
🌙The Prince (and the fool) of Cats☀️

@3mpty-wallets / 3mpty-wallets.tumblr.com

call me alex (he/they) | 18 | your average zukka enjoyer & batfam honorable member | #44, #5, #81, #4, #95 (lighting mcqueen, of course) 🏎️🏎️


welcome to my blog, you can call me alex/alessandro/alejandro(he/they). after years on this app i think is finally time i do an introduction post

i speak spanish and english and im learning italian (technically i studied french for three years, but i barely remember anything)

art and history are some of my many passions. and im also involved with musicals!


if you wanna know more about me and my interest just read my carrd 🤗

Honestly at this point the star wars Wikipedia is the only thing left that can still make me laugh

This is from a list of canon swear words

*peppers these into my regular conversation*


obsessed with this obviously fake "chemical weapons manual" that the israeli president is claiming hamas militants were caught with. very nice of them to put both a tiny ISIS watermark and 'AL-QAEDA' in english on there just so everyone knows how much they love terrorism and especially the kind of terrorism that scares americans

they should have put a photo of the twin towers exploding with a big cry laugh emoji and a thumbs up next to it just to be safe imo idk if the message is coming across enough

Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh, my God. It even has a watermark.


My favourite trope has to be:

I sacrificed myself to save you. I didn't plan to survive. I burnt all the bridges. I intended to break your heart with my death, but that would be all right, because I wouldn't be around to see you. I pretended that you'll mourn me for a while and move on. I convinced myself I was going down in the blaze of glory. That my deed was appreciated. That everything was going to be all right afterwards, and I didn't need to be there to see it.

But I survived. And now I have to look you in the eye. I have to pick up the pieces of the life I shattered and figure out how to put it back together. If it can be done at all.

No one give me any ideas because this makes me feral


I bet giant isopods are sooo delicious broiled in butter the whole thing is like lobster meat

This you?

Idk someone find me an isopod expert who could compare the tissue found in them to other shellfish and i will let you know but superficially Yeah Babey i will eat that bug like burger


That only applies to the tiny ones on land. The deep sea ones, which are that big, absolutely taste like crab or lobster and are in fact fished in some places. Apparently they also sometimes just get caught in lobster traps; they aren't necessarily restricted to the abyss!


Not to ruin an absolutely baller addition my dear friend but isopod meat is meat, like I admire the hustle but it's still definitely meat

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