
Obsessed With Nalu

@obsessedwithnalu / obsessedwithnalu.tumblr.com

with a couple other interests

Post Stone Age Omake Fic

…I wasn’t too impressed at the omake. Lucy is my sunshine princess so I wasn’t too happy with the way she was treated. And I love Natsu (my precious cinnamon roll with extra cinnamon), so I wasn’t too happy at the way he was portrayed, either. This is my attempt to resolve my feelings with the whole thing.
Nalu, uses the kindly shared Korean-English translation for the one line of dialogue I lifted, is safe for work which is more than I can say about the omake itself!
Title: At Least She Didn’t Aim for His Club AO3

‘From today on, you’re mine!’

Lucy looked up at the strange person, the warmth of his hand on her hair seeping into her scalp, and questioned the way her heart beat just a little faster at the gentle touch, so in contrast with the way he had pounced on her earlier.

And then his words registered and she didn’t really realise she was moving until she felt his hand fall from her head and his eyes follow her as she got to her feet. He tracked her as she stepped back, tensing as if to give chase, but she wasn’t intending on running off right now.


Anonymous asked:

lucy is a whore ^_____^

Dear Anon, are you speaking of a friend or casual acquaintance?  Sometimes one’s personal behaviour is a result of trauma; either current or  past.  Is there something in your life that’s brought you low and is making you act out?  My blog is mostly Fairy Tail related, are you trying to make me defend Lucy Heartfilia?

Here’s some helpful definitions:

whorenoun 1.  a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse, usually for money; prostitute; harlot; strumpet. verb (used without object), whored, whoring. 2.  to act as a whore. 3.  to consort with whores. verb (used with object), whored, whoring. 4.  Obsolete. to make a whore of; corrupt; debauch.

promiscuousadjective1.  characterized by or involving indiscriminate mingling or association, especially having sexual relations with a number of partners on a casual basis. 2.  consisting of parts, elements, or individuals of different kinds brought together without order. 3.  indiscriminate; without discrimination. 4.  casual; irregular; haphazard.

First thoughts:  Why is ‘woman’ only associated with ‘whore’?  Shouldn’t it be ‘a person’, regardless of gender?

Second thoughts:  So, exactly when did Lucy indulge in any form of sexual intercourse?  I must have missed that manga chapter.  Can you send me a link?  Was it at least with Natsu?  And if it was in the anime, wow, that must have been heavily censored, seeing as it’s aired in a block meant for children’s programming.

Third thoughts:  We should read the manga together, you seem to have missed one of the wonderful messages inside of Fairy Tail.  Nakama power!  Let’s try to come to an understanding of view points.  I don’t think Lucy is a whore.  You allegedly do.  Let’s explore our disagreement with adult conversation.  Are you confusing fan service with reality?  Many people are disgusted by the overwhelming nudity and ludicrous scenarios in the special chapters.  I believe that the special chapters are more-or-less just Mashima exploring a less serious side of his story.  Yes.  This bears repeating; his story.  Ah,  if only I had a portion of such talent.

Fourth thoughts:  I spent a fair amount of time putting this together.  I hope your query has been answered ~ though it was more of a statement.  I did consider just not answering and publishing what I took as a cheap bid for attention.  Then I felt bad.  Your feelings are just as valid as anyone else’s, but I don’t happen to agree that Lucy Heartfilia is a whore.  She is beautiful; inside and out.  Caring, thoughtful, generous, smart, attractive…. shit, if that’s a whore, sign me up!


Well said.

I can’t understand some people’s need to slut-shame fictional characters when it doesn’t even apply to said character.

I like that even though Lucy is sexualized, she’s not treated as sex object, similar to Jessica Rabbit from who framed Roger Rabbit. And I noticed people slut shame fictional characters for shipping. What’s sad to me is female fans partake in that.

Did you know I was actually thinking about Jessica Rabbit in my first reply?

I hear you about the slut-shaming when it comes to shipping.  Many of the instances I see Lucy being called names is when someone ships Natsu with someone else.  And then they go on to ignore the skimpy outfits the other girls are given as well. They also forget that if their preferred ship had any chance of becoming canon, their preferred girl would be getting the unnecessary fanservice that Lucy currently receives.

