“good afternoon, good evening and good night„


nathan | he/him | I exist sometimes

Eurovision is the absolute easiest thing in the world to boycott. It's not food owned by one of 5 food conglomerates. It's not tech that corporations have made essential. There's no "support the devs" logic to be even considered. It's literally just noise that is forgotten in a week.

This year it's noise that will be forgotten in a week that is actively supporting one state that's committing genocide to another state they're actively suppressing any discussion about.


[ID: A drawing of a red kite with white, black and green bows on its tail. The caption says "No amount of propaganda should convince you that some children don't deserve to grow up. End ID]


This elderly woman was one of the leaders of demonstrations against the Vietnam War in 1968, when she was a student at Columbia University. Today, 56 years later, she returns to the same place and says, "Palestine must be free."


in the past 48 hours kendrick lamar has:

  • used a picture, apparently taken inside of drake's house, showing various medications including ozempic (which drake has dissed other people for taking!) prescribed under drake's legal name, as cover art for a single
  • implied that members of drake's entourage are acting as his informants
  • claimed he would be a better role model to adonis, drake's son whose existence was publicized via a previous rap beef, than drake is
  • claimed that drake also has an eleven-year old daughter that he's been hiding, and likely other illegitimate children
  • claimed that drake and his entourage are part of a sex trafficking ring
  • said drake should die so women can be safe
  • called drake a colonizer who appropriates black american culture
  • directly called drake and his entourage pedophiles

i don't smoke for the obvious reasons of not wanting to develop an addiction to nicotine but god do i so often feel the emotion 'i need a cigarette'.

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