
Silver Magnolias


Aesthetic Photography, Art, Poetry, Edits, Quotes, Braids etc.

Help Me Get a Service Dog to Live a Better Life!!!

I have been waiting for years for and an opportunity like what I have just been given. I have been researching service dogs extensively for years, and now I have an opportunity to get a prospect for one…… but in 2 WEEKS! I need help funding the cost of the puppy as well as the flight ($2500 approx) to get across the country. While this has been on short notice please know that this has not been a rash impulse choice, this all has been in the making for sometime now, and there is already a dog picked out that is perfect for my needs. My community is ready and willing to support me through this process of training a service dog and think it could be one of the best things for my health.

Having a service dog would allow me to work a traditional job again, would allow me to have more freedom and autonomy, this is going to change my life in a very impactful way. I want to be able to leave my home without fear of passing out and falling, I want to be able to work again, I want to be able to get out and be a human being again, to finally have the ability to do things by and for myself!\ For the first time in a while I have hope for my future, hope that my quality of life can improve, hope to feel like me again.

Please if you can share and donate! This is vital to my health, my quality of life and future.

$2,600 GOAL!!!!!!!

CA: $sleepyhen

VN: wildwotko

Dm for Paypl

Please please support this person if you can, through reblogs or donations. A service dog can be so life changing and even though he can’t do public access yet my prospect has already changed my life just performing the two tasks he knows at home.

I wish so badly that I could donate to you as well but I unfortunately don’t have a job at the moment so I have to be incredibly careful with my savings to support my puppy and any extra is going to go toward mobility aids I need.

But I hope this works out for you so much and if anyone wants to know more about my SDIT or talk about service dog related stuff I’m not an expert but I’d love to help anyone in any way I can or just talk about the ups and downs.

My DMs are always open and I’m so hopeful this works out for you 💛

Help me bring my Service Dog prospect home! 🐕‍🦺

Service dog prospect update, the breeder I’m talking to offered me a lower price due to my situation and the puppy I’ve been watching since the beginning (one of the only ones left) has the right temperament for a service dog prospect.

It feels like a miracle and if sheer willpower was enough to make this possible I’d have everything I need but I cannot overcome this financial barrier by myself. I also can’t utilize fundraising with family and friends because they mostly don’t know I’m autistic and without the official diagnosis to back me up it would create a lot of problems.

Despite this amazing opportunity my hands are tied and there’s nothing I can do to change that at the moment. I’m applying for jobs and talking to the family who does know but I’m afraid it won’t be enough. If this opportunity does slip by the overall cost to my family could be 20% higher as the chances of finding another prospect at such a good deal are incredibly low…

I understand that many people struggle with money as well but if anyone has even $5- $10 it could make a huge difference if enough people gave. For people who can’t give I totally understand but it would mean a lot if you could reblog this post so more people see it 💛


Sometimes it seems like all the pain in the world would be worth it just to not be alone. Like I’d rather live in agony with someone’s arms around me.

“Perhaps reading and writing books is one of the last defences human dignity has left, because in the end they remind us of what God once reminded us before He too evaporated in this age of relentless humiliations — that we are more than ourselves; that we have souls.”

— Richard Flanagan, Gould’s Book of Fish

I just miss you and I hope that sometimes you miss me too, even if it’s just a little bit every once in a while.

lost friendships are so much worse than heartbreaks

Try losing your best friend, also only friend and only person you really trusted who you happen to be madly in love with. Anyway this one’s for him 🍂

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