Anonymous asked:

lucy is a whore ^_____^

Dear Anon, are you speaking of a friend or casual acquaintance?  Sometimes one’s personal behaviour is a result of trauma; either current or  past.  Is there something in your life that’s brought you low and is making you act out?  My blog is mostly Fairy Tail related, are you trying to make me defend Lucy Heartfilia?

Here’s some helpful definitions:

whorenoun 1.  a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse, usually for money; prostitute; harlot; strumpet. verb (used without object), whored, whoring. 2.  to act as a whore. 3.  to consort with whores. verb (used with object), whored, whoring. 4.  Obsolete. to make a whore of; corrupt; debauch.

promiscuousadjective1.  characterized by or involving indiscriminate mingling or association, especially having sexual relations with a number of partners on a casual basis. 2.  consisting of parts, elements, or individuals of different kinds brought together without order. 3.  indiscriminate; without discrimination. 4.  casual; irregular; haphazard.

First thoughts:  Why is ‘woman’ only associated with ‘whore’?  Shouldn’t it be 'a person’, regardless of gender?

Second thoughts:  So, exactly when did Lucy indulge in any form of sexual intercourse?  I must have missed that manga chapter.  Can you send me a link?  Was it at least with Natsu?  And if it was in the anime, wow, that must have been heavily censored, seeing as it’s aired in a block meant for children’s programming.

Third thoughts:  We should read the manga together, you seem to have missed one of the wonderful messages inside of Fairy Tail.  Nakama power!  Let’s try to come to an understanding of view points.  I don’t think Lucy is a whore.  You allegedly do.  Let’s explore our disagreement with adult conversation.  Are you confusing fan service with reality?  Many people are disgusted by the overwhelming nudity and ludicrous scenarios in the special chapters.  I believe that the special chapters are more-or-less just Mashima exploring a less serious side of his story.  Yes.  This bears repeating; his story.  Ah,  if only I had a portion of such talent.

Fourth thoughts:  I spent a fair amount of time putting this together.  I hope your query has been answered ~ though it was more of a statement.  I did consider just not answering and publishing what I took as a cheap bid for attention.  Then I felt bad.  Your feelings are just as valid as anyone else’s, but I don’t happen to agree that Lucy Heartfilia is a whore.  She is beautiful; inside and out.  Caring, thoughtful, generous, smart, attractive…. shit, if that’s a whore, sign me up!


Well said.

I can’t understand some people’s need to slut-shame fictional characters when it doesn’t even apply to said character.


@obsessedwithnalu, guess who got hooked on InuYasha? ?

@nalufever, Anime?  Manga?  Both?  Excellent choice by the way, watched a lot of the anime with my oldest son.  Inuyasha your fave?  I’m a fan of Miroku myself–I don’t know what it is about those playboy characters…

Anyways, really nice work on your drawing!  It looks really good!

Hehehehe!  Why choose just one?  Love me some InuYasha, Miroku and Sesshomaru too!  I’m binging on the anime and will commence the manga on the weekend I think.  I go nuts when Kagome yells ‘sit!’  lmao

Ah, yes, Sesshomaru is quite the beautiful man too.  

I love how Rumiko Takahashi writes her female characters--strong, able to kick ass, yet also very human in their flaws.


@obsessedwithnalu, guess who got hooked on InuYasha? ?

@nalufever, Anime?  Manga?  Both?  Excellent choice by the way, watched a lot of the anime with my oldest son.  Inuyasha your fave?  I’m a fan of Miroku myself--I don’t know what it is about those playboy characters...

Anyways, really nice work on your drawing!  It looks really good!




(ps. how cute is Cobra with motion sickness)

I’ve been so annoyed that Lucy talked to Yukino about her sister! She heard Yukino’s story about her lost sister Sorano, and yet Lucy never said “Oh, you know, I fought a celestial spirit mage named Sorano once, I even took all her keys after I defeated her. I think now she’s part of this underground bad guys turned good guys organization. Erza’s dating their leader, I’m sure we could get you two in touch…on the off chance that she’s your sister.“ Or is Sorano such a popular name and celestial spirit mages soo common that Lucy couldn’t put two and two together? (Clearly Lucy should not write detective novels because she does not have a knack for it).

Pretty sure that Lucy only knew her as Angel.  We only found out her name was Sorano when Jellal called her that during their fight.  Plus, did Yukino ever say her sister was a celestial spirit mage?  


For the kiss thing I have two requests. 31 Nalu and 26 Max x Broom.


