
welcome To My Personal Hell

@90percentsa1t / 90percentsa1t.tumblr.com


My Argentinean housemate just got a book on proper American accents and I’ve never felt more attacked

like why’s it gotta be so accurate

What’s fascinating to me is realizing that we simply ignore the glottal stop in every word that begins with a vowel when we speak quickly. Like unless you’re enunciating or speaking slowly you simply tell that glottal stop “fuck you” and hook the vowel to the previous consonant sound. Amazing. Glottal stops more like waste of time amirite


Wtf we actually talk like this don’t we


I wish this feeling upon everyone who wants to wear a dress, its really the best


this makes me so happy as a fat hairy guy who likes skirts and dresses i never get to see guys like me in dresses it’s always skinny twinks this makes me so happy 🥺🥺

If you are a larger gentleman, and wish to partake of the dress-wearing experience, please accept these tips to help fit your first dress!

1) You want something with stretch in it. Dresses are (often) built for people with boobs, and until you get familiar with how they fit your specific body, trying something super-stiff will 100% end in tears. I promise you, I am 32 years old, I have been wearing dresses all my life, and I still get pissed at dressing room mirrors because who the fuck designs some of these. There are fitted, tailored dresses designed by sane people who expect that their clothes will be worn by human beings, and they will make you look fine as fuck, but make your life easy and don’t start with them.

2) Dress sizes were designed by sixteen ferrets on crack and are not consistent between brands, styles, or vintage vs modern. Use them as a guideline, not a rule, and don’t let them upset you. Very often they’re adjusted in order to target a specific audience.

3) Lauren by Ralph Lauren is an amazing plus-size brand. Both of my fitted dresses are Lauren dresses, and that isn’t because I’m a label snob, it’s because I try on a dress that I think looks good and I go “YEEEEEEEEEESSSSS” and then pull it off and look at the label and go “ … . why am I surprised?” When you’re ready to branch out into fitted dresses, I strongly recommend finding your local Macy’s or Nordstrom and checking out their Lauren section. Even if you don’t buy anything from that section, it will give you a much better idea of how fitted dresses should look (flattering!) and feel (comfortable!).

4) Empire waists are your enemy. Those are the ones with the raised waistline that, on someone with boobs, sits right beneath said appendages. They will 1) ride up and 2) make you look pregnant, and without breasts to fill out the cups it’ll look like you don’t know how to fit your size. It does not matter who you are or how tall you are, if you’re above like a size four, empire waists are not going to be comfortable or give you the look you want. Just save yourself the time.

5) Arm holes on a sleeveless dress do not fit like arm holes on a tank top. They’re cut differently. Before you buy, MAKE SURE you cross your arms over your front and give yourself the biggest hug you can. Then put your arms behind you as far as you can. If you feel the fabric snag or chafe, you will end up wasting your money because the dress will be stupidly uncomfortable. You might be able to fix this by getting the same dress one size up, but if you choose to try one size up, prepare yourself for disappointment first. It’s often a sign of poor design or craftsmanship.

6) Part of trying on your dress should be SITTING DOWN. If this isn’t a dress you plan to wear with tights or leggings, you need to make sure it covers the backs of your thighs. (Either that, or you need to resign yourself to peeling yourself off chairs, and that fucking hurts.)

7) If you wear a mix of different underwear types, make sure you wear boxers when you go to try on dresses. Nothing will suck more than throwing on your dress and realizing you can see your shorts very easily underneath.

and if you don’t fit a dress you thought you would, don’t feel bad. it happens to girls all the time. dresses on average aren’t really made for anyone except really thin people.

Do I reblog this every time it crosses my dash? Yes, yes I do, because it contains helpful information for finding and trying on dresses, and EVERYONE deserves to try on dresses if they want.

My additional piece of advice? Damn near everyone, when trying on clothes, suddenly has Good Posture when they’re looking in the mirror. So give it a few minutes, then see how the dress feels when your body has relaxed into what your Regular Posture is.


