

@moriartystudies / moriartystudies.tumblr.com

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X Files really had it all while still giving me nothing

  • Only one bed
  • Stuck in the rain
  • Lost in the woods
  • Among Us style mystery killer paranoia
  • Fake marriage
  • Kidnapped (every conceivable way possible)
  • Crying over your hospital bed
  • Camping
  • Stranded on an island
  • Stranded in Antarctica
  • Using my clothes to cover/warm you up
  • Terminal illness
  • Quarantined together
  • “I’m keeping your [sentimental item] safe until I get you back”
  • *can’t go 2 hours without calling you*
  • Pizza & movie nights
  • Attending work functions together
  • I went back in time and you were there
  • We have to strip to check each other for ominous skin abnormalities
  • Wrote you love letters
  • New Year’s kiss
  • Spent my holiday on a case with you
  • Cleaning each other’s wounds
  • *wipes your face when you got food on it*
  • Road trip
  • Undercover together
  • Stake outs
  • Instinctually reaches out for you
  • I can recognize you even if I can’t see your face
  • Even brainwashed, I refuse to hurt you
  • Literal soulmates
  • Secret relationship
  • They even gave us goddamned surprise pregnancy
I just think it's funny. I was born a loser, but you're one by choice.

THE X-FILES | 4.20 "Small Potatoes"


This is the Lucky Ace. Reblog to recieve a wad of cash that is oddly specific to your current needs.


I reblogged this shit two days ago y’all… what kinda sorcery is this. Oddly specific too …. I’ll take it tho 🤯

I think I did it wrong

Uh I reblogged this like 3 days ago and I start my new job on Monday??? Like idk how you accidentally find a job but I did.


Giveaway Contest: We’re giving away fifteen vintage paperback classics by Maya Angelou, James Joyce, Jean Rhys, Albert Camus, Shakespeare, and others! Won’t this collection look lovely on your shelf? :D To win these classics, you must: 1) be following macrolit on Tumblr (yes, we will check. :P), and 2) reblog this post. We will choose a random winner on June 30, at which time we’ll start a new giveaway. And yes, we’ll ship to any country. Easy, right? Good luck!


theme parks / fun fairs

der Freizeitpark - the amusement park / theme park

der Jahrmarkt - the fair / funfair die Öffnungszeiten - the opening hours der Eintritt - the entry das Maskottchen - the mascot

Alright, now let’s have some fun!

das Fahrgeschäft - the (fun) ride die Attraktion - the attraction die Achterbahn - the roller coaster das Riesenrad - the big wheel die Wildwasserbahn - the white-water ride / log flume der Autoscooter - the bumper car ride die Rutsche - slide das Spiegelkabinett - the house of mirrors das Labyrinth / der Irrgarten - the labyrinth das Karussell - the carousel / the merry-go-round der Freifallturm - the drop tower die Schießbude - the shooting gallery das Enten-Angeln - duck fishing die Losbude - the lottery ticket stall die Schlittschuhbahn - the ice rink die Schiffschaukel - the swing boat die Geisterbahn - the tunnel of horror / ghost train der Stand - the stand / booth der Musikant - the musician die Schnelligkeit - the velocity

der Spaß - the fun

Want something to eat?

die Zuckerwatte - the cotton candy der kandierte Apfel - the toffee apple / candy apple gebrannte Mandeln (die gebrannten Mandeln) - burnt almonds


Ich hatte heute so viel Spaß! - I had so much fun today!

Es war einfach magisch. - It was simply magical.

Die Kinder möchten wiederkommen. - The children want to return.


Frankenstein vocab

So I recently read Frankenstein in German and i thought I’d make a vocab list of some of the words i came across whilst reading. 


der Adel - nobility der Blitz (Blitze) - lightening der Dämon (Dämonen) - demon der Donner - thunder das Elend - misery die Entdeckung (Entdeckungen) - discovery die Finsternis - darkness die Genesung (Genesungen) - convalescence das Geschöpf (Geschöpfe) - creature der Gräuel - abomination der Hügel (Hügeln) - hill die Kajüte ( Kajüten) - cabin (in a boat) die Kreatur (Kreaturen) - creature die Lawine (Lawinen) - avalanche der Matrose - sailor der Müßiggang - idleness der Peiniger - tormentor die Reise (Reisen) - trip der Schar­lach - scarlet fever das Scheusal - beast, monster, zombie die Schmach - disgrace die Schurkerei (Schurkereien) - villainy das Tal (Täler) - valley das Unwetter - storm die Verzagtheit (Verzagtheiten) - despondency das Wrack - wreck die Zier - ornament


entrinnen - to escape sich über etw. grämen - to grieve over sth etw. hegen - to cherish sth krönen - to crown etw. verrichten - to perform/exicute sth


entsetzlich - terrible mannigfaltig - varied merkwürdig - peculiar (un)gezähmt - (un)tamed verödet - deserted

Please let me know of you spot any mistakes.


I live in two worlds. One is a world of books. I’ve been a resident of Faulkner’s Yoknapatawpha County, hunted the white whale aboard the Pequod, fought alongside Napoleon, sailed a raft with Huck and Jim, committed absurdities with Ignatius J. Reilly, rode a sad train with Anna Karenina, and strolled down Swann’s Way. It’s a rewarding world. 

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