
Jon x Sansa Remix


A Couples Remix dedicated to Jon x Sansa

Title: What You Really Like Pairing: Jon/Sansa Remix Pairing: Sana/Yousef Chapter: 2/2

@goodqueenalys was sad that I didn’t remix the infamous Yousana carrot scene for my Remix fic so I decided to do that as a follow up and post it on the free day.You brought this carrot discourse on yourself, Mere, so don’t @me about it!

The scene this is based on can be viewed here (it’s the first 7 minutes of the episode). Lots of the dialogue comes from the translation into English - mainly because I’ve watched this Yousana scene so many times I didn’t even realise I was writing the exact dialogue but there we are!

When Catelyn handed Sansa the carrot peeler, phone by her ear and already talking to Aunt Lysa, she couldn’t help but stop and look at it helplessly for a good few seconds. Sansa was the baker of the house not a cook. She could whip up fresh bread, pastries and cakes with no problem but ask her to make dinner and she floundered. In fact, she had just been having this conversation with her mother about how her husband would be the one to cook.

Well, Catelyn had been having this discussion, Sansa had been sitting on the edge of the table, eating a carrot, and staring hopelessly at Jon who was in the living room with Robb and the rest of their friends. She had been perfectly happy doing that, too. Jon was extremely good to look at and even when he had caught her staring a couple of times, he had smiled at her rather than made her feel like an awkward creeper.


Just a Momentary Thing

@jonxsansaremix​ Day 7: Free Day / Veronica Mars
Remixed Couple: Logan Echolls and Veronica Mars: LoVe
AN: So I haven’t finished the fic yet and I might not be able to in time for today (not if I want to do it right).. So here’s a little hint of what’s to come later. 
“Just when you think you’re out they pull you back in.”
Sansa had not taken a single case in 9 years and now she was on a plane back to the town of Westeros, California because her ex-boyfriend was accused of murder (again). She hadn’t truly talked to Jon in 9 years and yet she felt like she had to help him out, after all he’d once been one of the most important people in her life. She didn’t want to admit it to Harry, but no matter how much time passed she would always be there for Jon Targaryen.
She probably shouldn’t be doing this, after all it had taken her a long while to get her act together, the last thing she wanted was for her life to fall apart again. The town of Westeros always seem to bring out the worst in people, something Sansa was well acquainted with. In the time since she had transferred out of King’s Landing University she’d not been back home and yet one word from Jon and here she was. She had originally said no, but that had lasted a full eight -more like five- minutes before she’d given in. And now she was on a plane back to try and help her ex-boyfriend choose a good lawyer for his upcoming murder trial.
Some people might call her faith in Jon naive, after all he doesn’t have the best track record, but Sansa was unshaken. She knew Jon more than anyone in the world and despite some moments of doubt during her teen years she had always known deep down that he wasn’t a killer. 

Jon x Sansa Remix - Day 7 - Free Choice: American Horror Story (Coven) - Sansa as Zoe and Jon as Kyle

Margaery stalked around under the cold lights of the morgue, her eyes taking in the various gruesome sights “Sansa, look around this room. Okay, what do you see?” “Tragedy” she replied, hugging herself as she surveyed the dismembered pieces of flesh. “I see potential. Look, nice legs over here. A great set of guns” the brunette chuckled before raising a wicked brow at a certain part of dead matter “I wonder if he’s a show-er or a grower.” “What’s your point, Margaery?” Sansa huffed. “We take the best boy parts, we attach them to Jon’s head, and we build the perfect boyfriend” Margaery shrugged as she pinched someone else’s finger and pulled up a cold, bloodstained hand. “Is this just a joke to you?” “No, it’s a challenge. All we have to do is follow this recipe” she said, waving the torn out page in her hand, not really paying much attention to her friend - or showing any remorse for what she had done for that matter. “Find me a saw.”


