
@psychologyundergrad-blog / psychologyundergrad-blog.tumblr.com

Psychology Student Birmingham City University romanian #alanwalker #lanadelrey
“The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.”

— Thich Nhat Hanh (via @wizdomly)

“You are like a flower. You begin as a seed; pure, and beautiful. Day by day, you blossom at your own pace. Through constant nurturing, water, love, and care, you bloom into your own shape. You, and only you, are meant to be the flower in which you become. No amount of rain, drought, or sunshine will change this. Thus, do not try to change your own seed, for it was created just the way it is; through its colours, aroma, and simple nature. All of which, dear flower, is absolutely perfect.”

— Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin


Dear internet,

Please give me all the advice you have on writing cover letters. Like, the closer you can get to literally just writing a cover letter for me, the better. Ok bye.


This is how I did the one for my librarian position.  I hope it helps.

Dear Person Hiring for this Job,

I am writing to ask you to consider me for X position.  This is a paragraph about why I want to do X position in general.  It includes at least one personal detail and at least one job skill I consider a particular strength.  It argues that I am passionate about this career.  It is not long.

I have had the opportunity to gain experience in this job by - paragraph about my work or study experience.  It should go from most recent experience back.  Include some details about your responsibilities/achievements in your most recent or most important positions.  If you have mostly study experience, give more detail about what exactly you studied.  If you shadowed people, mention that.  If your work experience is largely unrelated, try to shoehorn some of it in (e.g. I gained experience working with people by).  You can supplement with relevant hobbies.  (But if you do have recent, relevant work experience, you should largely be detailing that.  Only embroider the other stuff if you need to flesh it out.)  This should be the longest paragraph.

I hope you will consider allowing me to do X thing at your company.  This is a few sentences about why I want to work at your company in particular and what I think I could bring.  Try to mention at least one detail from the company website, so they know you visited it.  This is a short paragraph that parallels the first one.

Thank you very much for your time and attention.


Person You Would Be a Fool Not to At Least Interview

oh my god thank you this is relevant to current interests

Two other points, to challenge what’s being said above a little:

1) Remember that the person reading this cover letter wants to know how you can contribute to the company. Not how excited you are about the position: it’s all about what they gain. Try framing the whole thing in that sense — “You would gain my X awesome skill that would help you Y with your mission.” “Here’s why I’m awesome and a great fit for making your company go better.”

2) At the end, ask for the interview. “I am available at PHONE NUMBER at your convenience. I look forward to speaking with you about this great opportunity soon.” Maybe even say you’ll be following up at a specific time and date. Ask for the job. People respond to that, and it’s a good way to fake confidence until you make it. Ask for the job.

Okay, three points. People reading cover letters get SO BORED going through them. Think about starting off with a story that relates to why you’re interested in the job, or that demonstrates a skill or a strong interest that would make you a good candidate. Be memorable — people remember stories, even (maybe especially) very little ones.

*hoards advice*


How to Survive Parties as an Introvert

Being an introvert surrounded by extroverts is tough. It often leads to a lot of awkward questions followed by confused looks and people not even trying to understand. And the place where introverts and extroverts collide is generally parties. I am an introvert and a few of my friends are extroverts and just looooove a good party. Whereas I’d rather stick my head in the oven than be in a house or rented hall, with a bunch of sweaty humans dancing to songs I don’t know the words to. The long and short of it is – it sucks. But I go to these parties anyway because I don’t want to seem rude, and I obviously want to see my friends – but I can’t say I’m always having fun. And that’s the crux of it, how does one survive a party as an introvert?

1) Arrive late

This isn’t rude, trust me! From experience the beginning or a party is a little bit boring. It’s full of awkward people standing around the edges of the dance floor in groups, because no one dares be the first to dance. If you arrive at this time…


Shout out to the kids whose parents unknowingly messed with their emotional, psychological or physical health.

Shout out to you guys who have not told their parents because you have to stay with them.

Shout out to those kids who hide this all and try live normal lives.

I love you.


Why You Feel Unlovable or Unworthy

DISCLAIMER: This post is geared toward those who have experienced emotional abuse or emotional neglect. Of course, there are many who have been victims of other kinds of abuse, who most certainly feel this way as well–as this blog addresses specifically emotional abuse/neglect, I am focusing on that here.

1. As children, we learn about who we are based on how our parents treat or interact with us. So, if our parents called us bad or selfish, focused on what we did wrong, frequently criticized, rarely acknowledged our good, etc, then we come to see ourselves as bad or wrong. If we are bad, we are unworthy to receive good. If our parents neglected us, put their needs before ours, expected us to see their feelings and needs as more important, or worse, to attend to them at the expense of ourselves, then we come to see ourselves as unimportant. Unloved. I do not matter.

