


the raven cycle brainrot

blue and gansey in trc: cute dates, yearning, will they won’t they romantic tension, high school level drama, meeting each others parents etc etc

ronan and adam in trc:


adam parrish looks different every time you see him. that’s partially demonstrated in the first chapters of cdth, but sometimes his hair is red. sometimes it’s a spunky strawberry blond, or a golden brown, or hay colored yellow. the skin under his eyes is so thin that it gets all purple and veiny, especially when he’s tired but that’s kind of always. sometimes his skin is a sickly sort of grayish yellow but others it’s a dusty tan, a product of working on his cars in the virginia sun. his clothes always seem to fit him differently, it’s the way they hang or perhaps the way he holds himself. every once in a while he has these scary, angry, blue eyes, an inherited gift from his father — but more often theyre the same muddy grey as the sky he looked up at, clouds rolling in overhead, from when he was young. he is stringy and small and six feet tall at the same time. unlike gansey, this has never been “all there is.” and it never will be.


there’s something about adam and ronan being inherently magical yet repressing that part of themselves, desiring normalcy, and blue and gansey being disappointed at their own normalcy yet always seeking out the thrill of magic, and them finding each other and being comforted by this shared longing and in it gaining the ability to accept themselves for who they are. yeah. something like that.


“She had opened her mouth, and at first, all that came out was air. Then something like the beginning of a laugh. Then, finally, she managed to sputter, “I am not a prostitute”

The Aglionby boy appeared puzzled for a long moment, and then realisation dawned. “Oh, that is not how I meant it. That is not what I said.” “


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