A Life Supreme

@lifesupreme-if / lifesupreme-if.tumblr.com

Blog for A Life Supreme, an in-development interactive fanfiction set in the world of Cyberpunk 2077. Cyberpunk 2077 was created by CD Projekt Red based off of the ttrpg Cyberpunk 2020. [tamber • she/her]

A Life Supreme

*The end of the Unification War, however, was not an end to conflict at large. The leading Al analytics software predicts another hot war will likely break out by 2080 (74% confidence). 

The Unification War has passed since the ceasefire treaty signed seven years ago, but the conflict never ends. Arasaka and Militech both compete for head of the market, and tension boils beneath the surface. 

Veterans beg on the corner, the wounds of war fresh in their minds. They're missing limbs, cyberware, and dignity. Around them, the world moves on. 

But you? You're far removed from that. And still, just like them, you're nothing. 

Quit your job and move to Night City. Meet fixers, form relationships, rise the ranks of the city's mercenaries, and keep your head above water. This city is known to eat people, and no one gets out without getting hurt. 

Kick, claw, and kill it all for A Life Supreme

  • Choosing your motivations (Fame, fortune, freedom) 
  • Character customization (your appearance, class, skills, and personality)
  • 3 female romance options
  • Multiple endings
  • Becoming privy to a plot... willing or not.

This story runs parallel to the events of Cyberpunk 2077, set in the same universe. This project will always remain 100% free. Rated 18+ for drug, alcohol, sex, and violence mentions.

Basically, I wanted more content in the world of 2077! But I would like this to be able to be enjoyed on its own, even with limited or no knowledge of Cyberpunk.


i haven't asked anything in a while so i wanted to ask about your opinion on Meredith Stout, yay or nay?


HI LOGAN!!!!!!!!!

general opinion: nay, but i don't have enough canonical information about her to form strong opinions.

(my dylan riley file of cyberpunk 2077 did still go to the venus in furs mission though. i just don't think she would turn that opportunity down 😭)

it also does make me sad to find her if you betray her because. god. what a way to go. don't fuck the corp ig


hiiiii ❤️ you already know im back in your inbox on some bullshit

you've already answered for what your characters are doing in the cyberpunk universe, but you have the most knowledge of the lost birds universe—what do you think the crossover of the lost birds and life supreme casts are doing in the lost birds universe? 👀


hiiiiiiiiiiii (from across the couch)

i've been thinking about how to answer this off and on for a few months and i think i've finally got an answer :) (the original crossover can be found here)

The lost birds cast retains their original roles -- Ranger, Archangel, Gunslinger, Traitor, Deputy, Hunter, and Ghost -- but here's what I think the A Life Supreme cast would do with relation to them...

Dylan: Some things, the apocalypse left behind. There are towns in the Empty that have forgotten the world's end. There are people who live as they always have, welcoming flotsam and jetsam travelers into strange old towns; bound tightly by the confines of companionship and unwilling to let go, they form strange new religions, speak in unfamiliar tongues, mythologize in town halls about their origins and destinations. Dylan waits desperate for a gunslinger who rode into town five long years ago, neither knowing nor caring what hell hath followed in their wake.

(We'll cover this one more in an upcoming short story, The Return...)

Stéphanie: The towns that dot the Frontier and Empty are oases for the traveler, the pilgrim, the refugee. Stéphanie, having found her way from the distant Western Shores to the Empty, has established residency in one of these tiny towns, tending a diner frozen in time. Those mislaid souls that find themselves there are held in gentle regards; weary travelers welcomed as best she can. The Ranger's group finds themselves in her company, sitting as a strange collective around a table. She dotes carefully on Ghost -- seemingly a child in violent company -- and watches the Traitor, William Rhys, with equal parts caution and intrigue...

Dorothea: There are those that wander the wastes, looking for purpose, a perpetual pilgrimage to lands unknown. They traverse the vast Empty, seeking both answer and question. Dorothea is a wanderer of these wastes, walking strange paths with strange fellows, near-humans and humans alike. Her path crosses briefly with that of the Ranger's group, a cryptic and fleeting interaction trading information and maps about what is to come.

[LOCKED]: Bastion remains as a near solitary stronghold of industry, science, and technology. They retain an imposing control of the airwaves; the dissemination of information -- propaganda or otherwise -- belongs only to Bastion and the Contingency. The voices on the radio become familiar, the only sound above the crackling static. [LOCKED]'s voice is one of many amongst the tide, a well-met ill-omen, a cruel call home.


Currently happening on itch:

For the third year running, TTRPGs for Trans Rights is back—this time, benefitting LGBTQ+ folks in West Virginia and Appalachia. Often, queer and trans folks in these rural areas get forgotten or written off, trapped by gerrymandering and circumstance. But moving isn't an option for every person living in a state that is legislating against them, and so, we fundraise!

All proceeds from this bundle (after fees) will be donated to Project Rainbow - West Virginia's only LGBTQ+ shelter, and an advocacy center that helps queer and trans people throughout Appalachia.

Project Rainbow is a nonprofit organization based in Monongalia County, West Virginia. Since its inception, the project has been curated to serve unsheltered LGBTQ+ individuals to help them better navigate the housing system safely and compassionately. Project Rainbow has opened The Rainbow House in an effort to serve this community and meet this goal. Although the shelter is our community's most urgent and immediate need, Project Rainbow recognizes that there is far more work to be done. They serve as advocates for the individuals we serve, and the Appalachian LGBTQ+ community as a whole. They also work closely with partners in the housing system, health and mental health care systems to not only find solutions for their guests but to make these systems themselves more accessible for their target population.

Previous bundles have benefitted trans-centered organizations in Florida and Texas. For more information about the Trans Rights Bundle project, or to get in touch with the organizers, visit our website: https://transrightsbundle.space

To access contributions from our publishing partners off of itch.io, please take a moment to fill out this form: https://forms.gle/kufKnqBAaaJxcizp7

Paizo Inc. is offering PDF copies of Pathfinder Lost Omens: Knights of Lastwall to all backers of this charity bundle. Note: Paizo grants these PDFs through paizo.com, so you will need to provide an email account associated with a paizo.com account in order to receive this reward.

If you  are a larger publisher who uses their own platform to distribute games, please email rue@transrightsbundle.space rina@transrightsbundle.space or DM me on twitter if you would like to participate in the bundle. We're happy to work with you to figure out a method for you to be a part of this

Anonymous asked:

omg now I want that trope with my beloved queen stéphanie (obvs u don’t have to tho, lol)

She throws open the wooden cabinets and brings a metal bowl clattering to the counter, abandoning it even before it stops rolling to the edge. You leap to catch it, your steps heavy and clunky as you move to set it carefully onto the flat of it.

"You have other places to be," she says as she continues on her warpath, slamming the oven door open and closed as she punches in the numbers 3-5-0 to begin a preheat. "So be there. Go. Now."

"I was hoping," you round the corner after her, sliding a lone kitchen knife securely back into its holder. You would hate to see her come to harm upon it. "To stick around for a while, with-"

Your side catches on the sharp corner of the isle, a sudden and unwelcome intrusion, and you groan out. "Ouch. Ow. Ow. I was hoping to stay for a bit. Fucking ouch, Stéphanie."

At the first cry of discomfort, she spins quickly on her heel, leaving the half-open bag of flour she had begun to pull from its space to fall onto its side as she runs to yours. "Are you alright? Where did you get hurt?"


happy lesbian visibility week!!

to all fellow lesbians - remember to turn your opacity up and be proud and happy of both who you are and the shared history of persistence found in the lesbian identity

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