
Ho Ho Ho!

@adhdlouieduck / adhdlouieduck.tumblr.com

Stop! You didn't ruin anything! You were pretty much the only real friend I had-I love you, Grizz!

ugh i just know that the uncomfortable-ness of twelve forever’s villain is just gonna either be ignored or everyone’s gonna frame it as those damn tr****s ruining everyone’s fun again and then two weeks later the writers will say some crap excuse about “oh she’s genderfluid/supposed to be confusing” like that some how makes making a woman with a deep voice the villain not discomforting

i’m just tired of it, i’m tired of not being warned about this shit and im tired of having people get mad and defensive because someone dared to say something in a dumb cartoon is making them uncomfortable.

honestly just seeing clips of her already brings back a lot of insecurity about my voice. Also, the way she’s constantly sexualized and has her body drawn attention to is so discomforting. i get she’s supposed to be a metaphor about puberty but when she’s the only thing approaching a trans woman and she’s constantly framed like that, it just makes me feel like a freak to be oggled at.

also i’m sorry but having your genderfluid character be the villain and just be a cis woman with a cis mans voice is bad

could you guys like, reblog this or the other post i reblogged about this so that more trans women will know this going into it

honestly if the creators genuinely didn’t intend for malice then i really hope they rework her in the second season if they get one

i’ve been told one of the producers is a trans woman

that doesn’t really improve my view of this all that much

frankly i’m used to shows these days finding one trans woman they can use as a “get out of criticism free card” and if she doesn’t see how it makes trans women uncomfortable then whatever, her problem. but there’s still tons of trans women uncomfortable with this, and my point is about how trans women’s criticism gets silenced as just “fun ruining”, which honestly going “but theres a trans woman on the staff so it cant be bad you meanine!” just proves


Day in Fandom History: August 3…

The bears become terribly ill and Chloe takes it upon herself to take care of them. But things get tricky when word of the bears’ sickness goes viral. “Bear Flu” premiered on this day, 3 Years Ago.

can we stop acting like nonbinary ppl aren’t trans. we’re fucking trans. we don’t identify as the gender we were assigned at birth (100% man or 100% woman) therefore we’re trans. stop calling us “noncis and nontrans” what the fuck even is that

on the same note stop acting like the 3 “flavors” of nb are masc aligned, fem aligned, and unaligned/agender. nonbinary literally just means outside the gender binary. there are multigendered ppl, there are ppl that identify strongly with a gender that isn’t man or woman, there are people that identify as neutral or that simply just know they aren’t aligned with the binary. stop simplifying us, stop mischaracterizing us.

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