


Call me Addie!//20//They-Them//Longtime Writer//Current Muse: Eddie Munson// Current Series: Spiritual Reserves//Requests:Open//Ageless Blogs Will Be Blocked//
Addie’s Masterlist

Meet The Blog Runner

Addie—20—they/them—longtime writer—even longer time fictional character addict—requests:open—inbox:open—come say hi

Current Series: Hateful Recollections (Childhood Best Friend! Eddie x Fem Reader)

Dan Avidan

Dan and The Barista Series

Eddie Munson


Sub Eddie x heiress! Reader

Ghost! Eddie x Reader

Hateful Recollection (childhood best friend Eddie x Fem! Reader)


Noise Complaint (modern day, college boy Eddie x RA reader)

Wedding Daze - (Wedding Daze Eddie Munson x Fem Reader)

Prince Paul

Jamie Campbell/Henry/Vecna

One Shots

Henry and his Accomplice - Inside


I wanna start writing for Steve, Robin, Argyle, Nancy, Gareth and Billy. I will be going semi off script (I have a whole presentation on how Billy didn’t need to be racist in order to be a villain, amongst other qualms I have with the duffers. As a person of color his racism brought nothing to the story, and it’s so fucking unnecessary). But anyways!!!

I would love to start writing for them, and creating new fics!!! I’d gladly take requests, just to start feeling more comfortable and confident, but I need to know yall would like something like that? Just let me know? Please?


– 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙞𝙥𝙩𝙤𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙨 𝙖 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩 📏

Eddie Munson x Tall!F!Reader

wc: 3k

warnings: fluff, absolute fluff, high school (character +18), insecurity about height, bullying, eddie munson being the cutest fluff of hair there is.

You definitely know your height, and you are reminded of it everyday. And then you find out that a certain metalhead seems obsessed with you.

a/n: just a small thought i had the yesterday night and i just wrote it. haven't seen many tall!reader fics out there.

reblog if you enjoyed


As a 6’1” babe myself? Love it. Thrive with it. It’s perfect.

Cold as Ice

Synopsis: Eddie and yourself are settling into the domesticity of being a couple, which is strangely easy after all these years

Themes: domesticity, teeth rotting fluff, love and loss, lesbianism, Eddie being a pervert

Warnings: drinking, cursing, nudity, smutty behavior but not direct smut, Eddie being a perv

Word Count: 5.3k

You groaned lightly to yourself as you tried to drag yourself awake, feeling incredulously warm as you stared down at the very nude Eddie Munson lying on top of you. Patting his cheek lightly as you watched him grin lightly. Clearly playing asleep as he turned away to mask his amusement as you scoffed. “Edward Munson get off of me…” you muttered softly as you frowned to yourself. Earning a drawn out whine from Eddie as he nuzzled into your chest. “Why would I when your beautiful breasts are right here~” he crooned as you gagged. “Just call them tits-“ you insisted as you pushed him off and went to the restroom, closing the door on a chasing Eddie who leaned against the wood.

“My love…my light…the air that I breathe!” He cried dramatically. “I need to see you…please~” he whined as you carefully got cleaned up, brushed your teeth, and washed your face. Patting on toner as you grabbed your robe. The thick fleece decorated with embroidered puppies as you pulled your hair back behind your ears. “I’ll be right there honey…you’re as clingy as a goddamn leech.” You teased as you pulled open the sliding wood door, immediately feeling Eddie latch onto you as you hummed lightly. “Hey baby…” he crooned as he kissed you lightly, working on untying your robe as you pat his pawing hands away.

“Cmon, let me see them…” he begged as he peered down the front of your robe, finally getting a clear look at your tattoo. His eyes going wide as you cleared your throat nervously. A heart tattooed right above your right breast, in typically tattoo cursive was the word ‘succubus’ as Eddie hummed, leaning it and licking up from the point of the heart to your jaw as you squeaked in mock disgust. “No no don’t act all grossed out, you like the whole succubus thing…you like that I call you a demon, a vile energy sucking succubus…” he crooned as you laughed lightly.

“I do, I really do but I didn’t think you’d actually ever see it-“ you insisted as he laughed. Kissing your temple as he hummed. “Well I have, which means I should get one to match. What I am upset about is that I didn’t give it to you…” he insisted as you dismissed his amused upset. “Yeah yeah, you’re welcome to give me my next one.” You insisted as he smiled. Pressing his chest to yours as you grit him beginning to harden up against your thigh as you nipped at his lower lip. “You’re so fucking pretty Eddie…” you cooed, before being interrupted by the door opening as Eddie immediately ran for the bed, leaping under the covers as you fixed your robe and hummed nervously. Expecting your mom, or worse, Marilyn, but this was strangely even more humiliating. Sara, Steve, Robin, Rhiannon and Libby in the doorway as you coughed nervously. “Morning…?” You murmured.

“No way…no fucking way.” Libby whispered as she pointed at Eddie, then you, then back at Eddie as she scoffed lightly. “You spend all this time hating on Eddie just to fuck him?” She hissed between her teeth as you covered your face, whimpering in shame as Eddie hummed in pride. “No no, we didn’t fuck or whatever, we made love, like couples do-“ he crooned as Rhiannon ‘awed’, putting a hand on her heart as you scoffed. “Whatever, what the fuck are you guys doing here? How did you even get in?” You muttered as Sara raised her hand to interject.

“You didn’t tell any of us if you made it home, and your mom called me to check in on you since you hadn’t called her to check in with her…and you gave me a spare key that one time I brought Lynnie home.” She reasoned as she hummed. “Sooo, Steve and I picked up Robin, and Robin was over at Rhiannon’s house, and Rhiannon called Libby…” she finished as you raised a brow. “And what was Robin doing at your house…?” You questioned with Rhiannon who slowly linked pinkies with Robin, earning a curt nod of understanding. You wouldn’t pry, there was always a natural queerness about Rhiannon, and everyone knew it, so it was nice to know she’d found somebody.

“And that’s what led us here, to you covered in hickeys and Eddie currently hard under your sheets.” Sara finished as you scoffed lightly. Eddie covering himself with the pillow as you sighed. “Okay well…I’m gonna get dressed, and uh, you guys can go wait downstairs okay? I’ll make us breakfast.” You offered as Steve shrugged. “Only if you make home fries.” He insisted as you waved him off with muttered agreement. Watching them leave before looking at Eddie. Smacking him with a pillow.

“Making love? What the fuck is this some shitty romance novel?!” You hissed through laughter as he covered his face and snorted lightly. “Yeah but it was endearing…” he insisted as you climbed into bed, kissing him gently as you straddled his hips. “I’m gonna go get you some comfy clothes…and you’ll stay for breakfast.” You state, Eddie just humming in agreement. Watching as you walked off and closed the door behind yourself.

At the click of the knob, Eddie slipped on his boxers and hummed to himself lightly. Snooping around as he poked through your bookcase. Pulling out a photo album with ‘Camp Love’ printed on the front with a gold foil. Carefully flipping through it as he stared at pictures of your brace ridden face, freshly fourteen with long pigtails and a stark red shirt with the camps logo on it. Arms wrapped around a young Rhiannon and Elizabeth, before she’d decided to start going by Libby. The next few were of the three of you on different little adventures, then one with a young Sara and Steve, the last few with him and yourself. Young and cuddly, awkwardly holding hands, then one where the two of you hung from your dads flexed arms, dangling a bit as you both laughed. Had you guys really been that small? Had he been that happy before? Was the girl he left behind two years ago still that small? Was she still inside you?

