

@bigpeepee / bigpeepee.tumblr.com

alex | 28 | any pronouns | infj | italy | links

"tumblr thinks this" "tumblr users act like that" the only thing all tumblr users do is look at posts.

some of them don't even read posts.


actually for fusies, let’s make it a poll

original post for context:


option 1 is more than twice what i get currently and im "comfortable" financially, that woulkd be incredible

option 2 is insane and you'll never have the time to spend that money, until youre too exhausted and broken to enjoy it

10k a month is frankly insane numbers to me, through my adult life ive been lucky to get 15k a YEAR. on 10k a month i could live a perfectly comfortable life and want for very little at all.

14 hour days are a death march. You will have health complications. You will break your body and your soul and when you finally collapse away from your desk into a shivering heap, your money won't heal your pain.


Don’t look at things you know will make you angry. Don’t read the comment sections. Don’t look at the blogs of people who add dumb comments to posts to confirm that they’re dumb all the time. Don’t read old conversations you had with people you don’t talk to anymore. Go look at pictures of kittens or something instead. Protect yourself from negativity in every way you can.

I cannot even begin to explain the peace that was blessed upon me when I realized this.


I, of mostly sound body and spirit, request that if I’m ever to die, someone post a new work on my AO3 that says “sorry, she died, ongoing stories postponed forever” because don’t I want my fanfic buddies to think I ghosted them. Amen or whatever you say in a will.

This was written as a joke, but for those who don't know, this is an actual optional service that AO3 provides called Fannish Next of Kin.


we all talk about doing it scared doing it alone doing it weird etc. but the the hideously awful truth is that you also often have to do it stupid

doing it stupid is the only way to get less stupid. you'd think this would be obvious by now, but you see the thing is. i'm stupid.

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