JonxSansa Remix 2017 Day 6- Hamilton and Eliza

Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story

           Let me tell you what I wish I’d known

           When I was young and dreamed of glory

           You have no control

           Who lives, who dies, who tells your story

The fallen leaves cracked under the boots of the former Lady of Winterfell as she slowly made her way to the crypts beneath her home. She found herself coming here more and more often as yet another winter approached. It would be her tenth winter- and something told her- her last. She had come here often over the years to visit her deceased family members- her father, her brother, her sister, her son. Today, however, she was here to visit her husband, Jon Snow.

Every other founding father story gets told

Every other founding father gets to grow old

But when you’re gone, who remembers your name?

Who keeps your flame?

Who tells your story?

After Jon and his allies had prevailed in the war for their future, Daenerys Targaryen had been unanimously elected in Westeros’s historic free-election. For the first time ever, every citizen in Westeros, from the high lords in their castles, to the common people in their modest houses, had chosen their ruler. The Mother of Westeros, as she had affectionately been known as, ruled the country wisely for twenty years before deciding to step down to spend the rest of her life in peace at her home in Dragonstone. Sansa could not imagine a ruler that could have been more admired, respected, and revered than their first elected-ruler, Daenerys Targaryen. She would forever be known as a Mother to her country.  

           Those twenty prosperous years under Daenerys’s rule had been tumultuous, but mostly happy ones for Sansa and her family. After the War of the Dawn, and Jon’s true parentage had been revealed, he and Sansa had married to rule as the Lord and Lady of Winterfell. There had been some talk to crown them King and Queen in the North, but in the end, they decided to trust Daenerys and the democratic process. They believed Westeros would be stronger if it were united as one instead of split up into seven different kingdoms.

Jon and Sansa were deeply in love and thrilled that they no longer had to be ashamed of their true feelings. Arya had been a bit hesitant, but she was happy that Jon would be in her life as her brother once again. After their wedding, children soon followed. They had four children, two boys and two girls. The first-born had been a boy which Jon and Sansa enthusiastically agreed to name Robb, after their dearly departed brother. Sansa would remember the feeling of holding her son in her arms for the first time for the rest of her life and beyond. Sansa loved all of her children equally, of course, but Robb was particularly special to her simply because he was her first.

That’s why it had hurt her so deeply when Robb died as young and as tragically as his namesake. Robb was nothing if not an honorable and dutiful son. When other boys started calling the Lord of Winterfell an adulterer and Robb a product of incest, he knew he had to challenge them to a duel. When Robb came to his father seeking advice, Jon had told him to be as honorable as his grandfather by laying down his weapon to settle the dispute. This advice, which Robb followed to a T, ended up costing him his life.

In her heartbreak and grief, it took Sansa months to forgive Jon for the part he played, but forgive him she did. After all, part of the reason she loved him so much was that he was always as honorable as her Lord Father. Always. It wasn’t long before Jon found himself involved in another duel. This time Jon himself was defending the honor of the newest ruler of Westeros, Lyanna Mormont of Bear Island. In his bid to be as honorable as Lord Eddard, Jon was struck down by Cersei Lannister’s sole surviving heir who believed that the seat of ruling in Westeros belonged to him by right.

I put myself back in the narrative

I stop wasting time on tears

I live another fifty years

It’s not enough

For months after Jon’s death, Sansa was angry at the Old Gods for taking away her eldest son and her husband within such a short amount of time. But she realized that she didn’t want to spend her remaining time mourning them. She wanted to do something productive. She wanted to feel connected to Jon even if he was no longer with her physically. She wanted the entire world to know of his accomplishments, as well as his bravery and kindness. So, she dried her tears and steadied herself for what was to come next. She had so much to do.      

I interview every soldier who fought by your side

She tells our story

As her bastard brother, and then her cousin, and finally her husband, Sansa always knew that the man she loved was capable of great things. But she was only one person and she only knew one side of the story. To truly understand her husband, Sansa knew she would have to dig deeper. She talked to Sam Tarly, the Maester of Winterfell, and asked him to tell her everything he knew about Jon. She traveled North to the Wall to talk with those former brothers of Jon who remained. She traveled South to King’s Landing to talk to Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister, Missandei, and Grey Worm. She talked to anyone and everyone who had any experience fighting with or under Jon - Tormund Giantsbane, Davos Seaworth, even Gendry Waters, her sister’s husband. But of course, the person Sansa relied on the most relies on to tell her every detail about Jon was her brother Bran, the Three-Eyed Raven.