Thanks Nikki for the ask!  It took a while, but I hope you enjoy the silliness.  Rated teen, contains fluff 

Getting Caught Kissing

It had been a full and busy day for Mirajane. Not only did she open the guild in the wee hours of the morning, she’d had to work a double shift. Kinana had the evening off and Lisanna had been kidnapped by Bickslow around noon. Even Elfman could in a pinch pour beers, but there was no one else capable of mixing drinks other than Cana. The drinks would get made, but you ran the risk of the drink not making it to its destination.

Towards evening the bar had been more calm. Mira attributed it to the fact that Bickslow and his babies were not adding to the chaos.

Happy, having lost a bet was depressed and rightly so; extensive terms had him mute and barred from flying. Most of his enjoyment came from running his sassy mouth and aerial eavesdropping. He was moping; a pout on his lips and listless eyes.

Lucy sat opposite Natsu with the blue exceed laying on the table between them. The slayer took another swig of his beer, silently commiserating with Happy. Natsu had also incurred stiff penalties from being on the losing side of the bet. Lucy flipped another page of her book and smiled. The slayer was barred from starting any altercations. The blonde wasn’t cruel. If a fight started, he could join - but the spirits help him if he was the cause.

Wendy played with the straw in her juice drink. “I’m bored, let’s go home and play cards or something.”

Charle looked around the unusually placid guild. “It has been delightful tonight. I almost feel sad for Happy. This is the most quiet I’ve ever seen him.”

Mira leaned over on the polished bar holding the guild gambling ledger. She whispered to the young ladies, “Another hour of no fights and Lucy wins the jackpot.” She flipped open the pages and pointed to the details of the bet. “Or whoever starts the next fight before the deadline wins - but they cannot throw the first punch.” She giggled. “The hardest part is proving that, but we do love wagers!”


I loved them!  Excellent job!  Natsu was very cute in the second one and the first one was super funny.  All those people in on the bet!

Anonymous asked:

Round 3! You know the drill, This time it's your girl....obsessedwithnalu !!!!!'

I haven’t talked with @obsessedwithnalu in a while but when we did talk, she was such a nice woman. Just like @nalufever, she also motivated me to continue writing, whether it was with her bright opinions on my work or just describing her reactions (I will never forget your reviews to ‘Mischievous Cat’). She’s also a very talented writer; honestly I don’t think anyone else could have written a story like ‘Through the Eyes of Lisanna Strauss’ and had me actually enjoy it. OH! And her nalulovefest submissions (whether they’re our Nalu or the Edolas ones)- sexy as hell. I recommend everyone (who is 18+) to have a read.

If I met her in real life, I would like to drag her and @nalufever to a bookstore before having dinner at her house (yes I will rudely invite myself over thank you very much) and meeting her family. I would want to learn more about her and discuss some animes with her.

Hopefully in the future we can talk more but thank you @obsessedwithnalu for everything you have done for me and I will do my best to support you in the future :)


Thank you!

A bookstore and dinner at my house sounds like a really good time to me.  Be ready for my eight year old to tell you all the jokes he knows and then to have your remaining attention monopolized by my six year old--he’s very fond of the ladies.  (My thirteen year old will be there too--he’s just shyer than his brothers).


The Morning Before

Summary: One night can lead to the rest of your life, and Natsu wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Words: 2874
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY @snogfairy !!!! I thought long and hard about betraying you with this but then decided I didn’t want to be brutally murdered and so here is your gift! I hope you enjoy it and that you have a fabulous day full of gifts and alcohol and adoration! (Though most of your days are filled with adoration… and alcohol, bc germans love their beer right? I kid, I kid) But yes, LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU AND HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY. 

Sunlight filtered in through the open curtains as they stirred from the summer breeze. Natsu could hear the gardens outside waking. The humming of the birds and the patter of hurried feet on the gravel as the servants began their daily chores.

Natsu himself should have awoken well before dawn. And yet here he was, lazily blinking open his eyes and letting the cool breeze caress the skin of his chest that was left uncovered by the silken sheets. Silk sheets… that were not the same as the rough blankets in his own quarters. These sheets were not his own.

The events of last night hit him like a wave as he took in the sight of his armour scattered across the plush carpets. The dress that had hung from the shoulders of the Princess the night before, the same dress he had quietly admired from afar, lay among the pieces of his armour. The pink fabric of the bodice torn in two, and the skirts discarded in an ungraceful heap.  