Eddie’s trip down memory lane was broken by you clearing your throat, carefully reaching out with a sage green sweatshirt and some black basketball shorts. Specifically your dad’s sweatshirt and basketball shorts. “I um…I think you’ll fit into these? I know daddy was a little wider…though he would’ve been surprised at how big you’ve gotten. He’d say you’ve got hair like a hippie, he would’ve loved Corroded Coffin Eddie…” your voice was breaking as he carefully pulled you into his chest. Holding you tight as you sobbed into him.

“I am so sorry I wasn’t there…I should have been there…” he whispered as he made sure to stay as close as he could. Holding your sobbing form close as he kissed the crown of your head. “Honey I am so fucking sorry.” His own voice breaking as he pulled back to look at you. Seeing the sweet face of that fourteen year old girl, small and broken, left behind by him. Looking into the small mirror to the side of yourselves, he saw that same fourteen year old boy. He would know what to do.

He wrapped his arms tighter around you as he nuzzled your neck. Holding you till his arms ached from the squeeze. Hearing your sobs. Had you sobbed that hard on nights he wasn’t there? on days where nothing felt like it was going to get better? Begging him in desperation to fix the ache in your heart?

He gently lifted your chin as he wiped your sleepy and sad eyes, humming softly as he kissed between your brows. “Let’s get dressed okay? But we can take all the time we need to go down there.” He reasoned gently, earning a curt nod from you as he walked you carefully over to your closet, helping you pick out a sweatshirt and some shorts as he smiled lightly. “Now that I’m back, you can’t really get rid of me…” he informed with a soft laugh. “I don’t want to get rid of you Eddie…never did.” You murmured as he sighed and helped slide the sweatshirt over your head. “I know sweetheart…I promise I won’t leave, it would take something supernatural to take me from you at this point.” He laughed as you rolled your eyes. “Go get dressed baby…”

Eddie did as asked, slipping on his own sweatshirt and bottoms as he looked at himself in your vanity. Taking a hair tie as he pulled his hair into a low bun and hummed to himself as he took your expectant hand. Heading out and downstairs to the smell of turkey sausage quarters and waffles. Sara at the stove with Steve wrapped around her, Robin and Rhiannon in the living room setting up tv trays. Libby on the couch instructing them where to set everything up.

“I was gonna make breakfast you know?” You told Sara gently as she waved you away lightly, humming contentedly as Steve nuzzled into her neck. The two were attached at the hip which was always nice knowing both of their struggles with finding the one. “I thought it would help a bit if I made it, but Steve won’t stop bitching about how all you have is turkey meat rather than pork or beef.” She mused as Steve nodded. “It’s weird? Are you guys like…a religion that can’t eat pork that I never knew about?” He asked as you laughed lightly.

“We’re not religious, Steven . We’re just conscious of dangers. My mom’s a nurse. Apparently too much red meat will give you a heart attack or something.” You explained as Steve quirked a brow. “That sounds like a load of bull but…okay.” He murmured softly as you rolled your eyes.

While the three of you were talking, Eddie had taken it upon himself to work on coffee and call Wayne to tell him where he was. Starting the coffee pot before picking up the landline off the wall. Dialing the number carefully.

“Hey Wayne…did I wake you up I’m sorry if I did? I uh, I’m at Josie’s. Just wanted to tell you…yeah that one.” he looked over his shoulder at you. “Yeah we’re gonna be okay…” he insisted softly as he smiled to himself. “I’ll be home later.” He promised. “Oh uh…yeah I can bring Josie over, if she wants…” he offered with a soft smile as you nodded silently, working on getting plates ready. Working in tandem with Sara and Steve who were finishing off breakfast and placing it all neatly.

Eddie hung up quietly as he carefully walked over to you, slipping his arms around your waist as he hummed to himself, kissing at your neck lightly as you squealed with laughter. Batting him away as he continued. “Don’t fight it, it’s like a heat sealing missile-“ he insisted as you pulled him into a regular kiss. Holding him tight as Libby scoffed. “All of you are gross, so so gross…” she muttered with a grin as she carefully came over to pour herself a cup of coffee. Breakfast getting on its way as you all ate and caught up with each other, grateful for one another’s company. The two other couples and Libby leaving around two in the afternoon. Leaving you and Eddie to your devices.

His hands lazily worked their way up your shirt, rubbing your sides under his calloused hands as he hummed to himself lightly. Carefully tracing along your ribs as you hummed down at him. “Whaddya wanna do with our day?” He asked gently as he nuzzled your jaw lightly, earning a contented hum from you as you kissed the crown of his head. “We’ve gotta get ready to go see Wayne…you told him you’d bring me over…” you reminded gently as he sighed. “Okay yeah…uh…should we shower or? Should we just go?” He asked as you snorted lightly. “Go shower Eddie-“ you murmured as you sent him on his way upstairs, working on cleaning up the living room as you heard the shower start up. Turning on the radio by the sink as She-Bop played through the speakers, humming along as the front door opened. Your mom coming in with Marilyn in tow, the young girl racing over and wrapping her arms around you. “Hey, kid…” you greeted softly as she hummed softly. “Do you have a rash on your neck?” She murmured as she pointed to the hickeys splotched across your neck and shoulders. Grateful for Marilyn’s innocence to the depravity of the adult world.

The rash comment immediately caught your mom’s attention, setting her bag down as she carefully walked over. “I think they’re bites…” she commented softly as she caught your eye and hummed in a knowing manner, like all mothers with daughters do. Understanding the severity of the situation. “Lyn honey go put your dirty laundry and sleeping bag in the laundry room please…” your mom insisted, making sure she left before gently holding your face.

“You um…you just need to be careful okay? I know you and Eddie are adults, but you’re still finishing school honey…you need to make that a priority. I’m not saying you can’t date okay? You’re more than allowed just…be careful. Don’t um…” she chewed on her inner cheek, nerves running high. “Don’t get pregnant?” You asked softly as she nodded swiftly. “I’m still on the pill mom, I won’t risk it okay? No babies.” You promised softly as she exhaled in slight relief. Finding compromise in the situation.

“So uh…are you guys staying here? Or are you going out for the day?” She asked as you smiled lightly. “We’re going to see Wayne…and I think Eddie has band practice? It’s a Sunday. So I might go to that too.” You explained as you put the dishes on the drying rack. Hearing the shower in your room shut off as you smiled. “I’m gonna go get dressed, there’s a plate for you in the fridge.” You kissed her cheek before padding upstairs. Eddie sliding into his jeans, droplets of eager running from his hair and down his shoulders as you worked on finding something to wear. Slipping on a color block sweater and some wide inseam shorts. Working on a belt as Eddie smiled lightly. “I like those shorts…make your butt look tight.” He insisted softly, earning a snort of laughter from you as you worked on your rings and pendants. “Is Wayne wanting me to bring anything oooor?” You prompted in your reflection as Eddie scratched the stubble on his jaw. “Mmm, no…don’t think so. But you could bring those awesome fuckin’ lemon squares? He likes those.” Eddie insisted as you carefully applied mascara. “I mean…I can do that but you’ll have to help me.” You bargained as Eddie fixed his hair carefully. “Deal.”