Nothing I’ve read has changed me more than “you do people a favor by accepting their help” like I repeat this constantly to so many people because it’s true!!! People like to feel useful, they like to feel kind, they like to feel like they have an ability to impact people’s lives so just let them!! Not everything is a thing to be owed back — accept people’s kindness without making a competition out of it

Just thinking about this today like I was ringing up a woman at the store and she was a dollar short but somebody had tipped me (personally, not the whole staff) a couple bucks earlier and I was like here take one of these and she was so shocked I would do that and made a point to remember my name and thanked me so much over like. One dollar. And then later another customer asked to pay for another couple’s drinks and they were so surprised and trying to buy them something in return but clearly that person just wanted to do something nice and they ended up having a long conversation and laughed together and it would have been so awkward if they’d completely refused or tried to give them money back and it would have ruined the moment. It’s the easiest thing to just pay forward kindness but that also means you have to accept people’s kindness when it comes around to you.


I spent a lot of time having to accept peoples' help as a youth/young adult and I always felt really shitty about it. There was a lot of shame involved for me, knowing I'd never be able to repay them and I was just a drain on resources. It was only once I crawled up out of that and started being able to do things for people that I realized, oh. Oh, it feels really good to treat your whole friend group to dinner sometimes. It's really nice to give something away that you don't need anymore to somebody who does. I had to get to a point where I could give in order to feel comfortable receiving, but now I want to tell past me to just chill out, your turn will come around.


Want to learn something new in 2022??

Absolute beginner adult ballet series (fabulous beginning teacher)

40 piano lessons for beginners (some of the best explanations for piano I’ve ever seen)

Basic knitting (probably the best how to knit video out there)

Pre-Free Figure Skate Levels A-D guides and practice activities (each video builds up with exercises to the actual moves!)

How to draw character faces video (very funny, surprisingly instructive?)

Playing the guitar for beginners (well paced and excellent instructor)

Playing the violin for beginners (really good practical tips mixed in)

Color theory in digital art (not of the children’s hospital variety)

Retake classes you hated but now there’s zero stakes:

Calculus 1 (full semester class)

Learn basic statistics (free textbook)

Learn a language:

Russian (pretty good cyrillic guide!)


Astro Observations for Pisces rising...

(Will add notes as I have time and think of more)

  • Quite brilliant tbh.
  • Lots of mental activity that they don't necessarily share (Aquarius 12H) until they step into their Sagittarius public image (10H).
  • Very selective about their friend groups (Capricorn 11H).
  • Can harness an amazing amount of creative ability through their Pisces 1H and Cancer 5H.
  • Naturally sceptical about some worldviews, but has the capacity to really dig deep and learn about the meanings of certain philosophies, esoteric and religious beliefs (Scorpio 9H).
  • Tend to stand out and shine in the workplace (Leo 6H), but definitely prefer the freedom of entrepreneurship (Sag 10th again).
  • Has high standards in love and often searching for the perfect match in partnerships (Virgo 7H). Can also struggle with adopting that perfect image for their partner.
  • With an Aries 2H, here we also find their need to earn money and possessions independently. Could be through means of something martial arts, sports or military related.
  • Once their mind is made up, are quite stubborn (Taurus 3H).
  • Acquisition of knowledge was likely very much encouraged in the upbringing and homelife (Gemini 4H).Mother (or prominent parental figure) may have been emotionally distant or suffered from periods of extreme depression or anxiety.


“Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live." - Neville Goddard.

what is self concept?

self concept


your self concept is your general assumptions about yourself and the world you live in.

people think having a good self concept is all about self love and feeling pretty, but it's not. it's your viewpoint on everything and affects everything in your life -- your manifestations, relationships, how well life works out for you, etc. so, it's something you should invest in.

people always say, "well, i don't want to work on my self concept!", which annoys me to the bone, because it is the key to manifest all your desires. not only that, but it dictates your entire life.

for example, let's say i want to manifest a new boyfriend into my life. however, i hold the assumption that all men are terrible, they cheat, they lie, etc. and because i persist in those assumptions by repeating those affirmations to myself and feeling it as a fact, my new boyfriend will have no choice but to conform to my general assumptions about men.

i remember when i read an extract from one of neville goddard's lectures. one day, a black man once approached neville and asked him how he could possibly manifest, when most of neville's audience was white and had many great successes with manifestation. so how could he, a poor black man during segregation, manifest the life he desires?

neville told this man about his mentor, abdullah. and how abdullah was more than 90 years old and had the health of an olympic athlete. abdullah gracefully thrived in "whites only" facilities, and was treated greatly despise how logically, the odds were against him. neville then told this man, to change his self concept. why? because once you change your self concept, your world starts to blossom.

so, this man took neville's advice. before he changed his self concept, he was discriminated against everywhere, especially at this place he went to, when he was escorted off the premises. however, after the man changed his general views of himself and the world, everything changed. he started to view himself as someone who rich, has the utmost respect and is a well treated member of society. that same place the man was discriminated against, offered him an a high paying job with his own office without even applying, and started to treat him with the utmost respect, JUST ECAUSE he changed his self concept. crazy, right? all he did was change his self concept, and his entire world changed, because everything comes from within.

people think jut because you're pretty and rich means you have a great self concept. nope, that's not what it is! for example, look at marilyn monroe. an icon, a star, the apple of many men's eye. she was loved by many, was stunning and lived a great lifestyle. however -- her general view of life was quite dull, which caused the failure of her marriages and the dissatisfaction in her career.

now, back to manifesting. so, one of my friends was struggling with manifestation. she had so many doubts, intrusive thoughts, would spiral often, and couldn't manifest shit, because she had a shitty self concept. she held the assumption that she couldn't manifest anything, life is hard, nothing works out for her, and blah blah blah.

she asked me for advice, and i told her to work on her self concept, and i told her what to do and made a plan for her, the plan that i made for you guys, below. and guess what, because she changed her self concept, she has manifested so many luxurious items! versace, prada, etc. and she told me she manifested 100k in just HOURS. she told me because she believed in herself and worked on her self concept, it changed her entire life! she now views herself as someone who can manifest INSTANTLY, someone who is amazing at manifesting and someone who always gets what she was. and SHE IS. she was even showing me all the stuff she's going to buy with the money.

you see how powerful self concept is? she couldn't manifest a toothpick to save her damn life, to 100k in just a few hours. insane, right?

“Your opinion of yourself is your most important viewpoint. You are infinitely greater than you think you are.” – Neville Goddard.

how do i change my self concept?

changing your self concept


you can change your self concept in a number of ways. you can:

  • affirm
  • command your subconscious
  • visualise
  • any other manifestation technique
  • just decide you have an amazing one

"Begin with self." - Neville Goddard.

self concept guide


  • develop an amazing self concept
  • manifest desires
  • self love and happiness


  • RIGHT when you wake up, AFFIRM for your self concept affirmations. You do not need to affirm every single one on the list, just a couple of sentences that you remember. Pick ones that imply you manifest quickly, you are a master manifestor, things always go your way, life is amazing, etc.
  • Affirm throughout the day. Only a couple of times, when you feel like it only. A few times is fine, don't affirm all day long and like a robot. It shouldn't feel like a job. And when you affirm, affirm as if you are stating an OBJECTIVE TRUTH. Remember, YOU are the cause, and the 3d is the EFFECT.
  • Affirm while you drift off to sleep, while drowsy. This is the BEST time to affirm, so take advantage of this.
  • Anytime you think of your desires, KNOW it is done. KNOW it is coming to you, and you don’t need to worry. Why? Because your manifestation is INEVITABLE, and you are GOD, and you ALWAYS get what you want. SELF CONCEPT IS KEY. IT WILL COME EXTREMELY QUICKLY. YOUR DESIRE IS GUARANTTED. IT IS A PROMISE. IT IS ON ITS WAY. WHY ARE YOU WORRYING ABOUT SOMETHING THAT IS ALREADY YOURS? For this, you don't need to affirm for your desires, I want you to SOLELY focus on your self concept.