He turned to the figure laying in the bed beside him. Her back was exposed, her skin looked as pale and smooth as milk. It made him think of cream. His mouth watered the longer he stared. He knew how that skin tasted. How it seemed almost to glow when covered with a light sheen of sweat. He knew how her hair- now spread across her pillow like a golden puddle that gleamed in the sun- looked when it was tangled between his fingers. The way it matted to her temples, the way her mouth formed that perfect ‘O’ when he-

Natsu gulped.

He had slept with the Princess.


The Magic of Maid Dresses

Pairing: Natsu and Lucy


Rated T (crude language)

Summary: one-shot. The Fairy Tail women agree to do a maid cafe and Natsu will be damned if he let random strangers steal Lucy’s attention.

Notes: Takes place after the one year but in an AU where they don’t fight Zeref just yet.

(According to a court of law, I own no rights to the Fairy Tail franchise…and sadly it’s true)

THANK YOU @nalufever for editing this story. She’s amazing ^^

… …

She was going to kill them. Their death, of course, would be slow and painful. She’d start off with a ‘Lucy-kick’ before using the current Stardress she was wearing (her Virgo one) to knock their teeth out. She considered it a good start.

The woman sighed. She knew she was overacting and should probably be listening to her customers’ complicated orders. It’s not like those two idiots would dare to-  

“LUCY!” The dragon slayer and his blue Exceed chanted.

-piss her off any further. The blonde clenched her teeth and without bothering to dismiss herself from her guests, she marched over to her partners’ table.

“WHAT IS IT NOW?!” She snapped.

Natsu and Happy have been driving her insane the entire day and she couldn’t understand why they would want to sabotage her in the first place.

Today was the day of the Fairy Tail fundraiser. Having managed to create a new building on their own, Makarov still wanted to have some money saved in case of an emergency. It was decided (by all the perverts in the guild) that the best way to draw attention was to have all the women do a maid-themed restaurant (because a maid cafe sounded too girly.)

To ensure that the men weren’t going to be beaten half to death, Makarov promised the girls 15% of the total profits and that they could keep all the tips they earned. The women were on board with the idea afterwards.

And as much as Lucy loved the Strauss siblings, she was happy that they volunteered to work in the kitchen then the lobby. After all, how was she supposed earn any tips with both Erza AND Mirajane as servers. At least now she had a chance.

Unfortunately, Natsu and Happy decided that their entertainment was more important than her rent money. They were constantly interrupted her time with other patrons, demanding that they get more food or simply asking the stupidest questions.

It was no wonder she was ready to end them.

“Tsk, tsk. That’s not very nice Lucy.” The salmon-colored haired teen stated as he shook his head.

“Aye. We’re your guests and you should be nice to us.” Happy added.

“I’ll start treating you like our customers when I know you actually plan on paying.” She answered with her arms crossed.

“Typical Lucy, being all greedy.”

“SHUT IT CAT! Are you going to pay for your meal or not?!” The celestial mage inquired again.

The fire mage shot her a confident smirk. “Relax will yea? This time no one stole our safe so we have plenty of money!”

Lucy puffed her cheeks. “Fine. But I better get a nice tip.”

“I can give you a tip Lucy!” The cat said proudly. He placed his paw by his mouth before clearing his throat. Then he gave her a cheerful smile. “Cut down on your sweets and you won’t be so heavy anymore!”



Fortunately for Natsu, Makarov can to investigate the commotion. A fistful of jewels was enough to prove he was a customer and the guild master decided that he could stay as long as he didn’t cause Lucy anymore trouble. To ensure he would stay on his best behavior, the old man promised to stick Erza on him if he misbehaved.

The male grumbled as he watched his female partner. She was currently assisting a group of older men. His fists clenched as he saw them leering over her exposed chest.  

Seriously? This is why him and Happy started ‘Operation: Protect Lucy from Perverts’ in the first place; to watch over their partner as she served all these creeps! But how were they supposed to make their mission a success if Erza was going to kick their asses for trying to help?

“Gajeel! Let me go!” He turned and spotted Iron head forcing Levy to sit on his lap. She was blushing and thrashing around as the other dragon slayer chuckled at her antics. Lily sat next to them and looked incredibly disappointed in his partner’s behavior.

