
Minnie Boo


Honestly I don't fucking know what I am doing anymore but aye y'all still here.
Letters to Adam I

Dear Adam,

You were a figment

crafted from my dreamy eyes

a new color

or a pigment

none other than you


and Adam, my dear

I'm wary

of the swell you caused my mind

with the curl of your left hand

writing the striped canvas before you

every time I held my breath

I became invisible

paused by curiosity of what a hand


and I ached

to become the surface below you

so I washed away the memories

with tears and sorrow

swollen anger

in my ovaries

and I drafted the fantasy

in the form of a drug

like the one you fed me

with your smile

and your eyes

too much

but it was just a lie

it was all a void

I couldn't touch


im so obsessed with saving others,

while im dangerously standing on the ledge,

im afraid of the height,

but weird how im always looking down

wondering will that be painful to jump

compared to the pain im feeling inside,



Sometimes I wish I could stop time, or stop living, fall asleep and wake up only when you’re mine to think about, mine to dream about again.

I cannot escape reality, not even in my dreams, so I wait for the day the pain will lessen, when I finally will stop feeling that spike through my chest at the thought of you marrying her.

“You have left me in disarray. You have left my soul distorted, and my heart in shambles. Yet, here I am, still hoping, still waiting. Waiting for the impossible, waiting for your return.”

William Frost // Until Your Return

You meant more to me than you ever meant to anyone. I painted you an entire world with my tears, imagining what it would be like to be loved by you in the way that I love you. You know in this stupid, senseless kind of way. In that way only I will ever admit to myself. My endless love.
Somewhere along the way, when we danced to some stupid song at 2 am, you looked at me with those pretty brown eyes and fuck how scared I was to lose you, I wonder if she thinks the same when you dance with her

You meant something, you mean something, do i mean anything?


Looking at this makes me so tired.

Every year, multiple times a year, they convince ppl to fork out thousands of dollars and….literally nothing changes. There’s no doubt in my mind they’re pocketing most of this money lol


That’s what’s so wild to me. They’ve made exactly 0 changes other than adding the ‘Exclude’ tags and that def doesn’t take 130k.

You know if any of you actually bothered to click the link it’ll take you to their budget update and break down exactly what the spend the money on, over 70% of which is spent on server expenses, monitoring tools and system licences.

They also spent a good amount of the rest of the 30% budget on significant server overhaul costs. 

AO3 is literally a service you get for free and the audacity you’d have to not bother reading the very open budget plan they have, but to then bitch and whine about people donating to keep the site running is wild. 

reminder that AO3 

  • hosts millions and millions of fanfiction at no cost to site users
  • hosts millions and millions user accounts at no cost to site users
  • is an extremely high traffic site that rarely, if ever, experiences crashes
  • is an extremely high traffic site that could profit immensely off ads, but keeps the entire site free of ads
  • maintains a consistent and elaborate tagging system that allows users easy navigation through fanworks
  • maintains a simple layout structure so the entire site is easy to read, easy to navigate, and easy to understand making it highly accessible to users – especially disabled users
  • maintains and updates the budget for users to know exactly where their donations are going to be used in the future and have been used in the past
  • works with the legal aspects of fanworks in order to keep their site and their users completely legal, and therefore not at risk of being shut down, or sued, or manipulated by large media/companies
  • works with users when it comes to decision making, includes members in voting processes, etc.
  • literally hosts millions of fanfiction at no cost whatsoever and doesn’t subject you to ads, honestly those are the only two points you need but the other ones are there to show how much they’re doing 
  • y’all need to appreciate that – donations are completely optional and if you don’t want to donate then don’t, but spreading posts about how Archive doesn’t do anything for anyone and doesn’t do anything with all this money they’re getting is completely unnecessary and outright false.
  • anyway, donate to Archive of Our Own

1.569.000 users

by asking for 130k dollar 2-3 times a year, that means they ask each account holding user for about 0,08 dollar 2-3 times a year -> 0,25 dollar altogether. this doesn’t even factor in the millions of users who don’t have an account but visit ao3, cos if they pitch in as well, it’ll be even less for everyone who enjoys the access ao3 provides to 4.000.000 fanworks and to create more every day!

queerlyalex above has already listed all or most of the terrific services ao3 provides, but right now the legal advocacy efforts they maintain cannot be emphasized enough: european copyright reform article 13 anyone? same for canada and australia? or fighting for net neutrality since 2014?

so yeah you fucking bet i send them at least 50bucks or more a year for all of that. and if out of the 130k they use my 50 bucks to buy themselves some coffee for all the work hours they dedicate to ao3 running as smoothly as it does, keeping it free of harassment and adds without selling my data for it, and fighting for fanworks to remain accessible for everyone now and in future, then be my guest!


Not to mention vowing to help Chinese users still desperately trying to find a place that won’t sell out to the morality police.

Entitlement and stupidity are drugs and hating on one of the few sites that isn’t selling your info to China is a symptom 


me? letting an entire fic play out in my head from beginning to end and not writing a single thing down, thus forever sealing it in my brain as a self-indulgent relic that will never see the light of day?? 

it’s exactly as likely as you think

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