  • See something you don’t like? REPEAT YOUR AFFIRMATIONS AND KEEP THE FAITH! I do NOT care about how miserable you are, REMEMBER -- KEEP THE FAITH. NO MATTER WHAT.
  • You don’t have to pretend your problem isn’t there, but KNOW it will change.
  • YOU WANT CONFIRMATION THAT ITS WORKING -- YOU ARE THE CONFIRMATION. do NOT hit me with that "angel i don't see any movement" bullshit. i swear to god, i will slap you with a neville goddard book. THERE IS ALWAYS CHANGE. have faith to the UNSEEN reality, and the UNSEEN will eventually become the UNSEEN.
  • you may feel weird or the afirmations may feel unnaatural at first, but i promise you, in due time they will become second nature! so don't worry if you struggle at first, you'll get there, my love.

with the affirmations, you do not need to use all 50. just pick a few that resonate with you, and makes you feel good!

50 self concept affirmations

  1. I manifest everything I want quickly and easily
  2. I am confident in my manifesting abilities
  3. My manifestation inevitable no matter what
  4. Nothing in this world is above me
  5. I AM
  6. It’s so crazy how everything i think of comes to me so quickly
  7. I literally surpassed Neville Goddard
  8. Everything I want is coming to me now
  9. Everything in my life is going perfect
  10. I am destined for great and beautiful thing
  11. I am God
  12. I have the perfect self concept
  13. I am master manifestor
  14. My manifestations come so fast i don’t need to set a deadline
  15. The world is my oyster
  16. Every manifestation is so small for me and easy for me to have
  17. I always get what I want extremely quickly, I never have to wait
  18. Everything in my life is perfect
  19. People treat me like a God
  20. Everyone in my reality can agree I am perfect
  21. Perfection only exists in my reality
  22. I am constantly attracting good things in my life
  23. My life is filled with luxury
  24. I deserve everything and more
  25. Why do good things always happen to me?
  26. Everyday I am blessed with happiness, luck and miracles.
  27. I am limitless
  28. People worship me and are so obsessed with me
  29. I get everything I want
  30. I have the utmost faith in my manifestations
  31. I have no limiting beliefs
  32. I don’t get any intrusive thoughts
  33. Everyone loves me
  34. I am the main character
  35. The world is an amazing place
  36. I am worthy
  37. I can do anything
  38. I am extremely popular
  39. People love my energy
  40. I have the Neville Goddard mindset.
  41. I am extremely confident.
  42. I am filled with self love.
  43. Failure and disappoint don’t exist in my reality
  44. I exude perfection
  45. I thrive in every single aspect of my life.
  46. I am one of God’s favourite
  47. I am blessed and high favoured
  48. I always get what I want
  49. I love myself
  50. Things always go better than expected

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: ∞ ₒ ✧・゚: ∞ ₒ˚ ° 𐐒𐐚 ° ˚ ₒ ∞ *: ✧*:・゚✧ ₒ ∞ *: ✧*:・゚*:・✧・゚∞

so, that's it, folks! please, please, PLEASE invest in your self concept! if you develop an amazing self concept, people will treat you better, the world will be your oyster, you will be able to manifest INSTANTLY, and you'll thrive in every aspect of your life. with this guide, my friend is now living her dream life -- and so can you!