2. Relatively healthy parents act as an accurate mirror to our emotions and feelings. When parents accurately mirror back feelings and empathize with the child (i.e., “So you’re feeling ___ because of ___”), the child implicitly learns that it is okay to feel, that they are valid in their emotions, and in turn, are accepted for who they are and what they experience. In contrast, when parents reflect a negative reaction to the child’s feelings or do not mirror at all, the child learns that they are wrong for what they feel, they are bad for it, and in turn, are not accepted for who they are and what they are experiencing. And if you haven’t guessed so already… as children, we carry these “lessons” on into our adulthood.

3. As a result, we do not see ourselves as good, lovable, or worthy–because our family never told us how to see those qualities in us. Our childhood and adolescence often set the stage for our identity development. So if you were told you were selfish or bad, you learn that you are those things. If you were emotionally neglected and had your needs constantly put aside, you learn you are unimportant and unloved. If you had your emotions constantly disregarded or were shamed for them, your identity becomes, “I am wrong”–in who you are and what you do. You can’t see your good qualities, if you were never taught how. Your parents were unable to build the foundation for you to see them.

So how do you start viewing yourself as good, lovable, and worthy? By learning to see how the above applies to your life. By separating who you are from how you were raised to see yourself. By reframing your thinking: at your core, you ARE good, lovable, and worthy–you just have not yet been trained to see it. You feel unworthy or unloved, because at a young age, you learned that this is who you are (because of how you were treated). You were raised to be blind to your goodness, and to see yourself as wrong, unworthy, and unlovable instead. The more you practice this new understanding and thinking, the less power those negative thoughts will have on you… and the more you will allow yourself to see good in who you are. 

And as always, please give yourself patience along the healing process ❤️


Looking for Help Sustaining Psych2Go’s Website

“No matter how much good you try to do for the world, it can not sustain without finances.” 

We currently need help sustaining psych2go.net website. If you benefited from our articles, we’d love you to support our patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Psych2GoNow

We’re currently paying 399$USD/month to host the content on top of paying our writers, social media and marketing, etc  comes down to around 2000$USD/week. 

If you could be a patreon for even 1$ a month, that’d be great! We know most of you are students and may not be able to afford it, but even 1$ would mean a lot since it feels good to know we have support! 

We still owe a remaining balance of 822$USD. 

We hope to continue creating content that are from the heart. If you would like to support us in other ways, feel free to contact us. 

Do it! Such a great source for psychology articles.

Help them out. 


RIP King Michael of Romania (October 25th 1921 - December 5th 2017), who died today age 96 at his home in Switzerland. He was the former King of Romania reigning twice from July 20th 1927 - June 8th 1930 and September 6th 1940 - December 30th 1947. He was the third to last living head of state from World War II.  Michael’s reign is best-remembered for his coup on Aug. 23, 1944, against pro-Nazi leader Marshal Ion Antonescu, which took Romania into the war on the side of the Allies. I am super saddened by his death, and even more saddened that he was not restored to the throne. My condolences to the Romanian Royal Family especially his daughters.


Friendly reminder: Being transgender is a result of hormones and/or fetal stress during pregnancy.  It IS biological.  It IS something you’re either born with or you’re not.  You don’t just “choose” it. Hypothalamic development is severely impacted by fetal stress and the release of hormones from the mother. It ACTUALLY makes your hypothalamus (the part of the brain that links the endocrine system and the nervous system via the pituitary gland) develop differently. What does this mean? Misfiring hormones and the hypothalamus of the gender opposite of what genitals you had at birth.  The hypothalamus also controls: - Parenting skills - How we connect with other people - Homeostasis - Sleep - Circadian rhythm - Sex drive - Hormone secretion (gonadotropin, thyrotropin, corticotrophin and many more) This is a research project I am doing alongside my therapist and doctor. Please stop saying being transgender is a choice, no matter which side you’re on. Because you’re horribly fucking wrong.


Nervous System vs. Endocrine System.


  • Nervous System: Fast
  • Endocrine System: Slow


  • Nervous System: Short term
  • Endocrine System: Long term


  • Nervous System: Specific. (One neuron –> next neuron)
  • Endocrine System: General


  • Nervous System: Electrochemical
  • Endocrine System: Chemical


  • Nervous System: Neurons
  • Endocrine System: Bloodstream
When someone tries to change their behaviour for someone else, such as giving up a drug habit for a partner or for their children, the behavioural change is unlikely to endure. When someone changes their behaviour for themselves, as a result of having empirically discovered a more optimal state of being, then that change is more likely to endure. Don’t try and make someone change for you. That change will be very superficial in depth. Instead patiently wait for them to change for themselves, neither supporting nor condoning thier behaviour. Remain without desire for results, distancing yourself if you need to. This gives space for real transformation, and doesn’t encourage a schism in their psyche.


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