
Oh, This Old Thing?

@sorry-im-too-dorky / sorry-im-too-dorky.tumblr.com

22 y.o. Dork | Australia

My all time favorite animal. The red-bearded vulture.

The bearded vulture, or lammergeier, lives on a steady diet of bones (more specifically the marrow) and dyes its own feathers blood red.

Bearded vultures come in various shades, from pure white to orange-red. Soils stained with iron oxide give the birds their fiery appearance. Lammergeiers apply the dirt with their claws and then preen for about an hour to ensure a bright orange/red glow. They are also attracted to other red things, like leaves and red wood. Captive birds also partake in this behavior, which suggests the activity is instinctual, not learned.

The soil doesn’t have any practical purposes; it certainly doesn’t make for good camouflage (though the birds have no natural predators anyway). Scientists have noticed that the birds’ age and size are directly correlated to the intensity of color. It is theorized that the hue is a status symbol. More soiled feathers indicates that the lammergeier had the time and resources to find an adequate place to bathe; the brightest-colored vultures should have the most territory and knowledge of their surroundings. Interestingly, these baths are done in secret, so most of the information gathered has been through spying on captive birds.

Bearded Vultures are most commonly monogamous, and breed once a year. Sometimes, especially in certain areas of Spain and France, bachelor lammergeiers will join a pre-existing couple to create a polyandrous trio. Females accept secondary mates because it increases the chances of producing offspring and doubles her protection. The birds usually don’t lay more than three eggs, so they can use all the help they can get.

These giant birds can grow up to 4 feet tall. They have a wingspan between 7 and 9 feet and usually weigh around 10 to 15 pounds.

In other words, this bird is awesome and I love it forever.

This is it. This is the moment I have found my patronus. I love these vain fluff faces forever.



a dinosaur


A skeksis.


Большие кошки тоже любят коробки.

“big kitties also love boxes”


oh my god he is so happpy

I love cats so much

Here’s some more big cats in boxes

Okay buddy at least one of these is a giraffe


Have any of your friendships ever ended because you were always the first one to talk to someone and one day you stopped to see if they would talk to you first and they never did so you just stopped talking to each other?



So if a teenager is at school for roughly 8 hours, and they are doing homework for 6+ hours, and they need AT LEAST 9 HOURS OF SLEEP FOR THEIR DEVELOPING BRAINS, then they may have 0-1 hours for other activities like eating, bathing, exercise, socializing (which is actually incredibly important for emotional, mental, and physical health, as well as the development of skills vital to their future career and having healthy romantic relationships among other things), religious activities, hobbies, extra curriculars, medical care of any kind, chores (also a skill/habit development thing and required by many parents), relaxation, and family time?  Not to mention that your parents may or may not pressure you to get a job, or you might need to get one for economic reasons.

I will never not reblog this

“…but teenagers have no reason to be stressed.”


EVERYTHING about this episode was great. Alex wasn’t getting recognized for the work she has to do to for all of her advanced classes, and she was so stressed, she had a mental breakdown at her own party when someone mentioned college.The end result was Alex’s family being more understanding of the amount of work she does and her regularly seeing a therapist to help her with her anxiety and stress and intense perfectionism that plagues a lot of AP students. 

I love Modern Family so much.



if Dog’s are Man’s Best Friend cat’s are man’s favorite roommate who showed up one night to eat our food from our fridge and decided to stay

I’m basing a tv show off of this:

Normal person has overexcited best friend Chase who supports them unconditionally and demands they go on walks with at random times, dog friend works at the fire department

And Sheila the disaster friend who sleeps 12 hours a day on our couch, has no job, and everyone is all partly in love with due to how strange, beautiful, and youtube famous she is

These are already characters tho, on Brooklyn99. Charles Boyle and Gina Lanetti

you are… extremely correct


The Queen has requested that everybody with a knighthood attend a meeting at Windsor Castle. Speaking to the sizeable crowd of ageing actors and retired musicians, she explains why - The dragons are back, and she expects that every knight will do his duty.

Everyone turns and looks at Ian McKellen.

“Oh Christ,” he says. “If only Christopher Lee were still here. Then we might have a chance.”

Dames Judy Dench, Maggie Smith, Helen Mirren, Julie Walters, and Julie Andrews  stride in. “Don’t worry, we got this.”


Perfect. Abso-bloody-lutely perfect.

Basically what will happen post brexit.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again since no-one has yet given me a valid reason as to why James Potter, lacking a wand, didn’t just transform into Prongs when Voldy turned up and like… fucking spear him. Why didn’t he do that? Like I don’t care how astonishingly powerful a dark wizard he was, no-one could ever be prepared for walking into a house and there’s just… a massive fuck off stag staring you down? How could you possibly react to that? 

You couldn’t, giving said stag the opportunity to put an antler through his eye and save the day. Not to mention, can you imagine the Prophet headlines if that was how it’d gone down?

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