a Queer Prompt Challenge!

@pridewrite / pridewrite.tumblr.com

Hey! We're running a prompt challenge throughout the month of June as a way to celebrate a little Pride this year! Please add alt text or captions to your images.

Happy pride month 2023 !!!

All the prompts i could do this yearπŸ’–

Prompts ofΒ  @pridewrite


Pride month art 2023

Day 14: transitioning+ gender euphoria /A-spec

Prompts of 2022 and 2021 πŸ’–

Character : Isabella yamamoto

From :paradise kiss


*the only part of the prompt is not canon is A-spec

Im not much of a fan of Ai yazawa works , but i know the the series cause the summary videos on the *rayo confuso youtube channel is an amazing argentinian yt channel specialized in shojo anime .

In the anime isabella is my favorite ,shes lovely and the anime tackle her trans identity themes πŸ’–πŸ€πŸ’™

In the A-spec ,i headcanon isabella could be Aro/AceΒ  ,many think she and Jouji (George' Koizumi) have something ,but for me they re the best friends or platonic .

Hope you like πŸ’ž.



hi everyone!

i've seen your messages, and i didn't want to leave you all without an answer.

I'm afraid that there is not going to be a 2023 prompt list for pridewrite. i'm very sorry we couldn't put something together for you. if i have any more updates i'll be sure to post them.

everyone is more than welcome to look back to pridewrite's 2021 and 2022 prompt lists this year. in fact, i encourage it! i'll do my best to log back in and reblog any new posts made towards this tag

happy pride everyone


Anonymous asked:

Of course i find out about this two days after Pride month ends! I have the worst timing! XD I'm going to give you a follow so i don't forget to give this a try next year. Thank you for this event!

Sorry to hear that, anon! Keep us on post notifications and you should see when we get back around to preparing. That said, you're welcome to use any of our prompts - we just won't be sharing entries any longer.



Thank you all for such a wonderful event and for making this year's Pridewrite even better than the first! We've enjoyed seeing everything y'all have come up with and encourage y'all to keep creating with these prompts if you find the inspiration; just because us mods are unlikely to be reblogging until the next event kicks off, doesn't mean the magic has to stop!

That being said, we hope to see you all again next year; check in around December or January for updates, but until then...

Happy Pride! 🌈✨

Kepler and Cast signing off!


Cast and Kepler here!

We've loved everything that you've taken the time to make for Pridewrite 2022. It's been so amazing to see the love returning for our second go at this event. As Pridewrite draws to a close, we have one more favour we'd like to ask.

Follow the link [here] to take part in a short survey for feedback about this year's Pridewrite. It should only take five minutes!

Any information you provide will be anonymous, will help us improve for next year and let us know what y'all would like to see again.

Have fun, and good luck for our last week!

Sharing this one (1) last time before the official end of Pridewrite 2022, but the survey will remain open until the end of the year!


With 2022's Pridewrite come to a close, we're wrapping things up with a look back at the stats for how y'all have contributed this year:

  • We've had a whopping 346 entries across Tumblr, Ao3 and Instagram, with most posted right here on Tumblr!
  • Week 1's Queer Culture was used the most of our new weekly themes, while Adventure used the least.
  • Most entries were fanworks but 36% were original works
  • The most common fandoms were TMNT, Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Hannibal
  • And our most popular prompts were #pw1 Farm, #pw2 Plaid, #pw alt1 Cottage, #pw4 Baking, #pw alt6 Nature, and #pw5 Occult

Thank you all for your wonderful entries!


With the time for reblogs come to a close, it's now time for The Rainbow Award, a lil' post to celebrate those who've been posting to our event for the longest! To qualify, participants had to complete 30 or more different prompts, which takes a lot of dedication! We've also elected to include one person who didn't quite make it to 30 since, out of the few Ao3 participants who didn't crosspost, they made it to the most (24) entries!

So, the 2022 Rainbow Award goes to...

Thank you all for your dedication, and congratulation for making it this far and earning this award!

-Kepler and Cast


Entries in Our Ao3 Collection: Week 4

Some of you have been posting your entries straight into our Ao3 Collection. We'd hate for them to miss the spotlight, so here is a list of everything posted in there for Week 4 of Pridewrite!