Heading downstairs, Eddie trailed immediately after you as Marilyn peeked out of her room and chased after the two of you, grinning big as she squeezed in to walk beside Eddie. “Can I help?” She squeaked as Eddie hummed. “I dunno Lynnie, can you keep up?” he asked as she furrowed her brows, deathly serious as she nodded. “I was born for this Eddie,” she insisted as you laughed lightly, getting to work.

Eddie worked on making the graham cracker crust as Marilyn and yourself worked on making the filling, mixing the condensed milk, egg yolks and lemon juice together. Squealing loudly as Eddie swiped some off of the edge of the bowl. Marilyn following suit as you gasped playfully. “You’re like children, stop it-“ you insisted through a fit of giggles as Marilyn licked the filling off her finger. “I am a child, what’s his excuse?” She insisted as Eddie shrugged. “I’m young at heart?” He attempted to excuse as you rolled your eyes. Working on filling the crust filled pan and slotting it into the oven.

Leaning against the counter, you watched as Eddie tossed a bit of flour at Marilyn, causing a wave of giggles to leave the two as they made a mess, though the mess was worth it. Marilyn hadn’t smiled this big since everything had shut down in your lives. Watching Eddie pick the girl up and swing her around as you laughed, walking to the living room and grabbing the large camera off of the knickknack shelf. Turning to face the pair. “Smile big-“ you insisted, the two flour covered fools grinning wide as you snapped a few pictures. Looking up to see the two stalking towards you as you backed up carefully. “Hey, whoa no no I really like this sweat-“

You gasped loudly as Eddie pulled you in tight, pinning your arms as he smattered powdery kissed all over your face as Marilyn shook the excess flour off her hands into your hair. Laughing and kicking as you tried to get away from the two. “Stop it stop it! Oh my god!” You squealed as you were pulled back into the kitchen, reaching for your sister in false distress as Eddie grinned. “Oh no, you’re not going unscathed~” he laughed as he pinned you to the counter, kissing you lightly as you held his face. Leaving fingerprints in the powder dusting his face as you heard the camera shutter. Turning to see Marilyn grinning as she set it down. “It’s a good picture, don’t worry…” she assured as you hummed. “Thank you Lynnie.”

Once the giggles settled, the three of you worked on cleaning up the kitchen while the lemon squares baked. Humming along to whatever Fleetwood Mac song was playing on the radio as Eddie worked on getting the flour out of Marilyn’s red curls with a wet napkin. “I think this one might warrant a full shower Annie…” he spoke, tone deathly serious as the young girl gasped dramatically. “No, say it isn’t true-“ she cried in feigned distress as Eddie threw a hand against his forehead. “I’m afraid your case is critical, only shampoo can save you now~” he teased as he pat her shoulder. “Head on to the bathroom Lyn.” You insisted as you kissed her head and watched her disappear as you sighed. Turning to face Eddie as you wiped his face. “Thank you for playing with her…I’m sure she appreciated it.” You whispered as you kissed him lightly, continuing with the light pecking as he smiled. “Of course, Annie’s my protege…someone’s gotta raise hell after the two of us walk the stage.” He insisted gently, staring into your eyes as he smiled. “Hey honey I uh-“ he was cut off by the timer going off as you pulled away to grab the oven mitts and free the snack from the oven. Setting them down to cool. “You were saying?”

Eddie wanted to continue. Tell you how much he loved you, he wanted to give you the world then and there. But his mouth had gone dry, the moment had passed, his muscles felt stiff. He couldn’t say it now, the words dying in his throat. “I uh…I love lemon squares.” He insisted as you quirked a brow. “I figured…” you insisted gently as you smiled to yourself. “You’re the only person who might like them more than my mom,” you added as you shook the flour out of your hair. “Okay I’m gonna go get my shoes on, and we can take these with us,” you offered as Eddie nodded. Joining you in slipping on your shoes as he smiled. “You look so pretty…” he complimented as you quirked a brow in disbelief. “I’m covered in flour but…thank you hon,” you pecked his cheek before going to grab the squares. “Let’s go,”

It wasn’t too long of a ride to the trailer park, staring at the dusty blue and white trailer you’d known so well in your early teens, now a ghostly memory that was coming back into relevance. Two paths coming back together after the fork in the road. Wayne peering out past the screen door as you got out, carrying the Pyrex dish as Wayne grunted lightly. “Boy, carry the ladies dish,” he insisted as Eddie took it slowly. Wayne immediately pulling you into an embrace as you smiled lightly. “You are not that tiny lil lady with the braces and braids anymore…” he lamented as he smiled. A familiarity in the whole situation.

Wayne was family to you, your own family unit having been so small your whole life, that Wayne had just filled a portion of that. “Yeah I um, I’m twenty now. I’m not a little girl anymore…but growing up has been interesting,” you answered as you entered the trailer, grinning as you headed into the kitchen after Eddie. Searching for a knife as Wayne looked over in curiosity. “Josie made lemon squares, you remember those?” Eddie asked as Wayne grunted in agreement. “I do, I remember I nearly had to go up a size in jeans…” he laughed lightly. “Thank you Jo.” He insisted as you carefully sliced them. “Of course Wayne, anything for my number one fan.” You joked as you handed him his plate, Eddie whining as you shushed him. Getting him a plate ready as Eddie grinned. “Thank you baby…” he whispered as you nodded. “Anything for my number two fan,” you tease as Eddie feigned disbelief. “I’m your boyfriend.” He insisted as you shrugged. “Yet Wayne loves my baking more~” you teased, heading to sit on the well loved couch with the guys as you ate.

The three of you made decent small talk, catching up with Wayne as you all ran through the sweet treats. Working on cleaning up as Wayne cleared his throat. “Hon I’m uh, I’m sorry about your old man. He was a staple in town, a big loss.” Wayne started as you grew still, quiet. “Yeah uh, it was hard. Still kinda is?” You laughed nervously as Eddie awkwardly picked at the crust left on his plate. “Is your mom okay?” Wayne asked as you smiled nervously. “We uh…yeah, now we are. I was out of school for about two years to work? Until mom got her promotion. Shifting incomes was hard.” You whispered as you scratched your neck nervously. “Are you okay?” Wayne asked as Eddie gently kicked his shin. “I’m fine, but I do wanna stop talking about this please Wayne?” You insisted as Wayne nodded softly. “You still work at the arcade?” He tried to change the subject. “Yup, with Sara, we make good money. I work after school, then go home, same routine each day.” You insisted as you hummed nervously.

Eddie cleared his throat lightly as he rubbed his thighs. “We’re gonna go over to Gareth’s…see you later Wayne.” He insisted as he took your hand, heading back to the van and helping you in, albeit in a bit of a rush. Running around and hopping in himself as he exhaled slowly. “I am so sorry about Wayne-“ he started carefully as you shut him down. “It’s okay, he was being sympathetic…it’s okay Eddie.” You promised as he smiled nervously. “It’s okay honey, I promise. He’s trying to be there for me.” You defended as Eddie carefully reversed and sighed lightly. “Yeah well he shouldn’t have pried-“ he insisted as you scoffed.