I try to make sense of your thousands of pages of writing

You really do write like you’re running out of time

Sansa also spent days and nights buried in Jon’s solar reading everything he ever wrote. Every letter, every correspondence, every decree, every personal journal entry. Sansa could not believe how much Jon wrote. Almost as if he knew his time was limited.  

I rely on Angelica

While she’s alive, we tell your story

She’s buried in Trinity Church near you

When I needed her most, she was right on time

Despite telling herself that she came here to visit Jon, Sansa found herself lingering in front of her sister’s statue and getting lost in another memory as she was so apt to do these days.  

One night, as Sansa is reading through yet another correspondence between Jon and Daenerys Targaryen, her sister enters the solar. Sansa is so wrapped up in reading every word Jon ever wrote that she doesn’t even look up. Arya sits on the floor next to Sansa and takes her hands in hers. This is what finally makes Sansa look at her sister. Arya can see how blood-shot her sister’s eyes are and the bags under them that Sansa cannot hide.

Arya sighs and whispers, “Sansa, you don’t have to do this alone. I may not have been married to him, but that doesn’t mean I loved him less. After all, in a way, he was mine before he was yours.”

Sansa just looks at her blankly.

Arya continues, “Let me help you tell his story. I want to make sure his legacy is preserved, too.”

As realization dawns in Sansa’s eyes, her lips spread into a smile. She pulls her sister into a hug and whispers, “Thank you, Arya.”

As Arya pulls back, she asks, “So, can I help you sort through this reading material?”

Sansa thinks for a minute before replying, “Actually, have you ever talked to Gendry about what happened North of the Wall?”  

Arya had died ten years ago from a fever. It wasn’t traditional for statues to be made of family members who were not Kings in the North or Lords of Winterfell. However, her lord father had broken tradition by having a statue made for his deceased siblings Brandon and Lyanna. Sansa had felt that Arya had done so much for their family and for her in particular, that she deserved to have a statue made of her just as much as their aunt and uncle, if not more. And so Arya Stark would forever rest beside Jon in the crypts underneath Winterfell.  

And I’m still not through

I ask myself, “What would you do if you had more time?”

The Lord, in his kindness

He gives me what you always wanted

He gives me more time

Sansa had scoured the North to find a skilled artist who actually knew what Jon had looked like. She didn’t want a repeat of her father’s statue. She didn’t want to spend the rest of her life staring at a piece of rock that did a poor job of imitating her husband. This slab of concrete was a poor substitute for Jon’s warmth, his comforting smile, and the crinkle in his eyes. Still, it was all she had left. As Sansa looked into the stone eyes of the freshly made statue for the first time, she wondered what her next move should be. She whispered into the quiet air of the crypts, “What would you do if you had more time, my love? What should I do with mine?”

I raise funds in D.C. for the Washington Monument

She tells my story

I speak out against slavery

You could have done so much more if you only had time

Sansa travels to King’s Landing to ask the newly elected ruler, the son of Lady Brienne and Sir Jaime, to commission a statue celebrating Westeros’s first elected ruler, Daenerys Targaryen.

“My Lord, my late husband believed in Daenerys’s vision for this country. She brought us back from the brink of ruin and established the peace and prosperity that we are still enjoying today. Across the Narrow Sea, she ended the inhuman practice of slavery in the area that is now known as The Bay of Dragons. I beg you to build a statue in King’s Landing to honor her and her achievements.”  

“Lady Stark, the efforts of your husband and aunt have not gone unrecognized. Moreover, my mother has warned me repeatedly to never deny Sansa Stark anything, lest I want to start a fight that I will most surely lose. Your request will be granted.”

And when my time is up, have I done enough?

Will they tell our story?

Sansa sits alone in her solar one evening staring into the fire, trying to think of her next project. What did Jon love the most? Me and the kids, Sansa thought bitterly as tears threatened to come to her eyes. But, then, the answer came to her. Jon’s most passionate cause. His biggest complaint about his own life. Of course, it was so simple.