As much as he hated to admit it, that looked like a good idea. Putting Lucy on his lap would definitely prevent her from dealing with those perverts and seeing her worked up is also fun. Maybe he should try it to when she passed by.

Natsu looked around the room to see what the other guys were doing. Laxus was helping Elfman behind the bar with Mira and Lisanna working in the kitcken. However, Elfman was yelling out ‘a true man doesn’t let his eyes wonder’ whenever he saw someone eyeing Evergreen and she repaid his gesture with yelling back at him.

Loke (never one to miss a pretty girl wear a skirt) was currently flirting with Laki and Kinana. Cana hung out with a different group of men (more like drank with them) and they didn’t seem to care if they were going to eat or not.  

He didn’t have to worry about Wendy and Erza cause Wendy and Carla were ‘hostess’ and therefore safe from the clutches of lewd customers. And Erza was, well, Erza.

Gray, the lucky bastard, didn’t have to try as hard since Juvia was literally throwing herself onto him, shouting out things like ‘Juvia will only serve Gray-sama!’

Why couldn’t he have it that easy?

His eyes wondered back to the table Lucy was serving. She came back with their food and it looked like they were keeping their nasty comments to themselves. However, the moment Lucy ducked down to place their plates on the table, he noticed the deep blushes that came across the mens’ faces. He quickly figured out that their attention was on her breasts.

Anger flared through him like a lit match dropped on oil. Happy could tease him all he wanted later for what he was about to do but there was no way he was going to let them eye Lucy like she was a piece of delicious meat.

The moment her back turned and he means THE moment her back turned, he released a giant fire ball at them.

When the damage was done he felt sort of bad. Not because he burned them until the point they passed out but because all the food Mira worked hard on went to waste.

However, he didn’t have time to grieve. He noticed Lucy’s cold glare and he was slightly intimated but what really freaked him out was the deadly aura behind him. Happy was already sweating which meant there could only be one person behind him.

Natsu looked over his shoulder and smiled nervously. “H-hey Erza…”

The redhead showed him no mercy when she punched him out of the guild (and yes it was painful).


“I didn’t even get to finish my meal.” Happy whined as he and his human partner waited in long line to get back into the guild.

“Don’t worry buddy! We’re going to get back in just you wait!” The dragon slayer promised his friend. After all, he wasn’t planning on letting Lucy hang out with perverts for too long.

“But how?! This is going to take forever! They’ll be out of fish by the time we get there.”

“Because I have an idea!” He whispered into Happy’s fluffy ear and soon the cat was smiling mischievously as well. They both grinned and gave each other a high-five before they set their plan into gear.


So creeping in like ninjas didn’t work. Sure they were always successful when breaking and entering Lucy’s home but who knew that Freed would have already created runes to prevent others from sneaking in?

The two grumbled as they walked back to the end of the line.

However, the Exceed and pink haired teen were taken back when they spotted Gajeel and Lily in line. The iron dragon had a bright red cheek, indicating that he had been punched. When Natsu added the pieces together and figured out that Gajeel was kicked out, he laughed outload.    

This caused the larger male to instantly yell, “SHUT IT SALAMENDER!! YOU WERE KICKED OUT FIRST!!!”


The two growled at each other before exchanging blows, not caring that they were scaring away the potential customers in line.

“Do they really need to fight here?” Lily questioned.

“Aye!” Happy said. “They wouldn’t be them if they didn’t.”

“Man you two are pathetic.” A new voice spoke behind the two Exceeds.

The dragon slayers glared at the ice mage who decided to make his appearance.

“You got something to say droopy-eyes?!” The pink haired male called out.

“Yeah that you’re both idiots!” Gray narrowed his eyes. “It’s pathetic that you guys are trying to get back in line. I get that your worried but that’s what’s making you idiots in the first! The girls are fine. They’re Fairy Tail mages; they can protect themselves from any pervert that comes in through those doors. Have more faith in them will ya?”

Natsu and Gajeel looked down with a grunt, refusing to openly acknowledge that their rival might have a point.

“I’m heading home and if you trust the girls to handle themselves you’d do the same.” The calmer member commented before walking past them.

The previous brawlers grimaced; their guilt started to resurface. They snuck a peek at the male walking away before they spotted something on his behind. There was a footprint imprinted below his back pocket; the shape resembled one of the shoes the girls were wearing. Instantly, their guilt converted into anger.

