
Bunny 🐰


Header photo + PFP credit goes to me. They/them pronouns please. Follow portfolio-i-am for my art (I rarely post there, unfortunately)

Useful, Evil, Useful, Useful, Evil. 3/5, 60%. Failing Grade. Diagnostic, I’m Going To Rip Off Your Nipples

@ staff you have 24 hours before I do literally nothing about this and continue to be mad about how shitty this looks


every time theres a new bad tv show or movie people act like its the end of the world you guys need to learn about the not watching shit method i’ve been successfully employing the not watching shit method for years

This tag deserves to be seen


This is controversial to some for whatever reason, but Gods can and do lie. Any God, including Apollo, is capable of being dishonest and/or withhold the truth from you in casual conversation if They believe it’s best for you.

Pretty sure the only time a God is completely honest is when you personally agree on Them being so with you, or when you request a prophecy from one of the future-seeing Deities (Moros, Apollo, Jupiter). Prophecies can be twisted, unclear, but are never wrong unless the diviner misunderstood something.

Other than that, lying is a normal thing for a God to do.

Update: I do not support exclusion of Apollo from what I’ve enlisted. He’s not “purer” than any other God (and following Him doesn’t make you so). He’s also not the God of truth (aside from prophecies).


some people make gods sound like LinkedIn recruiters



I hope these spiders find you well. I'm not sure if you got my last message of five pigeons, but we have an opening that might be a great fit for you. Let me know if you're interested in being the chosen one.


Claiming that T*RFs/r*dfems/other bigots are “legitimate” parts of the Roman/Greek Polytheistic community because “everyone in the Ancient times was a bigot” is actually… one of the stupidest attempts at apologist rhetoric I’ve seen in a while.

First of all, no, they weren’t. Were Ancient societies less accepting than our modern ones? Sometimes less, sometimes more - depends what country you compare it to, as not everything in the world is the US. Some Ancient laws were incredibly progressive. Some weren’t. Making such a drastic claim is ahistorical at best.

Also, by this logic, we should bring back human sacrifice. Or maybe gutting animals for religious practices? Or perhaps treating women and children as secondary to adult men? That falls under your logic, apologists, doesn’t it? Since the Ancients did a lot of no longer accepted things, it should be logical - by your standard - to claim that f*scists and r*cists are also “legitimate” parts of the religious community, but they are not.

“Gender critical” people are shunned for a reason. They are not promoting ideas of unification, collaboration, acceptance, xenia, and thus are not following the tradition of the faith they claim to follow. They are not accepting the fact that gender binarity is not existent, which is proved by the presence of transformative, genderless, fluid Gods. They are not accepting the fact that Goddesses they plaster radical labels onto are actually… not against men. They’re not accepting what needs to be accepted by the very logic of a renewed, revisited, modernized Greco-Roman faith.

People as such aren’t part of the community because they do not represent it. The most they are is stuck-up individuals that still, to this day, live according to social standards of what the world was three millennia ago.

You’re not authentic. You’re embarrassing.


Are you a ‘Oh my god he’s a kid’ (ecstatic because it’s the first sign of a faithful adaptation that will flourish across the years following Percy as he grows up) or a ‘Oh my god he’s a kid’ (horrified being now grown up by the cyclic realisation that awful things are going to happen to a scrawny teenager) pjo fan or both


Revere Hephaestus as a disabled God

Give me Hephaestus in a power chair building ramps in the old Temples. I want Him at His forge, sitting at a lowered table in His wheelchair and reaching for His tools with a hand grabber. Let Him sit in hospitals with burn care patients, showing them scars of His own. Show Him transferring from His wheelchair to His throne, some days with ease, some days with struggles. I want him sitting on a rollator, knees in braces, riding an elevator to the top of Mount Olympus.

Let’s stop portraying Hephaestus as an ‘ugly god’ and revere his disabled form.

And stop using slurs like cr*pple to describe Him.


cat who hacksd the no fly list literally my hero


you know what? I WILL play with jpgs like dolls. what if life could be dream


netflix on the way to cancel any show that performs well in order to get season 57 of big mouth

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