I establish the first private orphanage in New York City

I help to raise hundreds of children

I get to see them growing up

In their eyes, I see you, Alexander

I see you every time

Sansa establishes the first private orphanage in the North, as well as helps to clean up the ones in King’s Landing. Sansa knows how lost Jon felt growing up, not knowing his mother, and never being able to be a true son to his father. Jon was lucky to grow up at Winterfell, but he still felt alone in his youth, even in a castle as large and crowded as Winterfell. Sansa wondered if he would have felt more at home with other orphans or other bastards who didn’t have a place in the world- just like him. The idea makes her sad, but happy at the same time.

The orphanage, called Winter’s Children, was built in the only city in the North, White Harbor. Sansa was needed at Winterfell, still being its lady, but she spent as much time at Winter’s Children as she could. She loved meeting the children and watching them grow up and eventually leave to make their way in the world. And she always saw Jon reflected in their eyes. At first, she only saw Jon’s lack of direction, insecurity, and anger. But as the children grew, she saw Jon’s kindness, strength, bravery, and perseverance. In those moments, she felt closer to Jon than she did when she started at his statue in the crypts. She was wrong when she thought that Jon’s lifeless statue was all she had left of him. As long as Jon’s spirit was alive in these children, then he was, too.

And when my time is up

Have I done enough?

Will they tell your story?

Sansa stood in front of Jon’s statue for nearly an hour before she spoke.

“Hello, my love. For fifty years, I have tried my best to make sure people remember your name centuries from now. You are the most incredible person I have ever met and all I want is for your accomplishments to be recognized. And I’m not sure I did enough.”

“You did.”

A new voice cut through the empty crypt.

Surprised, Sansa gave a squeak and jerked back.

“Sorry, Sansa, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

Sansa turned to her side and saw a familiar figure slowly approaching her. He was very large and very round with a strong white beard. He had become a dominating figure from the boy who came to Winterfell so many years ago.      

“That’s alright, Sam,” Sansa replied to her friend.

They stood in silence for a few minutes before Sam said, “Jon would be so proud of everything you have accomplished.”

Sansa turned her face to look at him. “I certainly like to think so.”

“He would. No doubt about it. History had its eyes on you two and the world will know your names.”

“I hope so,” Sansa said.

Then, Winterfell’s Maester pulled something from behind his back.

“I want to show you this,” he said.

“What is it?” Sansa asked.

“I’m calling it A Song of Ice and Fire. It’s the story of Westeros around the time of the War of the Five Kings and the War for the Dawn. It’s the story of your family and the Lannisters and the Targaryens. It’s the story of Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister, and Sansa Stark. Through this book, the world will know his story. Yours, too.”’

“Mine’s not important,” Sansa said.

“It is,” Sam urged. “It’s more important. Jon Snow was a great man, but you proved that women don’t need husbands to accomplish great things. You will be remembered by history, not as Jon Snow’s wife, but as a hero in your own right. This book will make sure of it.”

Sansa started to cry as she threw her arms around the maester.

“Thank you, Sam,” she whispered against his beard. “Thank you so much.”

I can’t wait to see you again

It’s only a matter of time

Sansa Stark died in her sleep that night. She died as she lived, surrounded by those that loved her. But the North’s daughter was never forgotten. Thanks to A Song of Ice and Fire Jon Snow and Sansa Stark went down in history as two of the North’s most legendary and loved historical figures.

Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?


@jonxsansaremix Day Six: Historical Couples

Title: Yours Original Couple: Abigail Adams x John Adams Summary: Duty may keep her husband away, but Sansa can always find solace in his letters. Author’s Note: Nothing says OTP like a pair of married nerds who spend decades respecting the shit out of each other, and giving each other counsel, and exchanging letters, and calling each other sappy pet names like ‘Miss Adorable’. Not to mention this seemed hella fitting in light of the current ‘Jon is off doing politics while Sansa holds down the homefront’ deal that’s going on in show canon. (Plus I am like…SUPER OBSESSED with Abigail Adams so…here we are).