“YA BASTARD!” They both shouted as they attacked the ice wizard from behind. “You didn’t leave on your own! You were kicked out the like rest of us!!”

Gray glared as he blasted them with his magic. “Get off me will ya?!”

The three immediately began one of their infamous fights; they showed little concern to where missed their attacks ended up.

“Should we tell them that they scared away the line?” The blue feline inquired.

“They probably wouldn’t listen to us anyways.” Lily commented as they watched the humans unknowingly get closer to their guild.


Lucy winced as another rude customer referred to her as ‘sweetheart’ than her actual name. Most of her customers were fine but it was the perverted ones that were really driving her patience thin. It was a miracle she hadn’t ‘Lucy-kicked’ one of them to the ceiling already. She knew being a model had its benefits but she never thought building a higher tolerance for sexist men would be one of them.  

Once she delivered her ticket to Elfman, she paused and let her brown eyes wonder around the hectic room.

Mira, on her lunch break, was by bar talking to Laxus and Master. Cana was still chugging a barrel of alcohol as her guests laid wasted on the table. Evergreen had turned three of her customers to stone; most likely for saying something offensive but with the brunette she was never certain. Laki scared away another customer with her strange comments and Bisca left early to join her family for lunch. Juvia was moping that Gray was kicked out and wasn’t taking any orders from her tables. Erza, who had charmed her clients into buying everything on the menu, threatened them when she discovered they didn’t have the proper funds to pay for their meal. When they offered to buy her a strawberry cake, they were forgiven and now she was happily munching on her favorite dessert, oblivious to the failing restaurant.

It looked like Kinana and Lucy were Fairy Tail’s last hope; she would include Levy but the bookworm just finished knocking out an old man that mocked her for looking adorable.

The blonde sighed as she waited for the food to be ready. She considered summoning Virgo and asking her if she would cover her while she went on her break. However, she remembered her spirit’s tendency to ask for punishment and her biggest fear was that someone would actually take her offer.

“Order up!” Elfman called out. Lucy grabbed her plates and placed them on a tray.

As she walked with the food, she wondered how Natsu and Happy were doing. Yes, they irritated her but she would rather deal with their behavior than some of the ‘valued customers’ in this building. At least they looked at her with decency and genuine smiles; everyone else was either staring at certain body parts or talking to her like she was a servant.

Their teasing wasn’t new and despite frustrating her to no end, some of their actions were actually thoughtful. They weren’t picky about the food and were understanding when she couldn’t carry it all at once. At some point, the dragon slayer and cat ordered her favorite food and asked her to sit with them and eat (she had harshly declined with she insisted she needed to go back to work though.)

The celestial wizard stopped at her customers’ table and placed the meals in front of them. “Excuse me!” One of the women snapped from the group. “This isn’t what I ordered.”

Lucy twitched. ‘But you did. I even repeated the order and you said okay.’ “I’m sorry mam. What is it that you actually ordered?”

“I said I wanted the steak cooked to med-well and this is well done! And I wanted a soup and salad, not a side of mash potatoes! Not I have to wait while everyone else eats-”

At this point she tuned her out.

‘Natsu and Happy wouldn’t have lied about what they ordered….and they wouldn’t have complained if it was different either…’

Lucy suppressed her anger as best as she could. “I’m sorry about that. I’ll go remake your meal and bring you the correct order.”

As she walked away, she heard the woman make a snippy remark. “Honestly, I didn’t think members of this guild were so stupid.”  

The girl stopped and sent the customer a nasty glare. ‘You can treat me like a dirt but you don’t insult my family.’


The front doors disintegrated. The blonde used the tray as a shield against the debris. Much to her horror, it was Natsu, Gray and Gajeel that broke into the building.

“NATSU!” She screamed.

That stopped the men and they realized where they were. Luckily for them it appeared that Makarov and Laxus had slipped into the office awhile back but they would be out any minute because of the noise.  

He ignored her angered look and greeted her with a smile. “Oh hey Lucy!”

Forgetting about his fight with his rivals, the fire dragon slayer approached his friend. The woman tried to kick him for being an idiot but he merely blocked her attack. He shifted her foot so she lost her balance and instantly the pink haired male placed her into his arms.

“Come on! I’m hungry! And you have to serve me!” He grinned as he carried her to a table.

