

@warwickwitch / warwickwitch.tumblr.com

Ani | Ravenclaw | Checkout my side blogs @collectorofmemory for stories and cute animals pics, or @stormsofathunderbird for stuff I think is pretty/mythology, etc. 💙

everyone: writing fanfiction is a great way to explore your various sexual fantasies 

me, through clenched teeth: what if they lived in a TINY house and took NAPS all the time

I truly had no idea this would pick up so much traction but i’m glad to know we’re all in the same boat of living out unrealistic fantasy scenarios re: intimacy and home ownership


me, sobbing: And they had game night with friends and everyone took turns hosting and everyone was okay.

omg everyone was okay

They all saw separate therapists and worked on their trauma theb came home to watch TV and feel loved in a way they hadn’t previously allowed thenselves to feel loved


when confident people confess that they haven’t always been like that:, young me was like ‘oh huh wonder when I’ll be old enough to feel that way ‘ and now I realize that no one is intimidating and also fashion is fake and embarrassing no matter what you do so like.... chill and smile.. be a person that is generous.. be fun to work with... read a g.d. Book.. look at maps.. take care of your bod.. be nice!!!! Playing games on who can be the most mysterious/ too cool is boring and yucky. Something so cool about making people feel welcome and worthy instantly.


1 cup of coffee: i am beautiful and fast and i cannot be killed

3 cups of coffee: i am a wretched vessel of pain cruelly imprisoned in this tomb of flesh

5 cups of coffee: god will die by my hand


What I say: I feel like everyone is mad at me.

What I mean: I got the impression that one specific person is mad at/dissatisfied with/disappointed in me and that feeling has bled over into my perception of literally all other people, because emotionally I cannot grasp the concept that negative feelings or reactions to me are not 100% universal, and as I mostly define myself by what other people think of me I can barely imagine what it feels like to be an individual with free-standing feelings and depth of character separate from what is decided by the judgement of others, thus enforcing the idea that when one person is upset at me then everyone is, because when someone else decides what I am it becomes true.

I spent a year looking for this post.


concept: frog but it’s entire head/face part is a gator

You mean something like this?




Great news everyone

These actually (kind of) existed, say hello to prionosuchus!!

This big boye, although he looks similar to a crocodile, was an amphibian from the Permian period

We know very little about these guys because there have been like two fossils discovered but they have been estimated to get 30 feet long

Some think they may have had external gills, similar to axolotls

But we really have no idea



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