
@samuelzayn / samuelzayn.tumblr.com

18, sami zayn enthusiast, 80% leg

oh it totally does, but you can’t hear it because space is a vacuum and sound can’t travel through a vacuum! 

and that’s a good thing, 

because the roar of the sun would clock in at around 120db heard from earth, about the equivalent to having a train’s horn go off three feet from your face. 

constantly. all the time, even at NIGHT. there would be no escape.


this is simply terrifying. how do you erase knowledge please ?


NASA actually recorded the sun, if you want to hear it:

And they recorded the planets too:

so, the sun and the earth sound about how i would’ve expected, and a lot of other planets just make strong wind sounds which is perfectly reasonable but venus sounds like pure dread?!?! WHY IS SATURN SCREAMING?!? pluto isn’t bad and is actually kinda nice but it’s very strange to me too like Why Does It Do That. jupiter is super chill 10/10. pluto and jupiter need to collab i would buy that album


oh, fuck, guys, you know what this means? it means the ancient world was right about the music of the spheres. 











i can hear these photos and i don’t like it


Venus sounds like a more ominous nirnroot from Skyrim

Earth sounds a bit like a formula 1 race to me


Biggest fucking mood.


They’re also meant for hiltops, not small rooms. Cant get the right reverb with all that echo.

they’re also meant to make you fight the english. don’t forget that part.


My fav bagpipe player was a dude who would go out to the middle of a soccer field near my college apartment on Sunday. No one was using the field and he’d just be out there playing his heart out and the sound were just spread out over the plains. I’d be working on art for class so I’d open the window and listen. I still have fond memories of the day a kid biked up to the edge of the field, ran over to the bagpiper and the music stopped for a moment and as they talked. I couldn’t hear it but I had assumed the worst, that someone had decided to tell him to stop playing. Instead after the pause the musician seemed to nod, readjusted his bagpipes and started belting out the Star Wars theme. 


reblog if you love the moon, or any other really big rock


Does this include Dwayne

Of course it does


reblogging solely for that deeply unnerving caption



Fuck this. Does everyone just not see the blood scrapes on some of their backs and faces???!!! Anyone, seriously, correct me if I’m wrong because this is making me upset af

Domesticated sheep need to be sheared because they don’t shed their coats on their own and it can be bad for their health if it gets too big.

Also, it looks considering how close they cut that it went fairly well. I see like 2 nicks maybe, but with the photo it’s hard to tell. I mean, unfortunately, you’re going to nick a few animals because they don’t understand the order of “stand still” very well. 

Sheep can die from heat exhaustion if they aren’t sheared. 

Also, their skin secretes lanolin, which quickly soothes and heals any nicks they get during shearing. 

in conclusion, it is good to peel the sheeps

Please peel your sheeps

They. Look. Like. Peeled. Potatoes


so far this year phil has renovated his channel, openly talked about sex and opened up about his own insecurities on a main channel video, called out and mocked toxic masculinity on instagram, told us in advance each time that he planned to upload a video and single-handedly kept the fandom alive with videos, tweets and insta stories.

2019 phil is a real one.


This has happened to me before when I was in college at a frat party. This girl comes squeezing herself in between me and my friend and throws her arms around me. “Amanda, I am so glad you decided to come!” I was so confused and just figured she was drunk and mistaked me for someone else, until I saw the panic on her face. She leaned close and whispered that a guy was following her, was certain that he had put something in her drink and if I would please play along. I looked behind her and sure enough, some creep was watching her like a hawk. We invited her to hang out with us the rest of the night and even waited until her ride showed up just to make sure she was safe. Always look out for each other!

If you ever feel scared like this just come up to me like we have been friends since kindergarten, call me any name u can come up with ill play along.




Stay together, stay safe

Perfect advice. I’m reblogging this as a guy, because first of all, if you”re a guy : DON’T DO THAT. Don’t be that creep.

And if you’re a guy and you notice some creep is following or stalking a girl, and that she’s obviously uncomfortable or panicked, go ahead and say hi, long time no see, pretend to be her cousin, and tell her discretly you noticed there was a shady guy. Ask her if something’s wrong, if she feels unsafe, if she wants your help (very important - she may not trust you enough, no one could blame her, don’t take it personally). (and don’t you dare take advantage of the help you offered for a flirt opportunity, that would make you no better than the creep)

We can all stop “witnessing and do nothing”, and set an example.


Alternative option for a guy: if you feel safe doing so, go up to the creeper who’s following her and be like “hey WHAT’S UP bud do you like SPORTS? My favourite team is the redsox what’s YOURS my man? What you DRINKING dude that looks GOOD.” and be friendly and just loud enough to blow his cover. Draw attention to him and see what he does. He won’t feel as safe creeping if he knows people are looking at him, and maybe he’ll leave. It also means the woman won’t have to worry that you are *another* creeper she has to be wary of, and you may distract the bad dude enough to give her a chance to lose him.


Reblogging for that last comment.


Life problems I anticipated as a child:

- quicksand - ghosts

Life problems I did NOT anticipate as a child:

- the crushing sense of failure associated with botched social interactions.

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