
Curious me


somehow alive into adulthood, she/her. Awkward in a not so adorable way. I am prone to say and do the wrong thing without knowing it. Always one break down from jumping off a bridge! Here we go.

reblog the money pigeon for a financially stable future

ATLA: Zuko and his dual swords

I love watching how effortless it is for Zuko to wield the dual swords - he looks so balanced when he’s using them.

None of that emotional crap he has towards firebending - he’s calm, confident and composed. It’s like a whole another person.

I always felt like dual swords was something that was just his. No one else in his family uses weapons. Zuko pursued mastery in private, was allowed to develop his skills normally, with a patient teacher in piandao and no heavy trauma associated with swords.

He is like a different person using them.


white people go like “is anyone going to redesign this nonhuman evil character as a poc?” and not wait for an answer

white people go “is anyone going to redesign this nonhuman good character as a white person?” and not wait for an answer

white people can rb but please do not clown

white people really cant give a shit abt anyone but themselves unless held at gunpoint or smth huh?

“what about the poor little white kids just trying to have fun?” what about the poor little kids of color made to feel unsafe and unwelcome in a space that was supposed to be fun?

“why can’t poc just make their own redesigns and we can keep these ones” why cant you realize that your actions have consequences and that you should maybe try to not enforce racist stereotypes??

like ofc its ideal to have VARIETY among both villains AND protagonists, its when your characters look like this

that the issue arises

scratch “can”, white people are encouraged to reblog

Everyone should read this


[image description: a digital drawing of six stick characters. the three at the top are white and are labeled “good guys.” the three at the bottom are brown and are labeled “bad guys.” end description]

If your children are “having fun” villainizing a skin color, maybe the problem isn’t POC having a problem with it. It MIGHT be, just MIGHT be, the way you have taught your children.


this is from the 2000's btw

Hey friends! Does this post look like this to you now?

This is how it looked before

Since tunglr dot hell loooooves to hide behind "protect the kids" speech, I take this little cartoon didn't sit well with them 🤔

[Image one: "This content has been removed for violating Tumblr's Community Guidelines." Image two: Screencap of the post with the original image removed for "violating Tumblr's Community Guidelines". Image three: The cartoon that was removed for "violating Tumblr's Community Guidelines": Uncle Sam and/or some other Good, Patriotic American has taken a package to a wrapping counter; the package is labeled, "US Gov't, Control of Internet Speech". The wrapper asks, "How would you like this wrapped?" Two wrapping paper options are available behind them: The Anti-Terrorism paper, with USA flags and stars on it, and the Protect Kids paper, with cute bunnies, flowers, kitties, suns, and smiley faces on it. Caption reads, "Cartoon: Control of Internet Speech. By: John Jonik." End IDs.]

Image descriptions: Really fantastic for letting people who rely on screenreaders understand the contents of any given post, but also potentially useful for when censorship rears its ugly head.


also attractiveness in the modern age is determined by looking perfect for images but not any allure or personality. remember when people were weird looking but attractive bc they were confident and had sex appeal and it didnt matter that their faces were not symmetrical


Anybody else got that Evergiven sized writers block

“Where’s the next chapter?!” Well buddy you’re never gonna guess


What’s the comic sans trick?

In late high school I started writing all my draft essays in comic sans and it SERIOUSLY DOES HELP. My guess is it's somehow related to the fact that it's a dyslexia friendly font, or it's just Changing How You're Looking At It. Also, sometimes writers block(whether that be for fiction or for academic writing) is just Anxiety(it won't be good enough, you'll get a bad grade, etc) and it's really hard to feel nervous when looking at comic sans. But yes, my friends hate beta-ing my wips bc they're always in comic sans.


Have I told you guys about the guitar shaped building I live near that shoots minecraft beacons into the sky every night?

This is what I have to see everytime I walk out side the house


You say that as if that's not the sickest thing ever.

Fucking rules man what are you talking about

This wasn’t really meant as a complaining post but yeah a lot of people who actually live around it don’t like it. It puts on light shows every night and contributes to the light pollution in florida. Plus it attracts rich assholes looking to gamble.


It’s infuriating how so many women were (and still are) discriminated against for being female

she also killed and dissected a rabbit so that her peter rabbit would be as ACCURATE as possible. all the magic of countless children’s childhoods was built upon the bones of a single bunny’s sacrifice. how delightful. how horrific. what necromancer could dream of such impact with a single stroke of their blade.

Posts i want to send to Steven


hello i like you a lot, do you like me too? [ ] yes

[ ] no

ps. ignore the foul homunculus i brought into being to deliver this message, i am a little shy. this is the wizard from spanish class (you know the one)

*marks the paper yes without reading the ps. I am now dating your homunculus*

dear diary,

it fucking happened again.

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