
Shsl Dissapointment


Memes and shit

This is something that is very important to pay attention to, and if you are an American I implore you to do everything that you can! Contact your representatives, research your ISPs, and keep a vigilant eye on this! The FCC is likely to make this ruling close to Thanksgiving in an attempt to squeak it by without anyone noticing.

Net neutrality is the reason why you can visit any website confidently. It’s why you don’t have to pay a premium to be able to access YouTube. It’s why you don’t have the internet bundled into different packages like TV is.

If they remove net neutrality protections, then there is no benefit to the consumer. Put simply, your ISP could choose to charge you more in order to visit specific sites, and not every town in the United States has the option to switch to a new ISP because some ISPs hold a monopoly in some areas.

This is what the internet looks like without net neutrality:

@nunyabizni. Could you spread this?

Yikes, yeah.

They’re trying to fatigue public resistance by trying to repeal net neutrality as often as possible. We have to stay vigilant. Motivate yourself by assuming no one else is calling/writing. Don’t assume other people will do it.

Time to bring this old video back, which was uploaded to YouTube in 2006.  Which means they’ve been trying this shit for over a decade, now.  I want an updated version of this right now.

Reblogging from my personal blog.


Your pokémon is remembering the first time it met you…

Your pokémon is relaxed. The sight of you might have made it feel more secure.

Your pokémon gathered all its energy to break through its paralysis so you wouldn’t worry!

Your pokémon toughed it out so you wouldn’t feel sad!


Y’all go too hard behind fictional characters…

When I say that I don’t mean the extreme fans who are like:

“Oh my gosh I’m screaming! I’m gonna buy all their merchandise!”

“My baby! I’m gonna dedicate my whole blog to them!”

“I’m gonna cosplay them at every con and RP them every chance I get”

“I’m gonna do so many fan arts, headcannons, and fan fiction!”

No I mean you creeps and weirdos out there who do things like:

Harass people who don’t like your fave character

Harass the creators of content about your character that you do not like.

Harass the actual creators and actors behind the character because the actual people WHO OWN RIGHTS TO THE CHARACTER decide to do something you don’t like with their character.

Freak out at people who ship something you don’t like (*note: this is a circumstantial thing to me though bc some people on here create downright horrendous and inappropriate things on here that shouldn’t even exist. Y’all know exactly what I’m talking about).

Freaking out when people cosplay your character and don’t look exactly how you want them to look.

Freaking out and sending death threats and getting together to get someone fired only because of something they wrote in their show/book.

Your fave character dying is not an excuse to send death threats. The endgame you didn’t want happening being cannon is not an excuse to harass or sue a creator. A character being written out of being given less screen time is not an excuse to harass people. People on tumblr actually agreeing with the creator and liking these things you don’t like is not an excuse for you to harass them. If there is not anything problematic at its root (I don’t need to run through the list of -isms and -phobics for you) then be mad and leave it alone. If it is, then write to the creators. Create an article or piece of media yourself to express your dissatisfaction. Sending death threats and having people too afraid to even work anymore does nothing for your cause. Also if someone is being problematic or a harasser on Tumblr, mass report them.



So I’ve seen a lot of people saying that most of wendimoor was self inserted by Dirk since he used to speak to Moloch a lot right?

Then what if Silas and Panto were the result of a tiny lil psychic bean talking about his newfound attraction for boys?


because i havent seen a single post like this before

im 100% there for anyone with uncomfortable intrusive thoughts that are not cute

  • intrusive thoughts that are violent towards yourself or others
  • intrusive thoughts that are against your morality
  • intrusive thoughts that are gross
  • intrusive thoughts that are sexual

they exist

just because your intrusive thoughts are violent, doesnt mean that you are! just because your intrusive thoughts are against your morality, doesnt mean that you went against it! just because your intrusive thoughts are gross, doesnt mean that you are! just because your intrusive thoughts are sexual, doesnt mean that you are!

your intrusive thoughts alone dont define you

  • they alone dont make you violent
  • or immoral
  • or gross
  • or sexual

but in any way: your feelings towards your intrusive thoughts are valid


Hey what the fuck happened to all the net neutrality coverage

This shit is still happening people, and all of the sudden its disappeared from my dash almost entirely over night


I don’t know why, but I think people are automatically being unfollowed from the Net Neutrality tag. It happens to me every time I try to follow it. I’ll follow the tag, come back 20 minutes later & I’ll for some reason have unfollowed the tag automatically. I think this may be happening to a majority of people in an attempt to silence the resistance. Please take a screen shot of this post in case it gets deleted.

hey yeah can yall reblog this cause this is very important. Tumblr is ACTIVELY trying to silence out outrage at this by making us incapable of seeing coverage of events. We’re all gonna have to come together and step up about this.

Every little note counts, spread the word, dont give in so easily


Please spread the word! Screen shot this post just in case it gets deleted!!

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