
This place is chaos

@warm-starlight / warm-starlight.tumblr.com

My name is Eve and this is my mess of a blog When it rains everything grows
Anonymous asked:

About One piece its not worth it. One editor REALLY selfinserts as Sanji, and it shows

Zoro is OFFSCREEN most of the time and not allowed to have nice interactions with the rest anymore. He also wasnt important enough for Wano, nor his family, not the grave visit. Instead have more Sanji family drama powers

Every character will praise sanji

Every woman will lust for Sanji

Franky is less important than Sanji in Eggheads despite being about technology. If they go to Elbaf they will ignore Usopp and make it about sanji again

Never dropped a manga so hard. It doesnt help his fandom is toxic and hypocrite as f*ck. Heck most comments stopped being about Luffy and just Sanji, I guess even Luffy stans left

That's quite sad. But you know. When something goes on for many many years it will inevitably fall in quality.

Anonymous asked:

Not gonna lie I dropped Sanji Piece. So boring

I don't remember the last time i read it tbh. 😅

Maybe i'll read it at some point, but now i don't have any interest.

Anonymous asked:

What was the name of the animator who used to draw levihan on her private account? I forgot her name 😭 can you share her art please if you have it?

Hey, i don't really have it anymore, sorry.

Anonymous asked:

Do we have any new interesting info from Shingeki fly?

For me not really personally. He talks solely about the art. Nothing about the characters or the story itself.

Anonymous asked:

That guy was so gross. He wanted to sell Levi as a child. He didn't hurt Levi only because he knew Kenny was taking of him and he was scared of Kenny. I think he was the worst of them all to be honest. He never wanted to save Levi. I'm pretty sure had he survived not only would he have continued with his disgusting occupation which clearly also included "human trafficking" but also he would've sold Levi off as anon said even though nobody would believe him.

That's true. It's disgusting how they said Levi "might have inherited his mother's skills". 🤢

I am glad Levi killed them.

Anonymous asked:

Hi Eve. I have a question regarding bad boy manga. Do you think the merchant with glasses deserved to be killed by Levi in the end? Personally I don't think he was being honest with Levi. It seems he wanted to guilt-trip him by using his mother and eventually sell him off to his friends.

Of course. Seems like he was the leader of that gang. He was probably trying to save his own ass and definitely lied trough his teeth.

Levi probably sensed it too, that's why he killed him.

Anonymous asked:

I assume that Levi is more willing to be more vulnerable post-war because the impending threat of being eaten by titans no longer exists. He's comfortable sharing his traumatic experiences with Gabi and Falco. He's bonding with them.

Idk? I mean he told details about his life to Hange too (they knew that he lived with Kenny).

I don't think he has a problem talking about his past with people.

I think it's exactly because of what he experienced as an adult what makes his past seem "not that bad" in comparison.


Levi's back story: *Came out*

Levihans: Omg he made Hange tea in that game because he's in love with them!

Erooris: *hc* No one can touch Levi's tea cups but him!

Riv*mikas: Omg Isayama dropped the ball sooo hard when he didn't make Mikasa and Levi romanticaly trauma bond (They are NOT RELATED 😠😠😠)

Ere*ris: OmG ChiLd Levi iS JuSt as CruEL As ErEn


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