
Hmm... Questionable



finally played the Touchstarved demo by @/redspringstudio, fully expecting to be obsessed with Mhin but then Leander appeared, procured a flower out of magic, held my hand and flashed a charming smile so here we are


Couples receive “parent points”, which they can use to purchase their children. Most parents wait for a few thousand, but you chose to buy the cheaper, 100 point child.

Shane knows what it’s like to be a 100 point child. He knows how it feels to see potential parents–potential families–come through the facilities doors, faces bright with excitement. He knows how it feels to see them reading the little plaques on the nursery doors, scanning the lists there for the right bits of knowledge and etiquette and grace that they want their baby to have.

He knows how it feels to see their faces pinch outside the window before they hurry to the next room.

Shane grew up in a 100 point nursery. They had torn, ratty, books and no teachers, and when snack time came, the tray was pushed through a slat in the door. They were called “unruly” and “damaged” and “stupid.” A lot of the other kids threw tantrums and broke furniture (and sometimes other kids). A lot of the other kids went quiet after the first few years when they realized they’d never be adopted until they were old enough (or pretty enough) to be useful. A lot of the kids cried and didn’t stop until they got taken away or were aged out.

Shane’s grown up a lot since aging out. He put himself through school, got himself a job, shed his 100 points like the torn clothes he’d left the facility in. He’s powerful now, successful, and he’s grown out of the twisted nose, big ears, and gap-toothed smile that had made him one of the less attractive 100 point babies. Or maybe he’s grown into them. Who’s to say?

It’s taken him a long time to get enough Parent Points to do what he wants. Being a man is, for once, somewhat hindering as most of society equates “parental” with “maternal.” He’s lost count of how many social workers have politely hid expressions of surprise when he told them he wanted to adopt stag, that he’s willing to take the classes, get the grades, make the oaths to get even one Parent Point.


@staff are you fucking kidding me right now?! You’re limiting text posts to 100 text blocks (aka paragraphs). What the absolute fuck.

Since you couldn’t take out fanfic writers with the purge so you’re just fucking up formatting for text posts until they leave? Is that your plan?

Would this count as a text block?

100 is a lot unless you write a lot of dialogue.  I wonder if just linking fics on my word press would work because god damn this site is making things difficult.  It’s like they’re trying to have people not use it.

I’m so over this shithole

Does Tumblr just have it out for Fanfic writers? Is the Tumblr staff secretly Anne Rice or something?

FFS you’re joking me?

yeah I noticed this, and I completely hate it lmao because I do write a lot of dialogue and I write small paragraphs for easy readability ): I might have to post everything on AO3 and just link it on here :/


Well, this is the new tea and I hate it.

Gettin’ real tired of your shit, Tumblr.

FUCK YOU @staff

Welp. So this is a thing now.

The title apparently counts as one line since it wouldn’t let me go past 99.

Seriously @staff ????



I tried this on desktop and did not hit a limit. It looks like a limitation of mobile posts.

I didn’t bother going past 543 because ain’t nobody got time for that, but there is no 100 block limit on desktop. You’re just going to have to post your fics on your computer or through your mobile web browser instead of the app.

Please reblog this version of the post so that people don’t totally freak out


Why y’all let me learn this 😂😂


Everything about this is perfect. From the head bob, to the baby scream, to Electric Zoo from spongebob

Modern icon


I present to you Baby Soo, my own emotional support cactus 🌵

This little guy is officially the cutest thing I have ever owned, and I love him to bits.

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