
New York I love you, but you're bringin me down.


Like a rat in a cage. Pulling minimum wage. Icon by @cricket-farmer

Acting like the crows won’t try to cheat the system.

Acting like the crows won’t snatch cigarettes outta people’s mouths.

Acting like murders won’t fight viciously for terf.

If they cheat the system then they earned it.

Crows reduce the rates of lung cancer by aggressively nabbing cigarettes, news at 11.

fuck it let’s just have public health policy via crows


I’ve been a changed person since I found out that all of Santa’s reindeer are gals

they’re wHAT NOW

gals, theY’RE GALS

male reindeer shed their antlers at the end of mating season (early December), while females keep theirs during the winter

and what do Santa’s reindeer have?


You've just ruined the christmas economy for furries, it's now a HELLSCAPE.

Anonymous asked:

How fucking stupid are you? KFC is American, Kentucky Fried Chicken. Why the fuck would eating food from an American restaurant be appropriating Japanese culture you stupid braindead fuck.

For those of you in the audience who don’t get it; some Japanese eat KFC for Christmas dinner. It’s kind of a big deal. OneMV asked if it would be appropriation if he did it, the joke being that he would be “appropriating” something the Japanese appropriated in the first place.

This anon didn’t get the joke.


Some sample pages from Andrew Loomis’s series on how to draw comics, 1939-1961, concerning perspective and composition. (The changes in font and layout stem from the fact the pages come from different prints.)

I tried to collect the most useful pages, but of course I’m limited to only 10 images per post.

This is a follow-up of sorts of the Disney “how to draw comics” handouts I posted earlier, and which can be found HERE.


I feel like if you even mention a woman in your jokes on here people get up in arms. Like no sheryl it isn't an afront to feminism it's a fucking meme calm your tits.

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