“Like hell! And let go of me! Help! Somebody!”

She heard similar cries from Levy and she could only assume Gajeel got his hands on her again; Juvia cried out ‘Gray-sama’ and she didn’t have to see to know she had him in a hug.

Natsu sat down and placed her on her lap as he told her all the dishes he wanted. She knew there was no use in arguing, especially since food was concerned, so she grumpily complied.

Eventually the Master and his grandson came back into guild hall and it didn’t take a genius to know who caused the damage. The miscreants were forced to repair what they destroyed, all under the watchful eye of Erza.

Lucy would have considered it a victory if it weren’t for the fact that the trio had scared their future customers away.

Once they were finished with the repairs, they were practically their only guests and Lucy had no choice but to serve Natsu.

He was pleased, she wasn’t, no matter what Mira said.


Lucy had her head down as a depressing aura surrounded her; it was clear to the rest of the members that she was upset.

“What’s wrong with Lucy?” Happy asked his adopted father. The human shrugged but his gaze reflected the concern he had for his other partner.

“We just received our share of the profits,” Mira stated from behind and the two of them turned to see her wiping down a table. “We didn’t get as much as we expected, mostly because we lost a lot of customers at the end.”

The blue feline shot Natsu a dirty look and the dragon slayer rubbed the back of his neck in shame.

“It’s not your fault.” She smiled before it dimmed. “We knew it wasn’t going to be easy and some of us did try our best.” The silver haired beauty rolled her shoulder and the boys realized that their actions also affected other members of the family.

“But what’s done is done. Lucy did take of care you today didn’t she? Maybe you can do something for her to cheer her up don’t you think?”

The boys pondered for a moment before Natsu got an idea. He whispered it to Happy and the cat looked at him strangely before he agreed.

They grinned and rushed out the doors.


The door opened and a moping blonde entered her apartment. She had been hoping she would have had enough to cover her rent, that way any future mission funds could have been used to buy other necessities. And much to her annoyance, she would have to double her missions to survive for this month.

She turned on the lights and nearly had a heart attack.

“WELCOME HOME!!!” Happy and Natsu cheered.

Normally she would have screamed at them to get out but at the moment she was distracted by their outfits. Both boys were wearing a maid uniform and they looked ridiculous.

Lucy laughed, “W-why? Why are you wearing those?”

“Well you took care of us today at the guild so we figured now we’d return the favor!” Natsu dragged the celestial mage to the table and sat her down. He pushed a quickly scribbled menu into her hands as the two stood on her side.

“What would you like to eat Master?” They inquired at the same time.

The former heiress burst into another round of giggles, causing her partners to look hurt.

She stopped laughing but smiled none the less. “I’m sorry. It’s just,” The girl stared at them with a beautiful expression. “Thank you. This was a nice surprise.”

“Always the weirdo isn’t she?” The fire mage muttered.


Her eyebrow twitched but she held back on her irritation. “How about this?” She pushed the chair back and stood up. “Let’s leave the cooking to the professionals and go to an actual restaurant instead.”

“Aye sir!!!”

It only took Natsu and Happy two minutes to get ready and less than one to be out the door. Once their feet were on the pavement, the dragon slayer ducked and lifted the blonde into the air.

“NATSU!” The girl squealed before placing her hands on his shoulders to balance herself. “Put me down!” She smacked him for good measure.

“Ouch! Cut that out. I’m just trying to thank you! Besides, aren’t you tired?”

The girl pouted, refusing to acknowledge that her feet were killing her. “Well, just thank me by paying for the meal. You guys never did leave a tip.”

“I got another one for you!” Happy cut in.

“I don’t want to hear anything from you, you shit-”

“-Don’t wear a maid outfit around Natsu cause it turns him into a pervert!”

Both humans blushed after that and Natsu placed Lucy down in favor of them chasing the small feline. Happy only continued to chant ‘he likes her’ and ‘she likes him’ as he flew through the sky and his human partners could only response with curses.

An eventful day like this couldn’t be possible without the magic of a maid dress.

Nice!  Love Happy’s last tip!


Me @ people who write fanfics about Lisanna adapting slowly to the guild after her return and her adventures w/ the guilds and stories about her time in Edolas: Marry me.     – submitted by anonymous

@obsessedwithnalu you have a proposal ;)

I fear there’d be some early marital discord.  They’d surely scold me for how long it has been since I’ve updated that fic.  