“Maybe I wanted him to pry? Like I wanted you to pry?” You snapped as he frowned to himself. “That’s not fair.” He shot back as you sighed. “Eddie I appreciate you trying to defend me, but you don’t get to decide how I feel dear.” You whispered as you took his hand carefully, Eddie pulling away in muttered frustration as you frowned. “Eddie.” You tried to get his attention as he drove to Gareth’s house and you grew quiet. Swallowing your guilt and frustration. “I’m sorry.” You whispered softly as he frowned. “Fuck, don’t apologize, I’m mad at myself…you don’t deserve to be treated like shit because I’m mad.” He insisted as you frowned lightly. “Baby I’ve forgiven you. You don’t need to beat yourself up. I shouldn’t have thrown it in your face.” You insisted as you kissed him lightly at a stop sign.

Pulling into the Emerson family driveway, you stared in at Grant, Jeff and Gareth getting set up as you got out. The guys sharing glances as Eddie raced around the car to put you back in the van, then open your door and help you out as he kissed your knuckles. Earning a half hearted laugh from you as you stuck him to hip. His hand in your back pocket as you were guided to a couch in the corner. “Hey guys…”

“Hey uh…what’re you doing here?” Grant asked softly as you shrugged. “I dunno, girlfriend things? Coming to band practice and stuff…” you said softly as Jeff quirked a brow. “Don’t you guys hate each other?” He whispered as Eddie laughed. “Hate is just passionate love…” he crooned as you snorted with laughter. The band seemingly loaded with questions which the two of you gladly answered. The guys foregoing practice to snoop around in your personal lives, getting fully up to date with the relationship you both had. Gareth going inside and grabbing a six pack of beers for the five of you as he hummed.

“So each of us gets one…but the last one? We can either ignore it? Or we can play for it…” Gareth challenged as he drummed on his thighs, humming lightly. “Okay, what do we wanna play for it?” Jeff mumbled as you grinned wide. “We could play mercy…” you whispered with a grin as Grant laughed. “Mercy? What are we? Seven?” He asked as you leaned forward, nose to nose with him as you grinned. “What are you? Scared?” You crooned as he shoved you back gently with a laugh, Eddie pulling you into his side. “Let’s do it., winner has to shotgun their beer in celebratory success” Gareth insisted.

“Me versus Grant, Josie versus Jeff, then Gareth will go against the winners of each of those rounds. Deal?” Eddie asked as everyone came to an agreement, getting situated on the floor as you each got to work.

Jeff interlocked hands with you as you hummed softly, letting Gareth count you in before getting to playing. Pushing back against Jeff’s fingers as you struggled to bend one another’s hands back, panting lightly in frustration as you locked eyes. “I don’t go down easy Jeff…” you warned as he rolled his eyes. “Yeah but I’ve got strong fingers.” He argued as you kept pushing, shoving his index finger back as he hissed, calling mercy as he backed up a bit. “Fuck me man…” he murmured as you laughed lightly, fixing your hair back as Grant beat Eddie, Eddie muttering to himself in bitter loss as you laughed. Sipping from your beer as you watched Grant and Gareth start. The two pushing hard as Gareth’s fingers were bent back, hissing in pain as Grant grunted in discomfort before yelping lightly as his wrist was bent back. Gareth grinning wide as he looked towards you. “Cmon Josie.”

You furrowed your brows as you slammed back the rest of your beer, humming lightly and setting the empty can down. “Winner has to shotgun the beer yeah?” You asked as Gareth nodded, Eddie coming in to referee. “No dirty business, no cheating, so no bending back the middle of ring fingers. Calling for a re-grip ends the match. Ready. Set. Go.”

You pushed hard, Gareth was definitely stronger, he had insane grip on your hands, but you were stubborn, pushing back with fervor as Gareth grimaced lightly. The two of you maintaining intense eye contact as you scowled. “Fucking hell…gareth give in.” You pressed as he shook his head. “No fucking way, you’re not getting my beers.” He insisted as you bent back his thumb and he cried out, pulling away before realization donned. “Fuck! No that’s not fair-“ he whined as you picked up the beer carefully, taking Eddie’s keys and pulling his pocket knife over. Notching the side of the can and popping the tab as you chugged down the beer. Humming excitedly to yourself as you pulled away with a laugh. “Get fucked Emerson,” you hissed as he flipped you off. Eddie grinning big as he pulled you close.

“That was so fucking hot-“ he muttered as he kissed you deeply, pushing you to the floor as the rest of the band gagged, shouting ‘get a room’ and other shared sentiments as you rolled your eyes, pushing Eddie off of yourself and sighing. “If this is what band practice is always like, can I keep coming over?” You asked as the three looked between each other. Holding their thumbs sideways, before one by one flipping them upwards. “You may come and go as you please. The council has decided.” Gareth declared as you hummed contentedly. “Thank you, oh wise and noble council, I, Succubus Josie of the depths of hell thank you for your generosity,” you played along as Eddie growled against your neck. “Keep up the nerdy talk that’s so fucking hot-“ he insisted as you laughed. “We’re gonna leave…thank you guys for letting us come over,” you hummed as you helped Eddie off of you and back to the van as he hummed.

“Do you wanna stay the night with me? At the trailer?” He asked softly as you hummed in thought. “Yes, but we have to go pick up my car from Rhia’s.” You bargained as he slowly nodded in agreement.

After a mildly awkward exchange with Rhiannon for your keys while she was occupied with ‘something’ that she wouldn’t disclose, you made the drive to the trailer park. Parking beside Eddie as you padded inside. Wayne having left for his night shift already as you padded into Eddie’s room. The smell of incense and weed having soaked into the carpets and walls. Eddie searching through his closet before tossing you a well worn Def Leppard shirt and some boxers as you smiled.

Eddie turned around, frozen at the sight of you stripping. He’d expected you to go to the bathroom, or even turn your back to him, but this was okay too. Watching with a grin as you slipped on his shirt and boxers. Flopping into his bed as he crawled on top of you. Pressing light kisses to your jaw. “Hey princess…” he cooed as you ran your nails over his scalp. “Hi honey…do you wanna smoke a little, eat the last of the lemon squares, play a lil guitar?” You asked softly as he hummed in agreement. “Sounds like a great night.” He insisted softly as he got off to prepare a bowl in his very well loved bong, letting you go and gather lemon squares.

Padding down the hall, you smiled at a few pictures on the wall of a young Eddie with Wayne, and two with you at camp love and your freshman year homecoming dance. Terribly awkward looking young teens with eyes wide, full of anxiety. Grinning at the sight as you carefully worked on plating the squares, grabbing two beers from the fridge as you went back to the bedroom.

Eddie was getting an early start, taking a decently long rip from the bong, and pulling back as he exhaled upward. Looking utterly ethereal as you slid to sit behind him on the bed. Slotting him between your legs as you followed suit. Taking a smaller but still fulfilling rip as you kissed the crown of his head. Opening up the beers and smiling to yourself as you both got comfortable for the night. Eddie picking up his guitar carefully as he strummed out the beginning chords for ‘Hungry Like The Wolf’, bobbing his head as you chose to sing along a bit.

‘Darken the city, night is a wire. Steam in the subway, earth is afire’ you started as he continued carefully, letting you set the pace as he grinned lightly. The two of you naturally in sync with each other as you worked through the music. Eddie finishing you out before looking up at you.

