“That can’t be where the bar is!”


My blog! Hi!So here's where I post my thoughts, drawings, and doggos. Lots of doggos. Welcome to hell.

I deleted all of the screenshots of our conversations today. I wasn’t prepared for the relief it gave me. And I wasn’t prepared to read a different version of me in each one. I’m sorry, for everything, but I won’t spend my life apologising. I’ll move on, and I’m ready to grow and be, even if it has to be without you.


The world is a dream. At least to me. It's not even a fun dream, just the sort that you're stuck in for some amount of time that feels like an eternity. And you're banging on the walls to wake yourself up, and running hands along fabrics to try and feel them, to feel that you're awake but you're not.

Everything is so far away, every emotion a dull version of itself, yet bright lights seem too bright and noises are jarring and painful yet still not strong enough to wake you.

The banging on the walls is getting tiring. After years it feels like there's no point reaching to the other side; it's hopeless. This has been your reality for far too long. That voice in your head is saying accept it, and perhaps that's kinder. To remove the expectation; the comparison. But even that is impossible to let go, because you're staring through blurry glass, and the grass is always greener on the other side.

Anonymous asked:

I am *begging* you, please add Eve-up-a-tree to your masterpiece with Carolyn and Villanelle you absolute genius k love you bye

Your wish is my command 😌💕


You know the DepressionTM is getting bad when posting how you think you're a really boring person riddled with anxiety who's the definition of 'head empty' at the age of 20 starts sounding like a good idea- wait what-


absolutely embarrassed by the number of pokeballs i have wasted bc i forgot to toggle


A non-exhaustive list in no particularly sane order of shit nobody told me in Pokemon Arceus that would have been really fucking cool to know.

1. Release your unwanted pokemon. Don’t sit on those 15 starlys that you caught for research. They give you items when you release them. Not quite as morbid sounding as the infamous “candies” from Pokemon Go, but I’m not going to ask where all this grit comes from.

2. Go collect those lost satchels. Not only are you recovering actual people’s items for you (thank you random internet strangers!) but that’s how you get merit points… something I wish that lady at the cart could have told me when I was trying to figure out wtf she was all about.

3. Pay attention to the shopkeepers’ side quests. That’s how their inventory gets better.

4. Remember to stay on top of the farmer and his crops. It is absolutely worth the trouble to get him to grow your materials for you.

5. Check the board in the professor’s office once in awhile. You get no indication there’s new quests there unless you are already in the building for some reason.

6. You can get eevee right at the beginning of the game if you go left out of the first base camp and hang out in that field. The moss stone to get a leafeon is in the south of the first area so you can get your first eevee evolution early on. I’ve seen a lot of people say the spawn rate here is bad but I see them all the time so YMMV.

7. You cannot swim. The game doesn’t try to stop you, but you will die and it will suck.

8. You take fall damage. But not as much as you think So yeet yourself off that cliff. Really, what could happen?

9. You aren’t getting out of crafting in this game. Sorry.

10. We finally have a game where status effect moves are worth having! When you’re trying to catch that alpha and it has a sliver of health and it still won’t get in the fucking pokeball… a solid paralyze or drowsy just might make the difference.

11. Oh, btw, if you’re brand new at this… don’t get too excited when you find that red eyed demon rapidash in the field off to the left of the first base camp. If you get too close he will murder you and he won’t even feel bad about it. That’s an alpha. They are bonkers strong. I don’t know why none of your new coworkers thought to mention that.

12. You have to turn in your research notes. This isn’t something that I missed doing but my husband was wandering around for a loooong time before he realized that’s why he wasn’t making any progress.

13. Some of the sidequests are really vague about what they want from you. Just google it. “I need a pokemon with three leaves on my head”. Bitch, I have so many pokemon with so many leaves, you are going to have to be more specific than that!

14. Check out your map. That’s where you can track your missions and requests. Took me forever to find it.

15. That deer is going to get you killed so so often. Controlling him is like drunk driving a pogo stick that has a turbo button where the dismount button should be.


I want to go to this exact point and run around it saying “I’m in Sweden!” I’m in Finland!” “I’m in Norway!” until I get tired

i aspire to great things in life


According to Google Maps, that point is in the middle of a small lake.


So we’ll do it in January when it’s frozen.

actually that’s why they’ve helpfully dropped a big-ass cement block with a bridge surrounding it in the middle of the lake: for the express purpose of doing what OP aspires to do


there’s so much beauty in the world.


We played a game where we pretended to be bigger and bigger monsters.

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