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: ∞ ₒ ✧・゚: ∞ ₒ˚ ° 𐐒𐐚 ° ˚ ₒ ∞ *: ✧*:・゚✧ ₒ ∞ *: ✧*:・゚*:・✧・゚∞


Absolutely fucking incensed by this ad. I can get unlimited months of unlimited reading and listening through Libby on my phone you dumb sack of shit Amazon I will not let you kill libraries I will not let you kill libraries I will not let you kill libraries

Listen to me. You can read any library's digital collection via Libby in America and apparently in uh 78 other countries. If that doesn't do it for you, the internet archive has two million digitized books you can access for free. The only thing I can't help you access is books self-published through Amazon but even then sometimes they're ALSO published through separate websites. Do not fucking give in to this amazon bullshit. Amazon has a vested interest in destroying libraries and replacing them with for-profit bookstores or book rentals. Do not fucking let them do that. It's up to us to support libraries and keep literature free and accessible and we have to do everything in our power to act in that vein

Amazon can afford to throw money from exploited workers towards random shit like making an MMO and trying to destroy libraries. Libraries cannot fight that kind of financial might. It's our job to see amazon, tell it no, and choose libraries instead. As often as we can.

If anyone has info on other ways to ethically access self-published books on amazon feel free to add it

Project Gutenberg is also a really useful source for free ethical eBooks! They're volunteer run, and have free PDFs and eBooks for any out of Copyright book-- both fiction and non fiction! So if you're after a copy of Pride & Prejudice, or The Great Gatsby or The Communist Manifesto, that you want to download and keep -- check them out!




oh SHOOT well i cant swing 100 but how bout


If I don’t always reblog this assume I am dead



Dawwww!!!! Momma’s Little City Destroyed!! * sniffles * They grow up so fast…


every day i am percieved™️

There is a reason for this though!

The original tweet summarizes it pretty well. Fanfic tends to be popular among certain types of neurodivergent people (aka people most likely to read excessively as a child, and have burnout as an adult) for the same reasons that we tend to hyperfixate–neurochemical signaling (I hope I’m using that phrase correctly). What I mean is, for people who are really dependent on changes in dopamine/serotonin/neurotransmitter levels, who have low levels or wonky neural reward systems (perhaps the most common types of neurodivergence)…people like us rely on dependable external sources of those neurochemicals. In order to function, we spend a lot of our free time trying to level out our brain chemistry using things that can reliably bring us a steady stream of joyful moments (rewards) without costing too much of the mental effort that is already in short supply

significantly: the investment of reading has to be balanced with a steady “return on investment”–and this return has to start fairly quickly. because again, we don’t have a lot of attention/energy to invest on tiring things. we have perpetual “low batteries” in that regard.

that doesn’t mean these stories are “simple,” or that they lack complexity or value–only that the reward has to come in short regular intervals, and it has to have a low “upfront cost.” which is why fanfic stories are so perfectly formulated for neurodivergent readers–they are often beautifully written, but skip a lot of the upfront costs (of introducing new characters, of world-building, of getting the audience emotionally connected to the story elements).

the nature of fanfiction is that the reader has a pre-existing relationship with this world and these characters. that–combined with the shorter average length of fics–means that fan fics very quickly start “rewarding” the reader in a way that traditional fiction struggles to. that’s not a bad thing! and maybe it’s something more traditionally published writers should be paying attention to.

Fanfic, as a genre, has been uniquely helpful and accessible to many neurodivergent readers who would otherwise struggle to immerse themselves in stories. I’m glad so many of you have found a way to love and enjoy reading again! The important thing is that you are spending time inside stories you love–the way those stories are published or presented to the world is just one detail.

*holds your hand* no, we’re ALL bitches

there’s that, and there’s also the fact that after reading a lot of fanfic by people who, even if they’re not writing queer ships, acknowlege some potential queerness in the cast, going back to mainstream fiction where most of it just pretends people like me don’t exist is exhausting.


It’s funnier when you find out that’s his dad.

that fact made this even better

That actually makes it 100000000% better bc it means it’s not some creepy rando getting up in his face.

Me seeing the video without any context: that’s rather unfortunate that even men reporters are getting harassed now when we want it to be no one getting harassed when will the public learn

Me seeing the context: oh that little shit loves his dad and just wanted to mess with him at work this is certified cute now

Context makes me so happy

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