“Hey Josie?…I love you…” he whispered as you smiled lightly.

“I love you too Eddie.”


PRICE OF FAME - the masterlist


pairing: rockstar!eddie x journalist!reader

summary: you’re a writer for Rolling Stone magazine and Eddie hates the media; or in other words, you’re doing a piece on Corroded Coffin and Eddie can’t stand you.

contains: enemies to lovers, angst, drug and alcohol use, smoking, themes of misogyny/sexism, and eventual smut— each chapter will have more, in-depth warnings.


Living After Midnight (Failed Rockstar!Eddie x Motel Worker!Reader)

♫ MASTERLIST ♫ (chapters to be added when published)


Yall please please PLEASE go read this series, the pacing is beautiful, the angst is so good, it’s incredible.

Meeting in the Middle

Synopsis: with the awkwardness split and the tension broken, you and Eddie are now sprinting to meet in the middle

Themes: healing wounds, coming to terms, falling back in love, friends to lovers to enemies and back to lovers

Warnings: mild drug usage, crying, and smut! The once in the blue moon happened!!! Addie wrote smut!!

Word count: 3.1k

Eddie’s end of the call was a bit frantic, consisting of him stubbing out a cigarette that was freshly lit, shoving past Gareth who was stoned as all hell beside him, and fumbling to get his reeboks back on as he hummed nervously. Gareth sitting up as he watched Eddie’s frantic rushing around the room as he quirked a brow, his girlfriend Daphne sprawled across his lap as he made sure not to knock her off of his lap.

“Dude…what’re you doing?” He asked softly as he carefully let his head pull to the side, it suddenly feeling too heavy after a few decent puffs from the rickety and well stained bong on the ground. Eddie panting lightly as he fixed his hair back into a low bun. “Josie needs me.” He insisted as Gareth frowned lightly. “Does she really? You’ve spent all this time calling her a succubus and treat each other like shit.” He reminded as Eddie scoffed, searching his dresser and drawers for his keys as he muttered under his breath. “Succubi are sexy, that’s why I call her that. Everyone calls her Josie because she liked Josie and the Pussycats as a kid. So I’ve never fucking hated her man. Not ever. I’ve loved her since before I knew what that shit was and I’m not gonna fuck up again.” He snapped back as he found his keys.

“When her dad died she begged for me and I was too scared. I ran from her. I ran from her when she needed me so fucking badly. I’m tired of running okay.” He insisted softly as he shuddered harshly. “I’m tired of running because I am afraid of having a heart. Because I am afraid of having feelings. I have spent so long being terrified of having feelings, that I didn’t even realize what I was missing till I saw her slip through my fingers.” He asserted before storming out, passing Wayne on the way out and hopping into the van. Speeding his way to family video, traffic laws be damned.

He swung into the parking lot, haphazardly throwing the car into park and walking to the glass doors of Family Video. Going to pull the door open before feeling the pull of the lock, growling in frustration as he knocked on the glass with his keys. “Harrington?! Buckley?! Let me in come on!” He shouted as he watched Robin frantically run to the door, struggling to get it open.

“I uh, shit, I showed her the ho-horse movie?! You know the the the the one that you told me too? And she uh, fuck! She started crying and it hasn’t stopped.” Robin spoke frantically as she led him to the back, Eddie nearly shattering at the sight of you.

You were curled up on the couch, sobbing desperately as Sara tried to soothe you by running her nails over your scalp. Humming softly as your wails echoed. Steve backed into a corner as he nervously chewed on the sides of his thumbs. Gesturing towards your sobbing self as Eddie made his way over. Shaking out his arms and shoulders as he crouched in front of you.

“Hey there…why so sad, a succubus like yourself shouldn’t be so sad, you’ve got a lot goin’ for you…” he tried as you turned to look at him, droplets of salty sadness clinging to your lashes as he gently wiped the tears. Looking back at the three as he hummed. “I’m gonna take her home okay? You guys uh…close up, do what you’ve gotta do.” He insisted as he carefully hooked his arms under your knees and shoulders, Sara placing your purse in your lap and wishing you goodbye. Carrying you out to the van as he carefully worked on setting you into the passenger seat. Buckling you in as he frowned. Rounding the front and clamoring into the drivers seat. Starting up the van as REO Speedwagon played softly along the radio.

“Why’d you have to fucking…pick that movie?” You whispered as he carefully reversed, looking over his shoulder as he hummed lightly to himself. Thinking quietly as he chewed on his lower lip. “I uh…I really thought it would be nice…that you’d like it a whole bunch, and that’s you’d remember.” He whispered as he pulled onto the main road. Driving relatively silently, which was out of character…but comfortable.

“I did remember…and it made me so mad Eddie. It made me more than mad. It made me sad and confused. I’ve tried to get past it, I’ve tried dating…especially dating the opposite of you. I tried dating Andrew fucking Harper. He’s the one who wears that hat everywhere, hangs around Jason…he wasn’t like you. I wanted you. I only wanted you…and I couldn’t have you.” You whispered as you chewed on your lip. “I don’t even know you anymore but you’ve slotted right back into place and it pisses me off. Why do you just get to come back Eddie? Why do you just get to fit right back into my arms and my heart…why do you get to do this? And why am I letting you?” You murmured as you turned to look at him. His eyes trained on the road ahead, tears brimming in his big chocolate eyes as he cleared his throat. “I uh…I dunno…maybe we’re intertwined. I’m the…I’m the demon king, you my loyal succubus?” He tried to find humor in the situation as you scoffed lightly, his unrelenting awkwardness bringing you a sense of joy. Choosing to break the tension, you prompted him with a question. “You hungry…?” You whispered lightly as he grinned, licking his bottom lip in thought. “Starving honestly.”

It wasn’t a long ride to the tiny excuse of a McDonald’s, the both of you ordering as you fished your wallet from inside your purse. Ordering through the crackly speaker and having your order read back to you by a stoned teenager. Handing Eddie a ten as he hummed contentedly. Paying and taking the greasy brown bag as he parked the van.

Rifling through the bag, Eddie grinned eagerly. Clearly his high was catching up to him as he carefully set the bag down on the console. “We’ve got a large fry and a quarter pounder with cheese, extra pickles and mayonnaise for the lady~ and a large fry, a filet o fish with double cheese and an apple pie for myself…” he crooned. “And your disgusting orangeade.” He laughed out while sticking his tongue out in mock disgust as you rolled your eyes. “You’re drinking a root beer and eating a filet o fish, you don’t get to judge me Munson. Plus orangeade is like…carbonated tang, or sunny d.” You reasoned as he rolled his eyes. “Plus I paid! You don’t get to complain.” You bargained as he scoffed. “Ah yes our fine dining, surmounting to a whopping five dollars and seventy cents…” he teased as he ate his filet o fish, carefully chewing away as you ate in silence. “Is this a date?” You suddenly asked as you looked at him. “Because it feels like one Eddie…” you murmured as he choked on his meal, wiping his mouth and chugging down his root beer to quell his suffocating fishy sandwich.

