
Faith Is Mine

@cemetery--gates / cemetery--gates.tumblr.com

Hi I’m Kirsten and on this blog you’ll find Ghost, Metallica, horror and maybe a little more. Excuse the sporadic randomness of my posting and please enjoy.

“I present myself as an archetype, as an incredibly strong, almost a dominatrix type. But my actual persona as a woman is really submissive — in terms of business, very submissive. So I’ll rant and I’ll rave and I’ll moan and I’ll write the f*cking craziest emails, but when I’m facing that really, really smooth guy, it’s really hard for me to say no. And I will keep looking for saviors and looking for saviors, but the truth is, there is no Daddy Warbucks. Nobody’s gonna pull up in a limousine and say they’re going to save you. That’s not how it happens. You save yourself from drowning; that’s how you do it.” - Courtney Love

Source: bitchtoss

Favourite Ghost Lyrics | 1/? | Deus in Absentia The world is on fire And you are here to stay, and burn with me A funeral pyre And we are here to revel forever The world is on fire And we are tied as one, eternally [x]

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