The danger is passed (or so Dr. Tarly has assured her). 

Sansa takes him at his word. The good doctor knows his art well, and is such a dear friend to Jon and her both. 

Dr. Tarly’s own children had undergone the inoculation last spring, and Sansa prays her little ones may make just as stout a recovery as little Sam and Bess. 

Her children are not yet up to their usual standards of mischief and mayhem, but she heard laughter coming from their sickroom shortly after the doctor’s afternoon visit. Their Uncle Rickon was in with them, telling tales from his travels in the wilds of the western frontier. Sansa scolded him a bit for exciting them so soon after their illness but her heart wasn’t in it. She was too glad to see those five sweet little faces smiling and flushed with something other than fever. 

Sansa’s relief is short-lived. Without the threat of smallpox looming large over them all, older, far more familiar worries have begun to creep back into her thoughts.


jon & sansa remix || day 6: historical couple • sansa as bonnie parker and jon as clyde barrow

They call them cold-hearted killers. They say they are heartless and mean. But I say this with pride, that I once knew Clyde when he was honest and upright and clean. But the laws fooled around kept takin’ him down and lockin’ him up in a cell, till he said to me: “I’ll never be free so I’ll meet a few of them in Hell.”
Source: direwolvess

Day 6 of jonxsansaremix2017 {Historical/Celebrity Couples}:

James Madison and Dolley Payne Todd Madison:

After meeting the recent widow, Sansa Stark, Congressman Jon Snow quickly courted the young woman. Finding a connection to him, she enthusiastically agreed to a marriage that would be decades long. Yet their passion for the other would not be tamed, as they became each other’s closest friends, which was a surprise to many.
Jon, although intelligent and observant, was a reserved and serious man, and only a few could ever truly get close to the man. Sansa was the opposite. A social butterfly, Jon’s wife could brighten a room with a simple yet humorous remark.
Despite these differences, it could have been what helped both of their futures in Washington. Nearly twenty years into their marriage, Jon became the fourth president of their young and eager country.
But when the nation goes to war once again with the British, they find its legacy in balance.
History would ultimately remember the first lady for saving that legacy after smuggling a portrait of George Washington mere hours before the first White House was burned.

got/asoiaf fic: and labor till the work is done

Title: and labor till the work is done Jon & Sansa Remix: Day One/Day Seven - TV Couples - The Office | Jim/Pam/Free Day Characters/Pairings: Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Stark family, Sam, Theon, Margaery etc.; Jon/Sansa, past Sansa/Joffrey Rating: T/R Spoilers/Warnings: (quasi) The Office AU; references to past depression/suicidal ideation, past, mentioned symptoms of anorexia nervosa, past intimate partner violence, past attempted sexual assault, mention of past drug use (not a living character), Petyr Baelish appearance, underage drinking (Arya being 19) Word Count: ~27,500 Disclaimer: Title is from “Be Still” by the Killers. Summary: At twenty-one, Sansa Stark is ready to get her life back on track after over a year of taking online classes and traveling around Europe, beginning with settling down in New York City and working at her father’s construction management company – Stark Industries – following with starting college full time again in the fall. Stark Industries is a family legacy she was hoping to avoid: Robb is a project manager, grooming to eventually be a partner, Arya is a summer intern with Bran sure to follow next year and Rickon in another three, and even Jon Snow, who is technically not family but who has been around for as long as Sansa can remember, works as an estimator. But Sansa is not who she was at sixteen or eighteen or even twenty and she’s still in the process of learning what’s truly important, like who she is, who she wants to be, and what kind of people she wants in her life. A/N: So this was supposed to be posted on day one of the @jonxsansaremix by @jonxsansafanfiction, but I ran out of time and now it’ll have to be posted on the last/free day. Thank you to @marlahey for beta'ing as I aggressively tried to finish this in a timely manner you were amazing. Also thank you to everyone who cheered me on – hopefully this isn’t pure garbage. I swear despite the warnings, this is primarily a happy fic!!