“I…I’m not sure, do you want it to be?” He asked softly as he wiped the mayo from the corner of his lips as you hummed. “I uh…yeah I’d like to have it be a date…” you insisted softly as you carefully wiped your mouth and hummed nervously. “I want to be dating.” You clarified as he carefully quirked a brow. “I want to be your girlfriend…we’ve done the little dance…but we can do this dance backwards? Start dating…while figuring out everything we need to know about each other backwards?” You explained as he stared at you incredulously, quietly nodding. “I’m not a really conventional guy…so yeah I guess I could do that. I’ve got a lotta making up to do anyways.” He insisted softly as he reached over slowly.

His calloused fingers linked with yours, slow and nervous, palms clammy and fingertips bumping before they finally settled together. The both of you letting out a joint exhale as he laughed loudly, pumping his free fist in the air. “Fuck…yes! God yes this is what I’ve been gunning for. Oh my god I can bring you to hellfire…I can bring you to the hideout, I can show you the songs I wrote for you…” he rambled as you laughed. “And youuu, can join me at football and basketball games to take pictures and make spreads for yearbook, to Lynnie’s girlscout meetings, and you can go to do boring shit with me…” you insisted as he clicked his tongue. “Only because it’s for you…” he insisted slowly. Leaving you both in a contented, relieving silence as you carefully finished up your fries and smiled lightly. Letting Eddie drive you back home.

You carefully took Eddie inside with you once home, kicking off your shoes as you hummed lightly. Padding into the kitchen as Eddie followed, finding a note on the fridge that your mom picked up a late shift, and Marilyn would be staying with her friend Maxine just two streets down. Carefully crumpling up the letter and tossing it into the trash as you pried the fridge open. Eddie’s hips pressed to yours as he reached past you for a can of beer and a lemon square in the fridge.

“Well…I think we should do boyfriend and girlfriend things…so we can watch a movie, you can stay the night…” you offered as Eddie shrugged. “Sure…yeah that works for me.” He insisted through a mouthful as you gagged playfully in disgust at his actions. “Whatever you nasty…I’m gonna go change into pajamas, keep yourself entertained.” You insisted softly as you padded upstairs, watching as Eddie immediately went about with his allowed snooping and grinning. The house just fit so well around him, he was meant to be here.

You trekked to your room, deciding on a shower to ease the sweat from the workday away from your skin. Starting up the hot water and prepping your towels and pajamas. Consisting of a long shirt and some shorts. Getting yourself stripped down and taking a deep breath as the warm water eased your muscles. Lathering the coconut like shampoo and conditioner into your scalp, and pairing it with body wash as you scrubbed yourself down. You were happy, you had that closure with Eddie. You were supposed to be happy, so why couldn’t you stop yourself from crying? Why were the tears flowing so freely? Was it relief? Or was it that you did love Eddie but knew you didn’t know him anymore?

You managed to shake the tears away as you sighed. You did love Eddie, you loved him so much, and you were excited to know Eddie. You couldn’t rob yourself of that experience. Shutting off the shower you got out to dry off, working on lotioning up your body, running your product through your hair, and dressing yourself carefully as you opened up your bathroom door. Shrieking in terror as you managed to scare Eddie to the ground during his snooping through your room as he held his chest.

“Jesus H. Christ babe! What the fuck?!” He called as you held your own, heaving lightly as he carefully got back to standing. A carebear clutched in his ring clad hand as you carefully relaxed. “I didn’t know you were in here, I’m sorry honey…put my carebear down please?” You prompted as he obliged, placing it back in its pile as you walked over to your tv in the corner of your room. Flipping it on and letting some random late night television play. Climbing into bed as Eddie removed his sneakers, jeans and jackets before joining you under the frilly comforter. Getting himself comfortable as you scoffed. “Nothing changes huh? You get real cozy wherever you are…” you commented as he shrugged lightly.

The two of you watched tv for a while, Eddie aimlessly playing with your hair before slowly looking at you as he hummed. “Since we’re like…dating, can I kiss you?” He asked softly as you carefully turned to face him. His features soft and lips semi parted as you thought quietly. Not giving a verbal answer, but pulling him in to kiss you as your lips melded together.

He held you close as he pressed his chest to yours, humming into it as his kisses tentatively trailed away from your lips, along your jaw and neck as his calloused hands ran up your hips. Thumbs rubbing circles into them as you leaned your head back a bit. Choosing to make up for lost time, as with Eddie it felt right.

“I’m so sorry sweetheart…” he murmured against your collarbone as his hands worked up your sides and to your breasts as you shuddered lightly. “I should have been here…we could’ve had this the whole time. You needed me…” he whispered as you ran your own hands up his shirt, along his spine as he hummed.

“It’s okay Eddie…you’re here now, you’re here right now and that’s all that matters to me.” You assured softly as you carefully lifted your hips, letting him work his fingers into your waistband. His rings cold against your hips as you smiled lightly. “I want to be here for you…” he whispered as you slowly worked your shirt off, Eddie sitting back to allow you to do so.

His lips latched onto your collarbones, working down the center of your chest. Leaving warm and deep kisses around your chest. Nipping at your left breast to leave a hickey, his right hand moving to lightly grope at you. Gently pinching your nipple as you moaned lightly. Head rolling back as he moved to straddle your left leg, his own slotting between your thighs as he hummed eagerly.

“Pretty girl I’m so sorry…” he cooed as he continued his gentle ministrations. You’d had sex before, you’d had flings, but this was love making. Eddie was showing you how dearly he loved you, how dearly he needed to be there for you. His right hand traveled down your stomach, down the curve of your hip before stopping at your waistband as you allowed him to work off your shorts and underwear. Tentative and gentle as his kisses traveled lower and lower. Crawling down the bed till his nose bumped against your clit as he hummed.

His lips lightly latched onto your clit, lightly sucking while applying pressure with his tongue. His thumb lightly grazing over your slit, carefully patting your lips to find your arousal pooling. Humming contentedly to himself as his kisses traveled down and his thumb took his lips place at your bundle of nerves. Rubbing in careful circles as his kisses deepened along your lips, pressing his tongue deep into you as he lapped slow and deep. He was worshipping you, paying careful attention to you, which he’d failed to do for so long before. Eating you out with nothing but adoration, his big eyes looking to your face for any indication of how you felt.

You were pressed into your pillows, lashes fluttering as you carefully held onto the back of his head. Feeling his tender lips working you with ease as you bit your lower lip. Head lulled back as you moaned deeply. Slowly pressing your thighs around his head as you groaned loudly to yourself. “So good Eddie, you’re doing so good for me…taking such good care of me…” you praised as he continued, now with a bit more confidence as he worked his tongue and thumb in synchronicity.

You felt your back arch as you gripped his hair in your fist, moaning desperately as you panted loudly. Whining in delirium as you felt your pent up anger and confusion unraveling. Nearly coming undone before Eddie pulled away. Mouth slick with your arousal as he smiled adoringly. Working off his shirt and boxers.

His body was littered with tattoos, some better than others. Trail of hair from his navel down to his hardening cock. twitching lightly and desperate for reprieve as you placed your hand behind his head. Pulling him into a kiss as you moaned desperately into his mouth.

Your hand took hold of his cock, languidly stroking him as you made light work of getting you both situated. Helping Eddie with the hard part as you lined him up, easing him an inch or two into you.

