
Icon by nightattheart, header by justlgbtthings

@personally-im-feeling-pantastic / personally-im-feeling-pantastic.tumblr.com

Nancy, she/her, 21. Twitter is @/personallypan and my Instagram is @/personallyimfeelingpantastic

So Arizona launched an “education hotline” that allows “concerned parents” to report “””critical race theory””” and other things like ~gender identity~ being taught in the classroom

It would be a shame if the number and email were spread to bad actors looking to prank call the AZ Department of Education

602-771-3500 or empower @ azed .gov 🤡

and for the love of god, don’t just spam it with memes or le funny shrek jokes or whatever, they’ll just hang up

make plausible-sounding reports for things that don’t actually exist, so that they actually have to waste time/resources investigating false leads - the goal is to waste time they would otherwise be using to do their jobs, not to get tumblr clout for being an epic troll


So apparently the internet article said the superintendent wouldn't be deterred by the prank calls because they would 'taper off eventually'. It'd be a real shame if this post stayed in circulation via queues so they get a consistent list of prank calls to filter through. 😇


i am so desperately concerned with some people on this website.

Please Understand That Queerness Is Not Inherently Virtuous.

much like having brown hair, or being above 5 feet tall, or being left handed, it is a singular amoral trait about you.

facing persecution against my gender identity is not a choice i made because i'm a good person, it is a consequence of the unjust pieces of the society i was born into.

to meaningfully contribute to discourse, especially one involving societal issues, you must draw on experience and knowledge, and incorporate empathy and critical thinking into your conclusion. please do not forget this.


Al Jazeera is banned in Israel. This means reporters, but not only that. I can't even access the site.

An Al Jazeera reporter from East Jerusalem lists impacts of this bill:

Access to the website is banned.

The Al Jazeera TV channel is obviously banned too.

The host of the website's domain can be fined for hosting the website??

Holding offices or operating them in the territory of Israel, banned.

Any device used to provide content for Al Jazeera, including a personal mobile phone if it's used to gather news, can be confiscated by Israel.

The only democracy in the Middle East never heard of freedom of the press I guess.


more fucking petitions because this clown car country cannot stop with the bigotry for 30 seconds

uk people it takes 5 seconds and you checking your email to verify

everyone else: rebloge please

As of Sunday 12th May, this petition is at 1,897 signatures.

“At 10,000 signatures...

At 10,000 signatures, government will respond to this petition

At 100,000 signatures...

At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament”


hey y’all, i haven’t been here (or anywhere, really) because my illness got worse.

much, much worse.

the tl;dr is my brain is inflamed and i can’t really think most days. i forget my own birthday sometimes. i have days where i can’t walk. it’s not great.

the long version can be found here on my ko-fi. if you feel like donating a buck or two so i can try to access some treatments and medical services, i’d appreciate it. if you just wanna go full voyeur and see what my deal is, well, i won’t kink-shame you lol.

please share this post if you can!


whoever slid these in there you are extremely fucking based

it’s hard to see but for anyone who doesn’t know this, this is the MTA psa font/branding they used. extremely genius move


no yeah it is really annoying how like. when a cis woman is misogynistic To Survive, it’s considered internalized misogyny and the harm is downplayed while making sure she stays perceived as a victim only.

but when a transgender woman is misogynistic To Survive, no one’s capable of seeing how it’s harming her or giving her some grace, they see her as violent and proof “tras” are evil. it’s always assumed to be externalized misogyny, so dismissing internalized misogyny, but of course they never talk about how trans women are harmed by misogynistic ideas. because that would be antithetical to their ideology of transfems as just males but Worse(tm)

and when a trans man is misogynistic, again To Survive, we’re either seen as little girls brainwashed to accept misogyny or on the same level as a cis man perpetuating it, if not worse because we we CHOOSING misogyny. we are never given the benefit of the doubt, we are never understood to be Surviving but either proof we don’t face issues and are just assimilating, or we’re in denial of our own issues. ugh.


no offense but if your friend is trying out a new hobby be fucking nice to them

friends say hurtful things, whether it's out of jealousy, trying to be funny, etc. I don't believe it usually means they're an irredeemable person who you need to cut off. I just think we should be mindful of how snarkiness can impact someone's confidence and likelihood to keep pursuing their interests

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