Unless maybe the anon will work so I have the time and energy to write?

Anonymous asked:

Opinions on Nalufever and what you would do if you met this person in real life? Some fun scenarios?!

@nalufever is a wonderful and calm individual. I’m amazed at how she can handle anything thrown in the fandom. I have never seen her send anything that was hateful or repost anything that had a negative perspective. She’s definitely one of the best fangirls on this site. Makes me wonder how she can put up with me. She has quite the patience.

She’s also a fantastic writer! She’s very good with words and phrases and got damn can she write some sexy smut. I think those might actually be my favorite. And not only is she an amazing writer but she is also a supportive reader. I see her name on fanfiction.net a lot in the review section so its very nice of her to support so many writers. She also supports writers here when she reblogs their stuff ^^

What would I do if I met her in real life? Probably squeal and hug her for being so kind to me for these part few years. She should be like, the Fairy Tail mom. I would definitely want to go to a book store and cafe with her and talk about ships and writing. I saw that she sews a bit so it would be so cool if she can teach me what she knows because I’m an amateur. I would also like to finally start our collaboration story and talk about it in person :)

If you’re reading this friend, thanks for everything ^^


Welcome to Natsu’s House - Again

Pairing: Nalu
Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Happy
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Rating: K
Summary: About Lucy’s second attempt to exact revenge on her dragon slayer and his exceed. One that manages to somehow end up with Natsu feeling mighty pleased.
Words: 1,863
Notes: Based on Mashima’s recent twitter art, and on Lucy’s weird notions of what revenge is supposed to be like.
Read on ff.net
“Bwahahahahahahahaha! Lucy! Your FACE!”

Of course her face. You don’t just barge in to someone’s room, hide in their bed and then jump out while their changing and not get a “face” in reply.

It was a good thing she’d mastered the star dresses.

Switching to her Leo dress in the blink of an eye, knowing her one vanilla Lucy kicks weren’t enough, Lucy then planted a nice Regulus aided roundhouse one with an appropriately loud “GET OUT!” sending both dragon slayer and exceed flying out her open window.

Panting away her anger Lucy continued grumbling as she changed into her outfit for the day.

This was the last straw.

She’d get her revenge on the team of meanies.

A thought occurred as a the gears in her head began turning devious plan for delicious, sweet payback cooked itself up as a result.

Well, devious to her anyway.

“No cleaning this time, no cleaning this time,” she chanted out-loud, a lesson from the last time she had tried to gain her revenge. It also didn’t help that he hadn’t ever showed up, having barged in at her own apartment once again.

Lucy paused in her nighttime stroll to his house.

He had never really thanked her for it either.


Resuming at an extra fast pace, she made it to the little cottage that belonged to ‘Natsu & Happy,’ the board outside proudly announcing the same.


Natsu's Got Game

A gift fic for @rocktqueen   I really hope you like it!

Natsu’s worked hard trying to become the MVP of the Magnolia Fairies Basketball team and Lucy has a sweet surprise for him after the game. Fluff and mature shenanigans inside.  Some swearing and smut. 

Lucy shook her pom-poms and smiled at Natsu. She shimmied the next move of the routine. Her steps were in perfect unison with her fellow cheer persons. The squad of five girls and Vijeeter transitioned to their next formation, ending their performance to the cheers of the crowd.

Gray elbowed Natsu and snickered. “Lucy still doesn’t know what a complete loser you are?”

“Shaddup.” Natsu took a big gulp of his water and leaned further over as he rested on the pine bench. “You’re one to talk,” he looked over at Gray, “losing your jersey during the game?”


The assistant team manager tapped Gray on his shoulder and dangled the garment in front of him. “Juvia found this for Gray-sama!”

“Thanks.” Gray took the shirt and pulled it on.

“Anything for Gray-sama.”

Gray looked at his sneakers and held his tongue and breath, waiting for Juvia to move away.

“Dude, when are you going to surrender?” Natsu kept his eyes on his girlfriend even as he spoke to Gray. “Juvia has the hots for you, lord knows why. After the game you should take her up on one of her offers. She can give you a ride and then take you home.”

“How come everyone thinks you’re all sweet and innocent when in reality you’re the biggest pervert ever born?” Gray frowned, his face gone sulky as Natsu gave him a cheerful grin.

You are the smut master!    

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