His head fell forward, biting his lower lip and whimpering out your name lightly as he eased into you. Slow and tender as he continued his sweet and light kisses. “So good for me honey…you feel so good, I adore you…” he murmured as he bottomed out. Earning a light whine from you as you kissed around his face. His hips stuttering as he began his languid and deep thrusts. Keeping a sensual rhythm as you panted out his name.

“It feels so good Eddie…fuck you’re so good, you’re so good to me honey…” you whined as you held his close, his forehead to yours as you kissed him lightly. Whimpering eagerly to yourself as you carefully dug your nails into his shoulders. You were both so pent up and angry, so sad, so distraught that you’d finally realized just how much you’d needed and wanted one another.

His thrusts stuttered a bit as he sped up, groaning loudly as his kisses grew feverish around your neck and shoulders. Leaving deep hickeys, marking his place in your life as your nails raked down his back. Moaning desperately as you whimpered in need. “Eddie please…’m so close, so so close,” you whined as he grinned lightly. “Me too honey…” he assured as he sped up.

“In or out honey?” He asked softly as you held his face and panted. “In please, I’m on the pill,” you promised before feeling him bottom out, your lashes fluttering as you let your head fall back. Incoherent muttering leaving you as you felt yourself come undone, Eddie doing the same as he moaned and whined out your name. Panting desperately as he whimpered, moving to lie down on your chest as you held him close.

“I’m here from now on…I promise…” he panted out carefully as he rested his chin on your sternum, looking up at you as you smiled lightly, catching your own breath. “I know baby…I know.”

Taglist: open

Smudged Reflection

Synopsis: After the events of the party, you and Eddie are stuck between a rock and a hard place. The animosity dying, and reopening old wounds.

Themes: angst, a semi perverted Eddie, the fear of the unknown, strained familial relationships

Warnings: nothing but a glimpse at pervert Eddie and a bit of crying.

Word count: 2.5k

Your fingers twitched lightly, the sun felt glaringly bright as you covered your eyes, slowly rubbing the sleep and eye crust away as your makeup smeared across the back of your hand. Sighing in light frustration as you sat up, stopping at a weight around your waist. Following the ring clad hand all the way up to a leather wearing arm and shoulder. Eddie Munson’s head lulled back against one of the thick oak branches. Drooling lightly with open mouthed snoring as you sighed softly and carefully worked on removing his arm. Not wanting to wake him as you slowly went to unlace his fingers.

His hand grasped tighter as he yanked you into his chest with a shout, laughing delightedly at your mild terror. Eddie earning himself a smack on the arm as you scoffed loudly to yourself, pushing off with a light sneer.

“Not funny Eddie. You scared me. I thought you were sleeping and I was trying to be nice.” You pouted, earning a patronizingly sweet ‘awwww’ from Eddie who held your face. “Did I scare you that bad sweetheart? Is my vicious little sucubus all terrified?” He teased as you batted his hands away. Light blush dusting your cheeks as you checked your watch. It was well into the day, around noon by now, and there was way too much to do. Your eyes blowing wide as you frantically gathered up your things. “I’ve gotta go pick up Marilyn, sorry Eddie. Thanks for last night though.” You rambled on as you looked for your keys, the memory of handing off your keys to Rhiannon coming too as you held your head in frustration. Having to swallow your pride. “Would you mind driving us…and dropping me off at work?” You questioned softly as you awaited him to bark out laughter in your face.

Turning to look at him, instead you were met with a soft grin as he nodded. “Yeah no problem…plus I haven’t seen Marilyn in a while, besides your asshole move at family video yesterday.” He said with a hum as he watched you climb down, whistling lightly with a grin. “Good morning to me…” he grinned wolfishly as you looked down, your cleavage well on display as you shrieked obscenities at him.

“Edward Munson you pervert! Stop looking at my tits-“ you hissed out as he laughed lightly. “Can’t help it if they’re right there~…is that a tattoo I spy?~” he teased as you got your feet on the ground, adjusting your top as you hummed. “It is a tattoo. And it’s not for you.” You snapped back as he climbed down, joining you on the ground as you both walked to his van. His hand lazily swinging at his side as you hummed lightly to yourself. Carefully keeping in time with his steps as you headed to the glorified empty lot with smattered grass that people started using as a parking spot. Hopping into the passenger seat as you hummed in familiarity. The van was something you’d always felt a sense of safety in, something that was consistent…until it wasn’t. The bitter taste of hate dusting over your tongue as you watched Eddie start up the van, listening to your directions as you head back into town.

“You still like Pat Benatar?” He asked suddenly as you turned to face him, chewing on your nails as you nodded lightly to yourself. Watching as he reached over your lap, his rings grazing your knees as he popped open the glove compartment. Pulling out a few different Pat Benatar tapes, some newer than what you’d remembered having given him. Watching as he popped in Tropico. Drumming along the steering wheel to Diamond Field as you snorted lightly to yourself. Watching him sing along, intentionally doing a poor job as you watched him. Clearly trying to get a reaction out of you until the song fizzled out. We Belong playing in as an awkward tension filled the car.

“You used to really like this song…” he broke the silence as you carefully pursed your lips, wanting the earth to swallow you whole, or even have the van crash and end you and your blooming shame as you hummed. “Yeah I did…I really did. But it was like, years ago Eddie. We were like fourteen.” You murmured as he turned his attention back to the road, gripping the wheel a bit tighter as he clicked his tongue. “Mhm yeah…yeah sorry.” He mumbled as you chose not to respond, ignoring the fact that you’d noticed the shame in his own eyes.

Eddie felt guilty last night, he felt guilty now. How long would it take for the guilt to subside? You couldn’t answer that, that was for Eddie to decide. The song finally fizzling out as you pulled up to the small home where your younger sister was sat outside, her eyes wide with excitement as she ran over. Eddie hopping out to open up the back of the van for her. Carefully taking her bag and setting it under the back of your seat.

“Hey Annie…” he hummed as he carefully helped her in, a nickname based around Marilyn’s red curls and dimpled cheeks. “Did you have a good time?” He questioned as she grinned excitedly to herself. “Had a great time, we watched um…the outsiders, and we had pizza. That was super good. And we went to bed really late which was cool because usually I’ve gotta go to bed kind of early, Josie says so.” She threw her gaze towards you as you rolled your eyes. Recollecting the nickname your family had given you in your youth, based off a cartoon you’d grown up loving, and it had just stuck. “You go to bed early on weeknights because you hate getting up…” you remind gently as Eddie closed the sliding van door and hopped back into the drivers seat. Taking you both home.

The comfortable silence was soon enough broken by Marilyn clearing her throat. “Are you guys friends again?” She asked softly as you and Eddie shared a glance. Eddie wanted you to decide. Were you friends again? Were you okay? Were you both able to move past this?

“I mean…we’re talking again.” You said softly as Marilyn nodded softly. “Well, that’s a start…I missed Eddie.” She said softly as Eddie grinned lightly to himself. “I missed you too Annie.” He assured the sentiment was shared as he pulled into your driveway. Putting the van in park as you thanked him lightly.

