstoppable’, ‘Awesome’, ‘Fearless’ and ‘Beautiful’. Anyone who is bitter about this kid’s business needs to step back and reevaluate their life.

^^ Reblogging again because of that comment


also this article is misleading. there is nothing on the site that says the lad was “sick of his sister’s flowery candles” he got the idea from his sister who was selling them for a school fundraiser and wanted more scents that appealed to him, as the overwhelming majority of scented candles are marketed towards women.

This is hilariously adorable

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