

@caliginousknightmare / caliginousknightmare.tumblr.com


**Edit: A kind anon solved the mystery for me. It was indeed a belt attached to coat

I did this on a total whim, but someone needs to explain to me:

what the hell is that thing on Blanche’s hip??? They have this dagger like thing? Or it’s a belt, but belts don’t really do that????

Or maybe it’s just stuff from a bag they’re carrying on their back?????

Nintendo, I need answers. Please release the Team Leader’s design soon.


You don’t say.

For the record, she actually abandoned the movement BEFORE they all got whooping cough, but abandoned it too late. There’d been a breakout of measles in her area that caused her to reassess, and she and her doctor had already drafted and started a catch-up vaccination schedule, but her kids caught whooping cough just before it could be started. Then she wrote a blog post for The Scientific Parent explaining how she and her husband had come to wrong decisions in the first place, how they changed their mind, the consequences they suffered as a result, and asking other parents to please vaccinate their kids. And now she’s an activist for destroying the misinformation of anti-vaxxers, and reaching out to anti-vaxxers because she’s understands their fears but knows their kids deserve better. 

She was trying to the best for her kids and just didn’t know how to interpret the validity of information or its sources, an actual skill that can be actually difficult and that is under-taught and a necessary first step to being able to trust vaccination research, so chose no action over taking an action she wasn’t sure of. She kept looking into it with family and friends and even eventually came to the right conclusion before her kids became sick, but it was still too late.

Honestly it was pretty brave of her to publicly admit she was wrong. She could have just quietly vaccinated her kids and not become a national news story, but instead she spoke out, even saying “I’m writing this from quarantine, the irony of which isn’t lost on me.” and also “I am not looking forward to any gloating or shame as this ‘defection’ from the antivaxx camp goes public, but, this isn’t a popularity contest.  Right now my family is living the consequences of misinformation and fear.  I understand that families in our community may be mad at us for putting their kids at risk.”

She understood the consequences and still put herself and her story out there. 

You know what, it does take a big person to admit they were wrong so publicly and work to undo the harm. I believe I made fun of her in the past, but timemachineyeah changed my mind.


apparently modern medieval scholars have no solid idea why there’s so many old paintings of knights fighting snails.  Like that wasn’t just one weird painting there’s hundreds of those.  

the firste meyme

And my favorite one here

I’m not saying humanity defeated an invasion of snail aliens in the Middle Ages but hold on wait that’s EXACTLY what I’m saying

snail aliens, or snaliens,


probably it was just funny so people kept doing it. which is basically what a meme is

the explanation I’ve heard is that most of the monks who did these illustrations would have kept small gardens where they grew all their own food and this was their way of venting about snails ruining their gardens

ok thats even funnier


How much must Luke Skywalker be freaking out right now?

Can you imagine?

You are moping on your island of self-imposed exile, and then this girl shows up.

  • She’s flying your best friend’s ship. The ship that Han thought he lost for ever. The ship that was stolen and passed through so many hands that he was sure he’d never see it again. The same ship that took you away from home for the first time.
  • She’s accompanied by your personal droid. The droid you left behind and abandoned. The droid that C-3PO was sure would never be the same again.
  • She holds out her hand and she’s holding your father’s light saber. The sword you were sure was lost forever. The light saber that you dropped down a bottomless air shaft on a gas giant thirty years ago. The light saber you knew you would never see again.
  • You look up and you see her eyes. Maz Kanata says that if you live long enough, you see the same eyes looking out of different faces. The girl’s face is different, but those eyes are the same. You know those eyes. They’re the eyes you thought you’d never see again.

And that’s when you know it.

You’re screwed.

They say sometimes the Force works in mysterious ways. Sometimes, the Force will send you little signs. Subtle clues.

Other times, the Force will just beat you repeatedly over the head with a gigantic neon sign that says: “You can’t run away from your past anymore, Luke. I won’t let you. Look, here is your past come back to haunt you. Now deal with it.

You have no idea how much I adore this post with my whole being


I like the idea of the Force sending Luke little signs over the years that it’s time to return to his loved ones, gently increasing in intensity as he ignores them, until it finally gets fed up and shoves the events of Episode 7 into motion, finishing with a flourish of HERE’S YOUR NEW APPRENTICE, SPACE HOBO.

Aided and abetted by the ghost trio, I imagine. Especially since he did not look at all surprised.

Obi-Wan and Yoda sending him dreams and whispers for 15 years, before an exasperated Anakin pushed them aside “Excuse me, but you two are not very good at dealing with Skywalkers and have amply demonstrated that fact over the decades. We don’t do subtle. *appears giant-size over the sky* That’s it, Luke, we’re sending you all the things! So PULL YOUR SHIT TOGETHER, SON!!


I haven’t uploaded it to the contest yet (mostly because I want to come back to it later and see if I want to make any adjustments), but here’s what my next submission is going to be *v* 

A progression of Big Bads for all your stable time loop needs


#Otakon & #Homestucks!

We were doing a photoshoot for our Imperial Popstar cosplays in the lobby of the Hyatt Regency when suddenly Dante Basco shows up to say hi and take a selfie! We were all so flattered to be complimented on our cosplays by him and it was great to chat about how his Otakon was going so far! Such an awesome experience :) 

Cosplayers in the photo (left to right): Karkat - me (caliginousknightmare) Dualscar - cerulean-neuf Eridan - wwhatevver-ampora Sollux - photocaptor Meenah - pizzadeathray


holy. Collide was incredible, I love them all so much I can’t believe we’ve almost finished. 

I haven’t posted any homestuck in ages but it (still) means an awful lot to me. Shout out to any of my followers who were originally here for the hs if u exist u guys really stuck around and I appreciate it

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