“You can come in while I get ready for work…stay downstairs.” You insisted softly as you carefully got out, letting Marilyn head in as you followed. Bounding upstairs as Eddie worked on leaving his shoes by the door. Carefully padding around the lower level as he looked over the walls, staining from formerly hanging frames on the wallpaper, the whole place kind of dim as he chewed on his cheek. It had been a while since he’d been over, but he knew that this wasn’t how things were supposed to be. He’d remembered hearing music all the time, and how in love your parents were. He’d remembered spending hours here, causing trouble for the two of you and laughing so hard his sides hurt. He’d remembered that things were simpler between the two of you. Before death and drugs, before you started caring what people thought of you both, before needing to be liked and loved by the masses to fill and feed that disgusting beast that lived inside everyone inside this stupid town.

His snooping was interrupted by entering the small sunroom at the back of the house, your mother sat on the small bench as she hummed lightly. Working on her needle point as she grinned lovingly at him. Her face aged by grief, shoulders and cheeks thinned, the exhaustion of labor showing as she smiled at him. “Edward Munson…where have you been?” She asked as she stood carefully, pulling him into a hug as she smiled wider.

Her arms felt boney against his sides, her fingers smoothing over the leather of his jacket as he held her just as close. She’d been the only sense of maternal instinct he’d known in his younger teen years, so this just felt kind of right. “Hey…” he whispered as she stepped back just enough to hold his face. “You’ve grown into a young man…and your hairs so long.” She laughed lightly as she carefully traced his cheek. “You’re not that little scrawny thing that chased my Josie everywhere anymore…” she whispered before sighing lightly as she noticed you in the doorway. A visible animosity between the two of you. Her mourning of losing out with her little girl, and your mourning of what could have been a present mother. The two of you sharing a cordial but stiff greeting.

“Take me to work please Eddie…Sara will be pissed if she has to handle the afternoon rush without me.” You state as he nodded, watch as you wished your mother goodbye with a polite kiss on the cheek as he walked out with you.

“You smell like one of those terrible perfume kiosks exploded on you,” he commented as you rolled your eyes. “Hardy har. I didn’t have the time to shower.” You retorted as you went back to the van, hopping in and waiting for him to get situated with a cigarette and his music. Driving you to the arcade as you lit your own cigarette. Drumming along to Metallica as you grimaced lightly. “Eddie you’re going to make me go deaf!” You shouted, earning a laugh from him as he only cranked it up louder, earning a scoff from you as he whipped into the arcade parking lot, nearly running over Steve who was heading into the connected Family Video, and swinging into a parking spot as you gripped the overhead handle. Holding your chest as he finished up his little personal concert, Creeping Death fading out as you hopped out of the car. “God damnit Eddie-“ you hissed as he shared a wolffish grin. “Can’t help it, besides, I thought a succubus like yourself would value some satanic jams,” he mocked as you gathered up your purse and stormed inside.

The smell of sugary soda and the feeling of well worn carpet under your sneakers gave you fuel to add to your forming metal related headache, holding your tempers as you walked behind the prize counter. Meeting with your coworker Sara, a girl who would’ve been in your graduating class if you hadn’t been in your special situation.

“You’re late~” she crooned as she snapped her gum carefully, looking you over as she laughed lightly. “You look a mess, did you fall asleep at that party that those idiot officers broke up by the lake?” She asked as you just gave a curt nod. “How’d you know about that?” You asked as she shrugged. “Steve told me, he heard from Robin, and Robin heard from Grant who was there with Eddie.” She said as you sighed lightly. “Speaking of Steve? How’re you two doing? Going steady?” You asked as she laughed lightly to herself.

“Going steady? What are we, forty?” She teased as you elbowed her lightly. “But if you must know, yes we’re exclusive. He asked me to be his girlfriend last night at Enzo’s. It was super romantic, you wouldn’t believe it.” She swooned, earning an eye roll and gag from you. “Whatever…” you murmured, working on restocking the semi stale candy in the prize counters smudged glass case. Crouching down to fill everything before looking up to see someone staring at you through the glass. Shrieking loudly as you fell back, the owner of your scare standing up. Dustin Henderson’s laughter earning a swift flip of the bird as you managed to stand. Leaning on the counter as you looked him over.

“Whaddya want Henderson…?” You questioned as he hummed lightly. “Just kinda wanted to say hey…since you’re both dating my fearless mentors,” he said as Sara rolled her eyes, though you just quirked a brow. “I’m not dating Munson…” you murmured as you carefully reached into the counter and handed Dustin a packet of sugar babies, which he gladly worked on eating. “Sure you are,” he muttered through a mouthful of sticky caramel. “He talks aboutcha a bunch…and he drove you to work. Steve does that for Sara.” He said as you scoffed. “Steve talks about me a lot?” Sara questioned as you dismissed her excitement. “What do you mean Eddie talks about me?” You pressed as Dustin rolled his eyes, as if it were meant to be obvious.

“He calls you a succubus, which is like a female lust demon. He also made a character around you in our most recent one off campaign. You were the big bad’s wife and like…a boss to beat.” He said simply as you hummed. “Awesome…I’m a demon, and I’m dead.” You retorted as he shrugged. “It’s romantic.” Sara insisted as Dustin wandered off. Leaving the two of you to work through your shift. The day menial and slow, with a few claw machine complaints and a bit of trouble getting some shithead kids to leave. Working on locking up as you worked off your clingy vest.

Sara took you by the hand as she hummed along to Fleetwood Mac that was playing on the speakers outside of Family Video, locking up and leading you both into your sister store. Robin and Steve playing some paper basketball as you hummed contentedly to yourself. Greeting the two as Sara and Steve wandered off to the back room. Leaving you and Robin at the desk as she carefully worked on pulling out a tape.

“Uhhh, Eddie came in here? Asked me to hold this for you and you’d know what it means?” She whispered as you quirked a brow, taking the tape Robin handed you. “It’s the only copy we have, but it was in the back…so you don’t really have to bring it back.” She assured as you looked it over. 1979’s The Black Stallion, a massive lump filling your throat as you hummed.

Memories of your first “date” with Eddie were fresh in the front of your mind. The both of you the crisp age of thirteen, heading to the small movie theatre and sharing a small popcorn you’d paid for with your allowances. Eddie taking you to see The Black Stallion, and comforting you as you cried as most small girls do at sweet animal movies. Walking you home and giving you a sweet kiss on the cheek goodbye.

You held the tape close as you wiped your teary eyes. Heading to the back to their little tv, interrupting Steve and Sara’s heavy petting as you popped the tape into the VHS. Sitting back on the couch as Steve and Sara made room for you to sit, Robin locking up and joining you all as the movie played in. The whole thing seemingly boring to the group, but meaning so much to you. Tears flowing freely as the credits rolled in. Sara trying to comfort you as you grabbed the stores landline. Dialing in a familiar number and listening to it ring.

“Yellow?” The voice on the other end called, softening as it heard your sniffling and hiccuping. “Hey…you okay?”

“Eddie…” you whispered shakily. “Can you come get me? I wanna talk…” you whispered.

“Yeah…yeah always, I’ll be right there.”

Taglist: Open


Hi friends,

With its evident success, I’ve decided to make Hateful Recollections a series/miniseries. I haven’t decided which yet. But I know I’m working on a part two. I know that I’m really excited to share it with yall. I know that I’m so very grateful for all of the love and support.

I’ve been writing as long as I can remember, and I’m thrilled that I’m getting back into it and that I can share it with everyone. I’m thrilled to get to know all of you.

From the bottom of my heart that’s a bit too big, thank you so very much.

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