
Life as a Resident Advisor

@lifeasaresidentadvisor / lifeasaresidentadvisor.tumblr.com

What you wish you could say, what you will never say and what you always say. Let's laugh about our job together.
Anonymous asked:

I applied to be an RA and I got the position but now I'm super nervous because I feel like I won't know what to do. Any advice for a first time RA?

Trust the people who interviewed you saw the talents that would make you a great RA and trust yourself! You didn’t apply on a whim and you’ve got what it takes! I believe in you 💜

Anonymous asked:

What’s behind closed doors? I’m waiting to hear back to see if I got a position at my school and this is the only term I don’t think I’ve ever seen before

It’s essentially a run through of potential situations you may experience as an RA. You don’t know what it is until you get to the door (usually a room) and then you are read a brief on why you are there as the RA in the scenario. It can sometimes turn into something else completely! It’s a test of what you’ve learned and your ability to think on your feet. Usually the last part of training and everyone loves it.

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