Together we can rule the world…

@jonxsansafanfiction remix week day 6: Historical Couples (Cleopatra & Antony)

After the death of Emperor Robbert Baratheon former general Jon Snow, now co-ruler of one of the largest realms the world has ever known, travels to Egypt to expand the power of the mighty Roman empire even further. But pharaoh and leader Sansa Stark, known not only for her beauty but also her intelligence and political decisions, uses her charm and knowledge to get under the young general’s skin and to win his heart.

Jon can’t withstand her and he spends an entire winter with her in Egypt, but rumors travel fast and his co-rulers in Rome, Jamie Lannister and Viserys Targaryen, get word of their romance. In an attempt to prevent a personal vendetta against him, he marries Visery’s sister Daenerys. But even Jon’s duty and honor can’t compete with the power of love. After a short, and loveless, marriage, Jon asks for an official divorce and he travels back to Egypt to fill the hole in his heart.

In Egypt Jon discovers that Sansa has given birth to twins and without a second thought he asks her to marry him, therefore violating the official accords of Rome, stating that no Roman can marry a foreigner. 

No longer a Roman, Jon starts leading the Egyptian army, but his victories are rare and his military career is nothing but a ghost of what it has once been. Jaime and Viserys see their chance and declare war on Sansa and Jon, gaining more and more ground every battle. 

When the Roman army reaches Jon’s and Sansa’s hometown, Sansa seeks shelter while Jon leads his remaining army into the fight. It is during the fight that a messenger informs him that Sansa has died and not willing to live a day without the love of his life Jon uses his own sword to lethally wound himself. It is only then that a second messenger arrives to tell him his wife is still alive. Using his last breath, Jon begs Sansa to find a way to make peace with Jaime and Viserys, but when Sansa’s attempts fail she sees only one possible solution. She finds a poisonous asp to reunite her soul with the soul of the only man she has ever truly loved.


“There’s unconditional love there. You hear that phrase a lot but it’s real with me and her [June Carter]. She loves me in spite of everything, in spite of myself. She has saved my life more than once. She’s always been there with her love, and it has certainly made me forget the pain for a long time, many times. When it gets dark and everybody’s gone home and the lights are turned off, it’s just me and her.”


walk like an egyptian

(super short drabble, i’m just really tired but damn it i’m going to post something each day for the jonsaremix) (this ship is rick/evy from the mummy) (it’s been a while since i’ve seen the movie so forgive the mistakes please) (apparently there are no versions of this scene on youtube which is crime frankly) (you know this song)

The man in front of her is dirty and filthy, though Sansa can tell he is handsome behind it all. He looks at her with a smirk, though his eyes are haunted. It’s strange, she thinks, looking into the eyes of a man who knows he’s going to die.

“I need your help,” she says, doing her best to hide her nervousness.

“What do you need?” he drawls in his American accent, and she bristles at the tone. She will not be disrespected like that. Next to her, Theon stiffens and he sends him a quick glare.

“I need your help getting to Hamunaptra,” she states.

All he does is laugh. “Hamunaptra? Let me tell you, you’ll die if you got there.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean it’s cursed,” the man says, his gray eyes looking at her with a strange glint. “You won’t make it back.”

“We need to get there,” Sansa says, ignoring his words. How does a man come to belief in such curses anyway?

“I’ll tell you what. You get me out of here, I’ll lead you to the city. Sounds like a deal?”

“It does,” she says, but before she can turn and find someone to talk to, he says something.

“Come here,” he says.

“What?” she asks, leaning close to him. Perhaps he will tell her a bit about the city before she gets him free.

He does not. The scoundrel has the nerve to kiss her!

He had the nerve to be a good kisser as well.


Jon x Sansa Remix - Day 4: Fairytale Couples: Allerleirauh/All Kinds of FurAllerleirauh x The Good King


“You’ll be queen,” he whispers, eyes glittering like a toad’s, as he leans over her chair at the dinner table, “There is no higher match in the kingdom.”

Gods, no. No. Sansa squirms in her seat, trying not to vomit up her lamb as his hands clasp about her shoulders. “It’s not right!”

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