Day 24: Sunset and Fireworks

Day 25: Complicated and Pronouns

Day 26: Questions and Folklore

Day 27: Genderflux and Fantasy

Day 28: Bigender and Superheroes

Day 29: Transmasc and Journey

Day 30: Transfem and New Ground

Other Days

Full Month


Bly post-order 66, post-Aayla, post the lost of almost everything she’s ever known. She finds reasons to endure.

Title taken from Bury Me Face Down by grandson.

Prompts from @pridewriteβ€˜s 2022 Challenge: New Ground and Transfem. Also inspired by 5o Themes: Set Epsilon

Consider celebrating Pride by donating to or at least boosting one of these charities. You can also find resources related to the current Roe crisis on my new sideblog here. And speaking of loving clones, everybody should totally check out this post about Land Back in Aotearoa and donate or boost.


Pridewrite Day Thirty

Transfem/new ground

People consider the earth feminine

Because she is fertile

Because we walk upon her back

Because she is under the sky

Because she feeds us

Because we come from her.

It's mostly about taking.

I come home to the earth

Place my hand against the trees and breathe

There's a reason they talk about divine femininity

There's a reason we use the word grounding for the sensation of finally moving back into your body in a way that doesn't sting

My specific flavour of femininity is one of the best things about me

I don't believe in a god but when I'm leaning against the moss I think it might be holy

I don't need any more than this

I never ever need more than this


Pridewrite Day Twenty Nine


There's a reason metamorphosis is found dotted throughout nature

It is natural to change in order to live better

The world is full of beings outgrowing old skins to find new ones they can live in

Time changes everything

We were never meant to be static

Lean into it

Grow and shift

Change however you need to live

You deserve to exist


Pridewrite Day Twenty Eight


There's an obsession with the person with two identities

No one wants to watch a superhero movie unless they get to see them be slowly torn apart

Everyone wants consequences and decisions and ultimatums

Perhaps that's why I prefer werewolf films

A way to ease out of strict binary

Into something more grey

More fluid

A place where you can just exist exactly as you are


Pridewrite Day Twenty Seven


If you notice me in the corner

Fading in and out of your periphery

Just know that whenever I am gone I am finding new worlds to call home

And I am seeing it all

And if/when I return

This will be just as much home as it has always been

The sapphics love a woman with a sword

For obvious reasons

We love reading about the princess who fought her own battles

Who got to be more than a trophy for a man

We love women who are dragons

We love femme gods who are not kind

We love a woman with a spine

And I thought about trying to find some subversive take

Some caution

But I

Love women

And I love a woman with a sword


Pridewrite Day Twenty Six


Sometimes stories are all you have

And sometimes you have to become a story

Sometimes we have to undo ourselves out of the literal and into the literature and become changelings and strange things

Sometimes we have to become warnings

Sometimes we have to become so scary that nothing and nobody ever wants to touch us again

So many hands only want to be violent.

Sometimes I just want to be a character

Unwind the third dimension off my body and slip into paper

Sometimes I just want to be words

A foot note


The real world is so draining

There's power in stories

Passed down through generations

We've always struggled with those

Sometimes the world turns us into stories

Often monsters

And with time


So now we try to tell our own stories

As best we can

Try not to sell out

Try to stay real even as we weave ourselves into our own fictions

The thing I love about questions

Is that they are

By their nature


A form of reaching out in search of knowing more

I love to learn more

I love to share what I know


Is unthinkably vast

And so beautiful

How could I ever be content with missing even a drop of it


Pridewrite Day Twenty Five


We all know it's not about grammar.

We have all scrubbed recited phrases from our tongues

We know that they do not care

We have heard the awkward laughter

The shock

The inability to understand that just because they are asked the question it doesn't mean that it's for them

We all know that they hate when their dog is misgendered

And are offended when you mix their ms mrs miss

That they aren't willing to put the work in

But looking like a bigot is somewhat out of vogue this summer

So until it's back and bigger than ever

We'll keep having conversations about grammar


Pridewrite Day Twenty Four


I love the sky

I always have

Sunsets make my heart hurt

They might be the most beautiful ending in the world

Many sunsets

By the way

Are pansexual

So am I

I trace the blues pink and yellows with my finger

One eye closed

And I finally escape into the sky

I used to love fireworks

But then I got a dog

And now it doesn't matter how pretty the lights are

Or the fact that the shhhhh crackle as they fall lifts the weight of a decade off my shoulders

I can't love anything that hurts her

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